Displaying 20 results from an estimated 222 matches for "xaxes".
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2004 Mar 19
asp=1 and aspect ratio
Hi everyone
I want a square scatterplot with abline(0,1) going exactly through the
SW and NE corners. By "square" I mean that the plotting region is
exactly square, and that the axis limits are identical.
x <- 1:20
y <- x+rep(c(-1,1),10)
lims <- range(c(x,y))
None of the following do this:
plot(x,y) ; abline(0,1) #not square
plot(x,y,asp=1);abline(0,1) #diagonal
2003 Sep 18
hist will not use parameter xaxs (PR#4219)
Full_Name: Mark Wall
Version: 1.6.0
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
I want to plot a histogram of a *subset* of some data:
>t = c(0:9)
This means I should plot a histogram from 0 to 5 with breaks at 1,2,3,4. This
should produce exactly 5 bars of frequency=1. Instead I get 5 and 1/4 bars. I
do not want the
2009 Sep 25
xaxs disactivated when asp=1 in plots (PR#13971)
Full_Name: Fran?ois Birgand
Version: 2.9.0
OS: windows xp
Submission from: (NULL) (
When I type this sequence:
2012 Jan 08
need help with axis ticks
i am using par(mrow=c(6,6)) function to get 6x6 plots on one screen. the
problem that i am having is that the axis tick labels are far away from the
ticks and going into previous plots (see attached figure). i need to know
how can i reduce the distance between the ticks and their values (y axis
values).the part of the code that i am using (after reading in the data) to
create the top row is:
2009 Jan 05
adding a curve with xaxs="i"
I want the curve to touch the y axis like the curve touches the upper boundary.
How can I eliminate the margin between axis and curve on the left side?
x1 <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
x2 <- c(2,4,6,8,10)
mod <- lm (x2~x1)
hm <- function (x) (mod$coe[1]+x*mod$coe[2])
# ...
curve (hm,lty=1,add=T,xaxs="i",yaxs="i")
(R 2.8.1)
Sensationsangebot verl?ngert: GMX
2013 Apr 12
support for POSIXct classes in image.default axes
Hello, I would like to suggest the following change to image.default in
< plot(NA, NA, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xaxs = xaxs,
> plot(x[1], y[1], xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xaxs = xaxs,
This provides all the support of axis.POSIXt that plot.default gives,
currently the default new plot in
2009 Jun 17
problem with axis alignment when plotting 2 time series on same graph
I am trying to plot 2 time series on the same graph.
For example, X1 is the vector of dates and times, its class is POSIXt. Y1
is an environmental parameter, e.g. salinity. X2 is a second vector of
dates and times, also of class POSIXt. X2 has a different length than
X1, but they have the exact same range. Y2 is another environmental
parameter, e.g. stream flow rate.
My approach is
2008 Mar 09
Calling plot with a formula, from within a function, using ..., and xlim
I ran into a weird, to me at least, problem, and hoping someone can
shed some light into it. In a nutshell, there seems to be some
problem when one calls plot with a formula, from within another
function, using ... to pass arguments, and one of those arguments
being xlim (and only xlim shows this problem). Here is an example:
> plotw <- function(obj,...) {
+ plot(k~j,
2009 May 27
Dear R-community
I have a grueling problem which appears to be impossible to solve:
I want to make a simple plot, here is my code: http://gist.github.com/118550
Unfortunately, the annotation of both the x- and y-axis are not correct, as
you can see in the following picture:
I am not an expert of R, so maybe someone can point me to the solution of
1998 Jan 08
R-beta: Using par(tck=,xaxs=)
I found that par(tck=xx) was ignored and par(xaxs="s") gave an error in
v0.61. I've made the following quick hacks in the code to get these to
function. Please let me know if I'm setting myself up for trouble and...
