search for: wxcontrol

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "wxcontrol".

2006 Mar 30
Patch for wxControl.h
Hello all. This gets past the problem in bigdemo where it won''t start the application at all. That was where it was overflowing the stack on get_label. Roy _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Mar 21
[907] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282: Wx::Control API 2.6 -> 2.8
...8</pre> <h3>Modified Paths</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#brancheswxruby2wxwidgets_282doctextilecontroltxtl">branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/doc/textile/control.txtl</a></li> <li><a href="#brancheswxruby2wxwidgets_282swigclassesincludewxControlh">branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig/classes/include/wxControl.h</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="patch"> <h3>Diff</h3> <a id="brancheswxruby2wxwidgets_282doctextilecontroltxtl"></a> <div class="modfile"&...
2007 Jun 22
[1056] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include/wxToolBar.h: Add missing param to InsertTool long version; uncomment some methods now
...under the MIT-style wxruby2 license </ins><span class="cx"> </span><span class="cx"> #if !defined(_wxToolBar_h_) </span><span class="cx"> #define _wxToolBar_h_ </span><span class="cx"> class wxToolBar : public wxControl </span><span class="cx"> { </span><span class="cx"> public: </span><del>-&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp/** -&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp * \brief Default con...
2007 Jul 04
[1100] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include/parents.rb: Add parent mapping for recently added ChildFocusEvent
...C (rev 1100) </span><span class="lines">@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ </span><span class="cx"> ''wxCalendarEvent'' => ''wxEvent'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxCheckBox'' => ''wxControl'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxCheckListBox'' => ''wxListBox'', </span><ins>+ ''wxChildFocusEvent'' => ''wxCommandEvent'', </ins><span class="cx"> '&...
2007 Jun 26
[1081] trunk/wxruby2: Added HyperlinkCtrl from the 2.8 API plus event mappings
...N_CENTRE 0x0008 +#define wxHL_DEFAULT_STYLE (wxHL_CONTEXTMENU|wxNO_BORDER|wxHL_ALIGN_CENTRE) + +%ignore wxHyperlinkCtrl::wxHyperlinkCtrl(); + +%import "include/wxObject.h" +%import "include/wxEvtHandler.h" +%import "include/wxWindow.h" +%import "include/wxControl.h" + +%include "include/wxHyperlinkCtrl.h" </ins></span></pre></div> <a id="trunkwxruby2swigclassesHyperlinkEventi"></a> <div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/HyperlinkEvent.i (0 => 1081)</...
2007 Jun 22
[1055] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/ToolBar.i: Chnage methods returning ToolBarToolBase to return position of new tool;
...ass="cx"> %{ </span><span class="cx"> #include <wx/toolbar.h> </span><del>- -// for some reason, the api returns a wxToolBarTool, -// even though that''s not a documented class. -// fake it by saying it''s just a control -typedef wxControl wxToolBarTool ; </del><span class="cx"> %} </span><span class="cx"> </span><del>-#// for some reason, the api returns a wxToolBarTool, -#// even though that''s not a documented class. -#// fake it by saying it''s just a contr...
2006 Aug 18
TreeCtrl update
...y messy and just plain wrong, for instance it had GetFirstChild as depreciated when in fact only 1 version of it was depreciated not both. I changed GetFirstChild and GetNextChild to return an array of values to match the wxPython and wxPerl usage. I also noticed that wxTreeCtrl is inherited from wxControl on Windows and wxScrolledWindow on everything else so I #if defined the .i and .h file accordingly. I also added a .i and .h file for the class wxTreeItemId. The TreeCtrl files were changed so much that I am just uploading the whole files instead of the diffs. traverse_tree(tree_ctrl,tree_ctrl.g...
2006 Dec 31
[813] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes: Added ScrollBar class
..../common.i" + +%module(directors="1") wxScrollBar + +#define wxSB_HORIZONTAL wxHORIZONTAL +#define wxSB_VERTICAL wxVERTICAL + +%import "include/wxObject.h" +%import "include/wxEvtHandler.h" +%import "include/wxWindow.h" +%import "include/wxControl.h" + +%include "include/wxScrollBar.h" </ins></span></pre></div> <a id="trunkwxruby2swigclassesincludewxScrollBarh"></a> <div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include/wxScrollBar.h (812 =>...
2007 Mar 17
[883] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig: API changes for move to WxWidgets 2.8
...sses/include/wxChoice.h</a></li> <li><a href="#brancheswxruby2wxwidgets_282swigclassesincludewxComboBoxh">branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig/classes/include/wxComboBox.h</a></li> <li><a href="#brancheswxruby2wxwidgets_282swigclassesincludewxControlh">branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig/classes/include/wxControl.h</a></li> <li><a href="#brancheswxruby2wxwidgets_282swigclassesincludewxControlWithItemsh">branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig/classes/include/wxControlWithItems.h</a></li> <li&...
