Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "writeworksheet".
2012 Aug 08
Saving Splitted Series to Excel via XLConnect
dados2 <- split(dados, dados$code)
wb <- loadWorkbook("Teste.xlsx", create = TRUE)
createSheet(wb, name = "Teste1")
writeWorksheet(wb, dados2, sheet = "Teste1")
With this code I only get the "433" series. How could I
fix my code? How could I include the other series?
Many thanks in advance,
Henrique Andrade
2011 May 30
Question of the XLConnect package
...to do that individually for each column but would lie
to automate the process
wb <- loadWorkbook("Testdata.xlsx", create = TRUE) # create a workbook
testdata=expand.grid(letters[1:10], 1:10) # create some data
createSheet(wb,"testdata") # create sheet
writeWorksheet(wb,testdata,sheet="testdata") # write data to sheet
# Create named regions named the column names
col1idx=idx2cref(c(2,grep("Var1",names(testdata)), 1+length(testdata$Var1),
grep("Var1",names(testdata)))) #
2015 Sep 17
Fwd: Creación fichero excel con loadWorkbook
> Hola chic en s,
> sigo intentando crear un archivo de Excel pero no hay manera. Sigo los pasos del documento de ayuda siguiente:
> http://altons.github.io/r/2015/02/13/quick-intro-to-xlconnect/#load
> los pasos que hago son:
> install.packages("XLConnect")
> require(XLConnect)
> wb <-
2025 Jan 28
...= FALSE, startRow = 1, startCol = 1, endRow = 5, endCol = 8)
in2_wb <- loadWorkbook("bb.xlsx")
data2 <- readWorksheet(in2_wb, sheet="Sheet1", header = FALSE, startRow = 1, startCol = 1, endRow = 9, endCol = 8)
out_wb <- loadWorkbook("resultado.xlsx")
writeWorksheet(out_wb, data1, sheet = "dos_primeros", header = FALSE, startRow = 1, startCol = 1)
writeWorksheet(out_wb, data2, sheet = "dos_primeros", header = FALSE, startRow = 10, startCol = 1)
Ahora ya no ,me funciona esta librería y con ?openxlsx?, no pudo indicar...
2013 Mar 19
Eror : OutOfMemoryError (Java): Java heap space
...o create xlsx sheet, all things seems to be perfect until this erro
Erreur : OutOfMemoryError (Java): Java heap space
i have xp system, (32bit)
I tried the following syntax
> options(java.parameters = "-Xmx1000m")
> options(java.parameters = "-Xms=3670K")
> writeWorksheet(wb, SP, sheet = "SP")
alos this one
options(java.parameters = "-Xmx1000m")
> writeWorksheet(wb, SP, sheet = "SP")
Erreur dans .jcheck() :
Java Exception <no description because toString()
failed>.jcall("RJavaTools", "Z", "hasField&...
2016 Jul 26
Exportar datos en formato de Excel
Buenos días a todos!
Estoy trabajando con una base de datos que directamente he descargado de
internet y después de prepararla un poco necesito exportarla a Excel he
intentando con las dos opciones que mencionaré al final pero ninguna
funciona, de qué otra manera puedo exportar esos datos a Excel... muchas
gracias por su ayuda y pronta respuesta!
2016 Jul 26
Exportar datos en formato de Excel
> >>
> >> fileXls <- "newFile.xlsx"
> >> unlink(fileXls, recursive = FALSE, force = FALSE)
> >> exc <- loadWorkbook(fileXls, create = TRUE)
> >> createSheet(exc,'Data')
> >> saveWorkbook(exc)
> >> writeWorksheet(exc, DataFrame, sheet = "Data", startRow = 1, startCol =
> 1)
> >> saveWorkbook(exc)
> >>
> >> Saludos,
> >>
> >> Javier
> >>
> >> 2016-07-26 12:52 GMT+02:00 Isidro Hidalgo Arellano <ihidalgo en jccm.es>:
> >>...
2013 Feb 23
data.frame and import to xlsx
i have a very huge number of data with the size 2375ko, i want to import
them for R to xlsx
but the size of excel is limited
How can i resolve this problem?
And please how can i define the frame
Note that i have a table
rows times c(1.....100) columns WLc(200...1000) and inside S c(15,.........)
the table it is full values
View this message in context:
2016 Apr 27
R Script Template
The subject of your email is missing. Perhaps you need to read the Posting Guide (again?) about attachments. Embedding your example directly in the body of the email is generally more accessible in archives than attaching it.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 27, 2016 1:14:17 PM GMT+01:00, G.Maubach at gmx.de wrote:
>Hi All,
>I am addressing this post to all
2016 Apr 27
R Script Template
Hi All,
I am addressing this post to all who are new to R.
When learing R in the last weeks I took some notes for myself to have code snippets ready for the data analysis process. I put these snippets
together as a script template for future use. Almost all of the given command prototypes are tested. The template script contains snippets for best practices and leaves out the commands that