Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "xgrid".
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2011 Jul 28
xgrid package: Access Apple Xgrid using R
The package xgrid 0.1-11 is now available on CRAN.? The package provides functions to distribute and collate results from
simulation studies and other computationally expensive tasks to
Apple Xgrid clusters from within R.
More specifically, the routines within the package facilitate access to Apple Xgrid clusters (...
2011 Jul 28
xgrid package: Access Apple Xgrid using R
The package xgrid 0.1-11 is now available on CRAN.? The package provides functions to distribute and collate results from
simulation studies and other computationally expensive tasks to
Apple Xgrid clusters from within R.
More specifically, the routines within the package facilitate access to Apple Xgrid clusters (...
2005 Sep 20
Xgird, R, parallel computing
Hi, list,
Sorry if I am bothering you.
I am interested in using xgrid with R for distributed computing. I am using
MacOS X and my R 2.1. 1 is already installed and running. The client
computers are all of the same type and the same version of R has been
installed on them.
We have also set up xgrid on my system and client computers as well.
I am wondering if any one...
2010 Mar 02
Output to sequentially numbered files... also, ideas for running R on Xgrid
I have some code to run on an XGrid cluster. Currently the code is written
as a single, large job... this is no good for trying to run in parallel. To
break it up I have basically taken out the highest level for-loop and am
planning on batch-running many jobs, each one representing an instance of
the removed loop.
However, when it...
2020 Oct 27
R for-loop to add layer to lattice plot
...~ .,
data = trainset,
type = "C-classification",
kernel = "linear",
scale = FALSE)
# generate contour
xmat = make.grid(matrix(c(testset$x, testset$y),
ncol = 2, byrow=FALSE))
xgrid = as.data.frame(xmat)
names(xgrid) = c("x", "y")
z = predict(svm_model, xgrid)
xyz_dat = as.data.frame(cbind(xgrid, z))
plot_list[[i]] = contourplot(z ~ y+x, data=xyz_dat, pretty = TRUE,
xlim=c(-1,50), ylim=c(-0.001, 0.05),...
2008 Jan 25
Using R on XGRID
I have been trying to run R programs on the XGrid but without any
sucess...it would be great help if somebody could give me an
indication/steps as to how to get this running...am using a Mac OSX Leopard
and the xgrid is on a tiger cluster...
thanks very much in advance!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 08
Anyone using or has access to ParallelR? I was looking at the page and
found nothing really useful!
I want to see if I can run R on a cluster of workstation, and use
batch systems like Grid Engine or Xgrid:
2020 Oct 28
R for-loop to add layer to lattice plot
> type = "C-classification",
> kernel = "linear",
> scale = FALSE)
> # generate contour
> xmat = make.grid(matrix(c(testset$x, testset$y),
> ncol = 2, byrow=FALSE))
> xgrid = as.data.frame(xmat)
> names(xgrid) = c("x", "y")
> z = predict(svm_model, xgrid)
> xyz_dat = as.data.frame(cbind(xgrid, z))
> plot_list[[i]] = contourplot(z ~ y+x, data=xyz_dat, pretty = TRUE,
> xlim=c(-1,50), ylim=c(-0.001...
2015 Mar 03
...ssistance in
fixing the problem. Below is my function;
bcidata <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Files_for_Package/data.csv"); bcidata
Modelsfunc<- function(bcidata){
occupancymean.data.frame <- NULL
for (k in seq(2.5,250,by=2.5)){
i <- 1000/k
j <- 500/k
bcidata$Xgrid <- cut(bcidata$PX, breaks = i, include.lowest = T)
bcidata$Ygrid <- cut(bcidata$PY, breaks = j, include.lowest = T)
bcidata$IDgrid <- with(bcidata, interaction(Xgrid,Ygrid))
bcidata$IDNgrid <- factor(bcidata$IDgrid)
levels(bcidata$IDgrid) <- seq_along(levels(bcida...
2007 Sep 24
Root finding problem
...want is to find the root of the
above-mentioned function, for arbitrary values of x, a, and lambda,
and just specifying one value for u as a starting guess. Could anyone
please give me a suggestion of how to do that? Thanks in advance.
In MATLAB I do the following:
function u=tukeysolve(a,lambda,xgrid)
old=0.001; % just a guess
for i=1:length(xgrid)
u(i) = fsolve(@tuki,old,optimset('Display','Off','tolf',5e-8),x,a,lambda);
old=u(i); % use previous value as new start value
function f=tuki(u,x,a,lambda)
f = x - (a * u^lambda...
2005 Oct 31
[R] unvectorized option for outer()
...the similarity to other flexible, not particularly
> optimized
> second-order functions.
> -thomas
I'll toss in my $0.02: The following is my attempt at creating a "general
outer" that works with more than two arguments.
gouter <- function (x, FUN, ...) {
xgrid <- as.list(do.call("expand.grid", x))
names(xgrid) <- NULL
array(do.call(deparse(substitute(FUN)), c(xgrid, list(...))),
dim = sapply(x, length), dimnames = x)
Here's an example:
> example(gouter)
gouter> gouter(list(letters[1:2], 1:3, 2:4), paste, s...
2004 Feb 27
Outer with Three Vectors
outer() is great for avoiding things like:
for (val1 in val1s) {
for (val2 in val2s)) {
x[i,j] <- somefunction(val1, val2)
The same can be obtained with:
outer(val1s, val2s, somefunction)
But what if there are three (or more) sets of values to loop over? Any
way of avoiding the loops then?
Wolfgang Viechtbauer
2009 Nov 22
scatter plot & equation
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2000 Apr 14
Rd2Sd conversion: files (PR#520)
...me="plot.mefista.Rd"; charset=us-ascii
Content-Description: plot.mefista.Rd
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="plot.mefista.Rd"
\title{Plot an object of class mefista.}
%- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here.
\item{mef}{An object of class \code{mefista}.}
\item{draw.style}{Values: 0 - linear, 1 - \code{\link{image}}, 2 -
2008 Jun 17
ggplot facet spacing, wrapping
I'm running into some problems with the spacing of some faceted ggplot plots.
I have a number of time series faceted to be one above another, but the
scale labels of the y axes all clobber each other at the bottom/top of each.
for example, try:
qplot(x, y, data = data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, size = 1:10), facets =
size ~ ., size = size) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10) +
2006 Nov 21
RAID benchmarks
...6 was pretty similar to
raid 5 in the first tests, I assume it will be here too.
I have the full bonnie results if anyone's interested.
I also plan to come up with some basic benchmarks as we start to
actually have dovecot working as we want it to. (Possibly using the macs
in our labs and XGrid as a "client".. finally a use for that thing :) )
Do people have suggestions as to what to test for a primarily IMAP (+ a
little POP) server? I was thinking of doing something similar to
http://www.courier-mta.org/mbox-vs-maildir/ which selects a mail box,
deletes and expunges a messa...
2000 Feb 10
creating a grid of function values
I want to create a grid of function values for use in `contour' or
`persp'. The function is the log-likelihood for the gamma. The
sample is stored as vector of length 20 called `Survival'.
A single evaluation of the log-likelihood at, say, scale = 9 and shape
= 10 would be obtained by
sum(dgamma(Survival, scale = 9, shape = 10, log = TRUE))
(This may work only 0.99.0, I'm not