Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60 matches for "y_t".
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2007 May 08
statistics/correlation question NOT R question
This is not an R question but if anyone can help me, it's much
Suppose I have a series ( stationary ) y_t and a series x_t ( stationary
)and x_t has variance sigma^2_x and epsilon is normal
(0, sigma^2_epsilon )
and the two series have the relation
y_t = Beta*x_t + epsilon
My question is if there are particular values that sigma^2_x and
sigma^2_epsilon have to take in order for corr(x_t,y_t) t...
2000 Sep 22
what do you do for 2SLS or 3SLS
For 2 or 3 stage least squares, what do you R folks do?
Follow-up question. My student wants to estimate this. 2 variables are
governed by a system of difference equations. His theory is like so.
Y_t and X_t are
state variables, we want estimates for a, g, b, and h.
X_(t+1) = 1 + a X_t + (a/K)* (X_t)^2 - g Y_t X_t
Y_(t+1) = b Y_t + h* X_t * Y_t
K is perhaps something to estimate, but it seems as though somebody has
a formula we can use to calculate it from data and people just want to
2008 Mar 26
recursive multivariate filter with time-varying coefficients
I've been searching CRAN and the web for a recursive multivariate
filter with time-varying coefficients.
What I mean is the following:
I have a series of square matrices A_t
an initial value vector y_0
and I need to compute
y_t =A_t%*%y_t-1
As these y_t may diverge quickly and/or lead to underflow problems,
the y_t need to be scaled by eg
y_t =y_t/sum(y_t-1)
Is anyone aware whether this has been implemented somewhere?
Best, Ingmar
2008 Sep 10
arima and xreg
...of output data) number of rows.. So in fact I can let the
different columns of xreg to actually be the different input time
series I need!
Is anyone familiar in how arima with xreg as given estimate models? ..
how is the model assumed?
supposing I write :
arima(y, xreg=U, order=c(3,0,2))
how is y_t calculated? (supposing U has 2 columns, with U[1] being
first column and U[2] second column)
is it
y_t = theta_(t-1)y_t-1 + .... + theta_t-3 y_t-3 + intercept + U[1]_t +
psi[1]_t-1 U[1]_t-1 + psi[1]_t-2 U[1]_t-2 + ....+ psi[2]U[2]_t-2 +
e_t + phi_t-1 e_t-1 + phi_t-2 e_t-2
e_t .. etc. are th...
2006 Oct 23
likelihood question not so related to R but probably requires the use of R
I have a question and it's only relation to R is that I probably need R
after I understand what to do.
Both models are delta y_t = Beta + epslion
and suppose I have a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis
H_0 : delta y_t = zero + epsilon epsilon is normal ( 0,
sigmazero^2 )
H_1 delta y_t = beta + epsilon epsilon is normal (
sigmabeta^2 )
2007 May 21
Sample correlation coefficient question NOT R question
This is a statistics question not an R question. When calculating the
sample correlation coefficient cor(x_t,y_t) between say
two variables, x_t and y_t t=1,.....n ( one can assume that the
variables are in time but I don't think this really matters
for the question ), does someone know where I can find any piece of
literature that says that each (x_j,y_j) pair has
To be independent from the other (x_i,y_...
2004 Jan 14
How can I test if time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
Ok I made Jarque-Bera test to the residuals (merv.reg$residual)
X-squared = 1772.369, df = 2, p-value = < 2.2e-16
And I reject the null hypotesis (H0: merv.reg$residual are normally
So I know that:
1 - merv.reg$residual aren't independently distributed (Box-Ljung test)
2 - merv.reg$residual aren't indentically
2012 Jul 28
quantreg Wald-Test
...do not know how to tell
R what I want it to do^^
My situation is as follows: I have a data set containing a (dependent)
vector Y and the regressor X. My aim is to check whether the two variables
do not granger-cause each other in quantiles. I started to compute via
quantreg for a single tau:= q:
This gives me the quantile regression coefficients. Now I want to check
whether all the coefficients of X are equal to zero (for this specific tau).
Can I do this by applying rq.anova ? I have already asked a similiar
question but I am not sure if ano...
2008 Dec 22
AR(2) coefficient interpretation
I am a beginner in using R and I need help in the interpretation of AR result
by R. I used 12 observations for my AR(2) model and it turned out the
intercept showed 5.23 while first and second AR coefficients showed 0.40 and
0.46. It is because my raw data are in million so it seems the intercept is
too small and it doesn't make sense. Did i make any mistake in my code? My
code is as follows:
2000 Apr 04
stochastic process transition probabilities estimation
...Shurly I can try to implement an external
function and use it with R, but this probably wouldn't be as simple as
to write the code in R itself.
An idea should be to use R in a "multivariate" fashion: if I can get
factors of a multivariate random variable, I can build a random vector
Y_t using X_t, and its lags: Y_t = [ X_t, X_{t-l_1}, X_{t-l_2}, ...,
X_{t-l_k} ], and taking the factors of Y_t and of its margin without
the first component I think I'm done. Unfortunately, factor, sort,
unique all work only with univariate data.
