search for: yourcommand

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "yourcommand".

2007 Sep 20
Cutting & pasting help examples into script window
Hi All, When I cut & paste help file examples into a script window, about half the time it pastes as a single long line. The steps I follow are: 1. Open a help file e.g. ?data.frame. 2. Select the examples at the bottom. 3. Choose File: Copy. 4. Return to the console. 5. Choose File: New script. 6. Choose File: Paste or do CTRL-V. The examples frequently paste as a single long line. I
2004 Mar 17
list of files at the rsync destination
What is the best way to get the list of filenames being transferred to the destination -- from the destination side? We are not running in daemon mode. We'd like to run a command on each file on the destination after the file has completed rsync-ing. Thanks -- Shan
2013 Jan 24
rsync parameters errors
In my new bash script, I'm doing what I think is a very simple rsync command the way I'm used to doing it. I just do a lot of setup and checking before I get to it. When I run it, it gets very unhappy with me. It's probably something very simple. I need to build the rsync command in a string so that some things can go away - like if my variables DRY_RUN and DELETE are undefined,