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2010 Feb 12
Average of a variable against another.
Dear helpers, FYI, I am a beginner of R, just have dealt with MATLAB or JAVA. I want to know how to solve one problem given 4 variables: year_1, year_2, tall_1, tall_2. The tall_1 is measured at year_1 and tall_2 at year_2. The tall has grown up such as uniformly 1 cm/yr. The data is like year_1 year_2 tall_1 tall_2 2007 2010 12 15 1999 2009 6 16 2003 2005 11 13 2002 2009 3 10 . . . . . ....
2010 Aug 20
Shifting of Principal amount while calculating Present Value
...ate = read.csv('zero_rate_table.csv') zero_rate1 = zero_rate[, -1] cash_flow = c(7, 7, 107) t = c(1,2,3) PV_table = cash_flow / (1+zero_rate1/100)^t ## Then using rowSums, I should get the required result. However, I am getting following output as > PV_table         year_1        year_2       year_3 [1,]  6.756757     6.45078      93.147342 [2,]  6.515675   94.521493      6.680664 [3,] 95.895064    6.710123      6.357680 [4,]   6.724304   6.389305     91.773536 rowSums(PV_table) gives [1] 106.35489 107.71783 108.96287 104.88714. Thus, the result is correct only in first case....
2013 Apr 30
Line similarity
...tfire, there is a procedure called "line similarity". I use this to determine which observations show a growing, stable or declining pattern... sort of like a mini-regression on the time-line for each observation. So of the input is something like this: Name Year_1_value Year_2_value Year_3_value A 1 2 3 B 2 7 19 C 3 4 2 D 10 7 6 E 4 4 5 F NA 3 6 Then the desired output is as follows: A Growing B Growing C Stable D Declining E Stable F Growing (or NA is also fine) The data can also be unstacked, i.e. the three years could be separate rows if necessary....