Any other suggestion will be very appreciated......
2005 Mar 05
How to use "lag"?
Is it possible to fit a lagged regression, "y[t]=b0+b1*x[t-1]+e",
using the function "lag"? If so, how? If not, of what use is the
function "lag"? I get the same answer from y~x as y~lag(x), whether
using lm or arima. I found it using y~c(NA, x[-length(x)])). Consider
the following:
> set.seed(1)
> x <- rep(c(rep(0, 4), 9), len=9)
> y <-
2011 Dec 01
Estimation of AR(1) Model with Markov Switching
Dear R users,
I have been trying to obtain the MLE of the following model
state 0: y_t = 2 + 0.5 * y_{t-1} + e_t
state 1: y_t = 0.5 + 0.9 * y_{t-1} + e_t
where e_t ~ iidN(0,1)
transition probability between states is 0.2
I've generated some fake data and tried to estimate the parameters using the
constrOptim() function but I can't get sensible answers using it. I've tr...
2013 Jan 11
Manual two-way demeaning of unbalanced panel data (Wansbeek/Kapteyn transformation)
2009 Nov 02
AR Simulation with non-normal innovations - Correct
Dear Users,
I would like to simulate an AR(1) (y_t=ct1+y_t-1+e_t) model in R where the innovations are supposed to follow a t-GARCH(1,1) proccess.
By t-GARCH I want to mean that:
e_t=n_t*sqrt(h_t) and
where n_t is a random variable with t-Student distribution.
If someone could give some guidelines, I can going develo...
2008 Sep 10
FW: RE: arima and xreg
...et the
> different columns of xreg to actually be the different input time
> series I need!
> Is anyone familiar in how arima with xreg as given estimate models? ..
> how is the model assumed?
> supposing I write :
> arima(y, xreg=U, order=c(3,0,2))
> how is y_t calculated? (supposing U has 2 columns, with U[1] being
> first column and U[2] second column)
> is it
> y_t = theta_(t-1)y_t-1 + .... + theta_t-3 y_t-3 + intercept + U[1]_t +
> psi[1]_t-1 U[1]_t-1 + psi[1]_t-2 U[1]_t-2 + ....+ psi[2]U[2]_t-2 +
> e_t + phi_t-1 e_t-1 + phi_...
2013 Jun 17
Invert a positive definite symmetric Block Toeplitz Matrix
...nverse of a Toeplitz matrix. I am looking for a so to say
"multivariate" version of that. I found the Block Levinson algorithm in
Matlab, but didn't find any version of it in R.
My problem is part of a bigger problem, which is first computing the
log-likelihood of the observations Y_T=(Y_1, ..., Y_T) of an
n-dimensional time-series (Y_t) and second, finding an approximation of
the MLE by using e.g. the BFGS algorithm.
As this algorithm does not function properly (no convergence), I thought
that maybe the inversion of the big covariance matrix EY_T Y_T' may be a
source a...
2002 Apr 09
Restricted Least Squares
I need help regarding estimating a linear model where restrictions are imposed on the coefficients. An example is as follows:
Y_{t+2}=a1Y_{t+1} + a2 Y_t + b x_t + e_t
a1+ a2 =1
Is there a function or a package that can estimate the coefficient of a model like this? I want to estimate the coefficients rather than test them.
Thank you for your help
Ahmad Abu Hammour
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2011 Nov 12
State space model
I'm trying to estimate the parameters of a state space model of the
following form
measurement eq:
z_t = a + b*y_t + eps_t
transition eq
y_t+h = (I -exp(-hL))theta + exp(-hL)y_t+ eta_{t+h}.
The problem is that the distribution of the innovations of the transition
equation depend on the previous value of the state variable.
To be exact: y_t|y_{t-1} ~N(mu, Q_t) where Q is a diagonal matrix with
elements equal...
2011 Nov 27
generating a vector of y_t = \sum_{i = 1}^t (alpha^i * x_{t - i + 1})
Dear R-help,
I have been trying really hard to generate the following vector given
the data (x) and parameter (alpha) efficiently.
Let y be the output list, the aim is to produce the the following
vector(y) with at least half the time used by the loop example below.
y[1] = alpha * x[1]
y[2] = alpha^2 * x[1] + alpha * x[2]
y[3] = alpha^3 * x[1] + alpha^2 * x[2] + alpha * x[3]
below are
2003 May 07
assessing goodness of variance prediction
Dear R-Helpers,
I am looking for ways to assess quality of a predictor of variance of a
random variable. Here a two related, but yet distinct, setups.
1. I observe y_t, t=1,...,T which is normally distributed with unknown
variance v_t (note that the variance is time-dependent). I have two
"predictors" for v_t, dubbed v1_t and v2_t, and I want to tell which
predictor is better. Here better is to be defined, but intuitively it is
thought to be analogous t...