search for: wxtextentrydialog

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "wxtextentrydialog".

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2007 Jan 08
[841] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes: Added PasswordEntryDialog
...mon.i" + +%module(directors="1") wxPasswordEntryDialog + +%{ +#include <wx/textdlg.h> +%} + +%import "include/wxObject.h" +%import "include/wxWindow.h" +%import "include/wxEvtHandler.h" +%import "include/wxDialog.h" +%import "include/wxTextEntryDialog.h" + +%include "include/wxPasswordEntryDialog.h" </ins></span></pre></div> <a id="trunkwxruby2swigclassesincludeparentsrb"></a> <div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include/parents.rb (840 =&...
2006 Dec 23
[795] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include/parents.rb: Added missing DatePickerCtrl and TextUrlEvent classes
...lass="cx"> ''wxTextDataObject'' => ''wxDataObjectSimple'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxTextDropTarget'' => ''wxDropTarget'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxTextEntryDialog'' => ''wxDialog'', </span><ins>+ ''wxTextUrlEvent'' => ''wxCommandEvent'', </ins><span class="cx"> ''wxTextValidator'' => ''wxValidator'', </span><span...
2005 May 03
Is wxRuby-SWIG version usable enough to package for download?
If wxRuby-SWIG is as usable as wxRuby 0.6.0, maybe it should be given a version number and packaged up for download. Given the nature of SWIG, having a lot more people use it would probably result in more code contributions to this project. Seems most of the changes are 2+ months old, so I''m guessing wxRuby-SWIG is fairly stable right now in terms of frequency of changes...