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2004 Sep 11
...t(Sigma_xy). The resulting eigenvalues were the same as the squared values of cancor$cor. I have normalized the resulting eigenvectors, the a's with sqrt(a'%*%Sigma_xx%*%t(a)), and similarly the b's with sqrt(b'%*%Sigma_yy%*%t(b)). The results differed considerably from xcoef and ycoef of the cancor. I thought then, maybe these coefficients are structural coefficients and therefore I multiplied them, the a's with a%*%Sigma_xx, and the b's with b%*%Sigma_yy, but the results are nevertheless far from those of the cancor. Now, I really don't know any more, how to inter...
2001 Jun 11
Additional output in cancor
...might be situations where it was less than this, so I guess the safe option would be to include rank = qr(t(x) %*% y)$rank among the outputs. Then the last four lines of the help might be amended to rk <- cxy$rank all.equal(cor(x %*% cxy$xcoef[, 1:rk, drop=FALSE], y %*% cxy$ycoef[, 1:rk, drop=FALSE]), diag(cxy$cor)) all.equal(cor(x %*% cxy$xcoef[, 1:rk, drop=FALSE]), diag(1, rk)) all.equal(cor(y %*% cxy$ycoef[, 1:rk, drop=FALSE]), diag(1, rk)) which I think is more intuitive. More radically, the xcoef and ycoef components of cancor might themselves be restricted...
2002 Dec 04
Interpreting canonical correlation (cancor) results
...[,5] [1,] -0.0118794 0.0305097 -0.058891 -0.0601489 0.029186 [2,] -0.0350698 0.0163593 0.086743 0.0642735 0.100922 [3,] 0.1228351 0.0035069 -0.061669 -0.0019221 0.047723 [4,] -0.0461149 0.0186040 0.057543 -0.0649049 -0.132400 [5,] -0.0021663 -0.0624439 0.071591 -0.0457682 0.029516 $ycoef [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [1,] -0.018006 -0.074138 -0.038670 0.0072364 0.082370 [2,] -0.293414 -0.176453 -0.015322 -0.0111357 -0.072555 [3,] 0.179000 0.048471 -0.103974 0.3313531 -0.049797 [4,] -0.126606 -0.088371 0.214449 -0.2998246 0.063524 [5,] 0.133073 0....
2003 Mar 27
Plot of Canonical Correlation Analysis
Dear all, I didn't find any graphical solution in the package "mva" to plot the canonical scores from a CCA (canonical correlation analysis). Does anybody knows how to plot or has anybody already programmed : - the map of the canonical scores, - the graph of the canonical weights, - the correlation circle i.e. the canonical loadings ? Thank you for help ...
2003 Apr 24
R-1.7.0 build feedback: NetBSD 1.6 (PR#2837)
R-1.7.0 built on NetBSD 1.6, but the validation test suite failed: Machinetype: Intel Pentium III (600 MHz); NetBSD 1.6 (GENERIC) Remote gcc version: gcc (GCC) 3.2.2 Remote g++ version: g++ (GCC) 3.2.2 Configure environment: CC=gcc CXX=g++ LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib make[5]: Entering directory `/local/build/R-1.7.0/src/library' >>> Building/Updating