search for: xml2r

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2016 Feb 11
inconsistency in treatment of USE.NAMES argument
...These would need to be inspected to understand the consequences of the change. For reference: /AzureML/R/datasets.R:226 /BBmisc/R/toRangeStr.R:33 /DBI/R/DBDriver.R:205 /Kmisc/R/str_rev.R:37 /Matrix/R/diagMatrix.R:98 /MuMIn/R/utils-models.R:110 /OpenMx/R/MxNamespace.R:702 /OrthoPanels/R/opm.R:167 /XML2R/R/utils.R:16 /assertive.base/tests/testthat/test-utils.R:14 /bigrquery/R/utils.r:13 /bold/R/zzz.R:29 /checkmate/R/checkList.r:56 /coin/R/ExactDistributions.R:80 /coin/R/ExactDistributions.R:97 /coin/R/ExactDistributions.R:234 /coin/R/SymmetryTests.R:217 /copula/R/aux-acopula.R:950 /covr/R/data_fram...
2016 Feb 08
inconsistency in treatment of USE.NAMES argument
Hi, Both vapply() and sapply() support the 'USE.NAMES' argument. According to the man page: USE.NAMES: logical; if ?TRUE? and if ?X? is character, use ?X? as ?names? for the result unless it had names already. But if 'X' has names already and 'USE.NAMES' is FALSE, it's not clear what will happen to the names. Are they going to propagate to the result