search for: x4600m2

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "x4600m2".

Did you mean: x4200m2
2007 Mar 19
Opteron 850''s needing a home
Hello to all, I''ve lucked onto a case of Opteron 850''s and hope to try some 4 way and 8 way systems with Xen. Can someone recommend a good 8x or even 4x socket 940 board that will be condusive to a good experience with Xen? This will be only for Paravirtualized guests (3.0.4). My hope is to play more with Xen''s credit scheduler and try some of the arch mixing
2009 Jan 06
zfs list improvements?
To improve the performance of scripts that manipulate zfs snapshots and the zfs snapshot service in perticular there needs to be a way to list all the snapshots for a given object and only the snapshots for that object. There are two RFEs filed that cover this: : ''zfs list'' should have an option to only present direct