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2008 Oct 27
Problem with script
...inside a map of the american continent,
and then plot it, it?s suppose that every frame gives you the evolution
of the program but at some point it stops
with the weirdest of the errors I?ve ever seen in R, I don?t even have a
line like that :-|
Error in if (random_matrix[x_list[random_sq] - 1, y_list[random_sq]] == :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
the script is this:
# ______________
# ----- Define a function for
plotting a matrix ----- #
myImagePlot <- function(x, ...){
min <- min(x)
max <- max(x)
yLabels <- rownames(x)...
2008 Oct 27
Problem with script,
I?m sorry, in my last email I forgot to attach the data I?m using wich
is a matrix of 175x175 filled with 0?s and 1?s
0 is the sea
1 is the continental land
The script is area.r
Thank you very much.
Carlos L?pez
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