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2020 Feb 19
Pregunta sobre rLandsat
Hola grupo, estoy siguiendo una gu?a de la librer?a rLandsat que me la he descargado de: devtools::install_github("socialcopsdev/rLandsat") Y tras hacer los siguiente (obviamente tengo me he registrado previamente en la api correspondiente): product_id = c("LC08_L1TP_145049_20180301_20180308_01_T1", "LC08_L1TP_145049_20170330_20170414_01_T1",
2020 Feb 20
Pregunta sobre rLandsat
...r pero cuando visualizo en un SIG me dice que no tiene referencia espacial y el tama?o de pixel es de 29.9 y no de 30 como originalmente era y eso mete ruido al modelo que estoy generando. Alguien me podr?a ayudar? > > > xmn=min(table_2[,1]); xmx=max(table_2[,1]) > ymn=min(table_2[,2]); ymx=max(table_2[,2]) > > b <- data.frame(cbind(table_2$x, table_2$y)) > coordinates(b) = ~X1 + X2 > > proj4string(b) <-CRS("+proj=utm +zone=14 +datum=WGS84") > b1 <- spTransform(b,CRS("+proj=longlat")) > data3 <- table_2 > data3$long <- b1$X1...
2012 Oct 29
How can I map numbers to colours with raster?
...ow can I map numbers to colours with raster? Please require(raster) conne <- file("C:\\lai.bin", "rb") sd<- readBin(conne, integer(), size=1, n=360*720, signed=F) y<-t(matrix((data=sd), ncol=360, nrow=720)) r = raster(y) extent(r) = extent(c(xmn=-180,xmx=180,ymn=-90,ymx=90)) plot(r) -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2006 Jan 10
standardized residuals (rstandard & plot.lm) (PR#8468)
This bug is not quite fixed - the example from my original report now = works using R-2.2.1, but plot(Uniform, 6) does not. The bug is due to if (show[6]) { ymx <- max(cook, na.rm =3D TRUE) * 1.025 g <- hatval/(1 - hatval) # Potential division by zero here # plot(g, cook, xlim =3D c(0, max(g)), ylim =3D c(0, ymx),=20 main =3D main, xlab =3D "Leverage", ylab =3D "Cook's distance",= =20 xa...
2012 Feb 28
colour by z value, persp in raster package
Hi all!   My question is how to colour pixels by z value in persp plot in raster package. Here is an example:     x <- seq(-1.95, 1.95, length = 30) y <- seq(-1.95, 1.95, length = 35) z <- outer(x, y, function(a,b) a*b^2) r1 <- raster(nrows=35, ncols=30, xmn=0, xmx=30, ymn = 0, ymx = 35) r1[] <- c(z) persp(r1)   There already exist some function to produce persp plot for anothe classes, but I have no idea how deal with RasterLayer object.   Thanks all!   OV [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Apr 23
Enhanced version of plot.lm()
...tabsr, ...) if (one.fig) title(sub = sub.caption, ...) mtext(caption[3], 3, 0.25) if (id.n > 0)[], sqrtabsr[],, adj.x = TRUE) } if (show[4]) { if (id.n > 0) { show.r <- order(-cook)[iid] ymx <- cook[show.r[1]] * 1.075 } else ymx <- max(cook) plot(cook, type = "h", ylim = c(0, ymx), main = main, xlab = "Obs. number", ylab = "Cook's distance", ...) if (one.fig) title(sub = sub.caption, ...) mtext(caption[4]...
2012 Aug 08
Adjusting coordinates in raster plots
Dear R-Help, When plotting a raster object the origin (0,0) is placed in the center. E.g. using: library(raster) mat = matrix(runif(100),10,10) r <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10) values(r) <- mat plot(r, main='Raster example',xlab="x",ylab="y") Does anyone know how to adjust the coordinate system? E.g. I would like to have 0,0 at the top left. My naive approach
2003 Aug 28
Cook-distance-type plot (vertical bars)
Hi, Figure 13 of Emmanuel Paradis's "R for Beginners" was produced by termplot working on an aov object. The lower right-hand plot is labelled "Cook's distance plot", and I'd really like to produce a similar type of figure, but in a totally different context. (I'm not even sure what this kind of figure is called, perhaps an "impulse plot", where