2007 Mar 15
[ wxruby-Patches-9297 ] Patch to compile wxruby 0.0.39 on windows (vc2003, swig 1.3.31, wxwidgets 2.8.0)
...y accumulated :) Main parts of this patch rakemswin.rb : updated to WxWidgets 2.8 and using File.join for file paths. Also building in debug mode creates a more verbose pdb file (''-Zi'') option events.rb : removed 2 messages that were not supported in Wx2.8 WxChoice.h/wxCombo.h/wxControlWithItems.h/wxFontData.h/wxHtmlCell.h/ App.i/wxControl.h/wxDC.h/wxDirDialog.h/wxDialog.h/Dialog.i/ wxFileDialog.h/wxHtmlContainerCell.h/wxWindow.h/Functions.i/RubyEventTypes.i : removed missing methods, added some new ones,fixed prototypes to conform with Wx2.8 fixdeleting.rb : added processing of...
2007 Jan 25
[855] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include/parents.rb: Parenting for GridBagSizer 18:29:24 UTC (rev 855) </span><span class="lines">@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ </span><span class="cx"> ''wxGenericDirCtrl'' => ''wxControl'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxGenericValidator'' => ''wxValidator'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxGrid'' => ''wxScrolledWindow'', </span><ins>+ '...
2007 Jan 23
[852] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include/parents.rb: Fix MultiChoiceDialog name
...><del>- ''wxMultipleChoiceDialog'' => ''wxDialog'', </del><ins>+ ''wxMultiChoiceDialog'' => ''wxDialog'', </ins><span class="cx"> ''wxNotebook'' => ''wxControl'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxNotebookEvent'' => ''wxNotifyEvent'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxNotebookSizer'' => ''wxSizer'', </span></span></pre>...
2007 Mar 19
[902] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig/classes/include/parents.rb: Parents for AUI GUI classes
...EvtHandler'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxArtProvider'' => ''wxObject'', </span><ins>+ ''wxAuiManager'' => ''wxEvtHandler'', + ''wxAuiNotebook'' => ''wxControl'', </ins><span class="cx"> ''wxAutomationObject'' => ''wxObject'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxBitmap'' => ''wxGDIObject'', </span><span class="cx"&g...
2006 Dec 23
[795] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include/parents.rb: Added missing DatePickerCtrl and TextUrlEvent classes
...; ''wxDataObjectComposite'' => ''wxDataObject'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxDataObjectSimple'' => ''wxDataObject'', </span><ins>+ ''wxDatePickerCtrl'' => ''wxControl'', </ins><span class="cx"> ''wxDialUpEvent'' => ''wxEvent'', </span><span class="cx"> ''wxDialog'' => ''wxTopLevelWindow'', </span><span class="cx"&gt...
2007 Mar 27
[920] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/swig/classes/TreeCtrl.i: Fix compile error: TreeCtrl no longer inherits from wxScrolledWindow on GTK/Mac
...rl"; </span><span class="cx"> </span><del>-%import "include/wxObject.h" -%import "include/wxEvtHandler.h" -%import "include/wxWindow.h" - -#if defined(__WXMSW__) </del><span class="cx"> %import "include/wxControl.h" </span><del>-#else -%import "include/wxScrolledWindow.h" -#endif - </del><ins>+%import "include/wxWindow.h" +%import "include/wxEvtHandler.h" +%import "include/wxObject.h" </ins><span class="cx"> %include...
2007 Jun 22
[1057] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include/wxToolBar.h: Add new methods from the 2.8 API
...t;/span><span class="cx"> bool DeleteToolByPos(size_t pos ) ; </span><span class="cx"> void EnableTool(int toolId , const bool enable ) ; </span><ins>+ wxToolBarToolBase* FindById(int id) ; </ins><span class="cx"> wxControl* FindControl(int id) ; </span><span class="cx"> wxToolBarToolBase* FindToolForPosition(const float x , const float y ) const; </span><ins>+ int GetToolsCount() ; </ins><span class="cx"> wxSize GetToolSize() ; </span><span clas...
2007 Jul 17
[1114] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/include: Added missing methods from the 2.6 to 2.8 upgrade.
...nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp2007-07-17 17:11:19 UTC (rev 1114) </span><span class="lines">@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ </span><span class="cx"> void SetCol(int col); </span><span class="cx"> void SetControl(wxControl* ctrl); </span><span class="cx"> </span><ins>+&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspvirtual wxEvent *Clone() const; + </ins><span class="cx&quot...
2006 Apr 27
Major Breakthrough?
Attached are patches to make the textctrl.rb sample work fully. Note the new %directorargout typemap I added to fix wxWindows calling into SWIG. I don''t know if this can fix all such problems or not. Let me know what you think. I also rubified the sample a little bit more. Also, note that I fix the << operator so the function can be called. I hope I did this right. Roy
2007 Jul 04
[1103] trunk/wxruby2: Added 2.8 methods to StaticBitmap & document them; cleanup header file wxruby2 license </ins><span class="cx"> </span><span class="cx"> #if !defined(_wxStaticBitmap_h_) </span><span class="cx"> #define _wxStaticBitmap_h_ </span><span class="cx"> class wxStaticBitmap : public wxControl </span><span class="cx"> { </span><span class="cx"> public: </span><del>-&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp/** -&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp * \brief Default con...
2007 Apr 13
[949] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282: Changes in Gauge API 2.6->2.8, remove comment cruft in header
...leased under the MIT-style wxruby2 license </ins><span class="cx"> </span><span class="cx"> #if !defined(_wxGauge_h_) </span><span class="cx"> #define _wxGauge_h_ </span><span class="cx"> class wxGauge : public wxControl </span><span class="cx"> { </span><span class="cx"> public: </span><del>-&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp/** -&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp * \brief Default con...