Thanks for R! ...Steve Oncley (oncley at ucar.edu)
A hack to get par(tck) to work:
2004 Feb 19
suppressing non-integer labels for plot x-axis
Dear R-helpers,
I am having difficulty making R plot only integer labels on the x-axis
of a simple graph. I want to plot the median values of a score on each
of three occasions. Non-integer occasions are impossible. But, R keeps
labelling the x-axis with half-occasions, despite my attempts to stop
this using the "xaxs" and "xaxp" parameters of 'plot'.
2003 Jan 16
Dear R community,
I need to plot the results of some simulations I did using QTL
Cartographer. I am plotting LOD scores over three chromosomes. The three
plot have to be one next to the other.
The procedure I am using is:
plot(x$x, x$y, ylim=c(0,35), type="l", col="blue", las=1, xaxs="i",
yaxs="i", xlab="X Chromosome",
2008 Mar 21
lattice: emulating the par(xaxs="i") behaviour
I tried to emulate the axis interval calculation behaviour of the traditional
graphics system (with par(xaxs="i")) in lattice but couldn't find a flexible
Let's say a have a simple xyplot:
x <- seq(0, 1, 0.01)
xyplot(x^2 ~ x, type="l")
I want to restrict the plotting region to the data range _and_ have axis
labels over the full data range like this:
2010 Feb 19
color graph in multiple plots
I would like to distinguish my plots using colors but I got error message. How do I correct that?
plot(ecdf(z), main ="CDF for observed and simulated weighted sum",type="l",lwd=2,col="blue",
xlab="Weighted sum (mm)", ylab="Cumulative Percent", xlim=c(0,15), xaxs ='i', yaxs ='i',ylim=c(0,1))
2006 Aug 08
parameter yaxs / function hist (graphics)
Dear R users,
The parameters xaxs and yaxs (function par, package graphics)
seem not to work with the function hist (package graphics),
even when the parameters xlim and ylim are defined.
Is there any way to make yaxs="i" and xaxs="i" work properly
with the function hist, mainly to produce histograms that
"touch" the horizontal axis? The R documentation and the
2011 Feb 16
image() with a vector
I have a vectors x and z, for example,
x <- 0:20
z <- round(runif(20,1,7))
y <- 0.5
and I want to display z as an image. However if I then call image() with a vector
then I get the error
Error in image.default(x, y, t(z), zlim =
2006 Mar 13
Newbie error or bug?
I used R for the first time yesterday. I wanted to plot the aliasing
effect of sampling a 5.5KHz sinusoid at only 8KHz (below the Nyquist
limit). So I wrote a small R script that a) plots 1msec worth of a
5.5KHz sin wave b) plots 1msec of the resulting 2.5KHz alias and c)
plots the 8 sampling points on the 5.5KHz source wave. I think I have
found a bug. The script is as follows:
2016 Sep 09
Borrar carácteres extraños /xax
Buenos días,
estoy realizando análisis de texto con Twitter y tengo un problema con unos
carácteres que no logro quitar. Són cadenas de letras con forma similar a
*xaexdfxdeaxoa*. Creo que surgen de la códificación de los emojis.
Yo suelo utilizar, más o menos el siguiente codigo con gsub para limpiar
texto, pero no me sirve
# remove rt
x = gsub("rt", "", x)
# remove at
x =
2010 Nov 22
plot start at origin
Hi r-users,
I would like my axes to intersect at (0,0). I tried xaxs="i",yaxs="i" but it
does not change anything. I hope anybody can help me with this problem. Here
is my code.
hist(datobs, prob=TRUE, main ="PDF of the sum of two
stations",col="yellowgreen", cex.axis=1.2,
xlab="Rainfall (mm)", ylab="Relative frequency", ylim=
2010 Nov 25
overlap cdf plots and add colors and etc
Hi r-users,
I would like to overlap 2 ecdf plots.
I tried this below and it gives me two plots of ecdf but just both just in
par(mar=c(4,4,2,1.2),oma=c(0,0,0,0),xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
Then I try to add colors etc and also the legend but fail.
par(mar=c(4,4,2,1.2),oma=c(0,0,0,0),xaxs="i", yaxs="i")