Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "wordcount".
2010 Sep 17
[LLVMdev] Query on llvm-gcc v/s llc/as
...gcc test.o -o testExecutable2
My question is, are the two executables (testExecutable and testExecutable2) basically the same ? Is there any huge difference between the two processes which will impact the executable's running time ? I am asking this because I compared the executables by their wordcounts (wc -c), and there was a slight difference. However, when I timed the test runs, both performances were identical.
Kindly help me out on this.
2005 Mar 31
omindex and scriptindex question
...dd postings for terms to the document
Xapian::termpos pos = 1;
pos = index_text(title, newdocument, stemmer, pos);
pos = index_text(dump, newdocument, stemmer, pos + 100);
pos = index_text(keywords, newdocument, stemmer, pos + 100);
Code snippet from scriptindex.cc
Xapian::termpos wordcount = 0;
for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) {
case Action::INDEX:
wordcount = index_text(value, doc, stemmer, weight,
i->get_string_arg(), wordcount);
2017 Aug 23
Brick count limit in a volume
This is the command line output:
Total brick list is larger than a request. Can take (brick_count 4444)
Usage: volume create <NEW-VOLNAME> [stripe <COUNT>] [replica <COUNT>] ....
I am testing if a big single volume will work for us. Now I am
continuing testing with three volumes each 13PB...
2013 Mar 11
Understanding lustre setup ..
I have been reading
http://wiki.lustre.org/images/1/1b/Hadoop_wp_v0.4.2.pdf for setting up
Hadoop over lustre.
Generally in hadoop setup, we have 1 Namenode and various number of datanodes.
If I want to setup the same keeping Lustre as backend, in the document
it is mentioned that:
".............Our experiments run on cluster with 8 nodes in total,
one is mds/namenode, the rest are
2018 Sep 12
Crear columna en data frame agregando otra y fusionando
No es lo que busco..La idea es crear una variable nueva, por ejemplo
"Nueva", que sea la media de "Wordcount" agregada por "Product.Id". Pero
quiero que esta variable se a?ada a mi base de datos fusionandose
directamente por "Product.Id".
Al hacerlo me da este error:
Reviews.211216$Adjetives.Product<- aggregate(adj.x ~ Product.Id,
data=Reviews.211216, + FUN=mean) Error in...
2005 Oct 28
Actionless self-referential views , logic in my views, yes, but less LOC. One draw back, it dont work.
..."yes"}) %>
This above code is in a .rhtml page.
Here is the partial it renders:
<p class=<%="blog_content" + be.id.to_s%>>
<% if hide == "yes" %>
<%= be.blogshorttext %>
<%= link_to_remote ('' [See Full Text ('' + be.wordcount + '')]'',
:update=> ("blog_content" + be.id.to_s),
:url=> {:partial => ''collapsed_blog'' ,:id =>be.id},
:locals =>{:hide => "no"})%>
<% else %>
<%= be.blog_text %>
<%= link_to_remote ('' [Collaps...
2006 Jan 07
BundledResource plugin (0.7)
Hot on the heels of my previous announcement, there is now a
bundled_resource plugin that takes advantage of all of my previous
work at syncPEOPLE (http://syncpeople.com) in the area of resource
management during Rails development, plus some. Use the Dynarch
Calendar, the resizable/wordcount textarea tools, and the qForms
scripts without the pain. More resource bundles to come, I''m sure.
== Blog Entry & Usage ==
== Download ==
Since this is the first release, I hope you'...
2018 Sep 12
Crear columna en data frame agregando otra y fusionando
Necesito crear una variable que viene de agregar otra por la media. El
dataframe tiene 65000 obsrvaciones.Tengo estas variables
Product.Id (145 diferentes)
Necesito agregar la variable Word.Count por Product.Id. Al agregarlo,
tengo un data.frame de 2 variables y 145 observaciones pero en vez de
tener que fusionar después por Product.Id los dos dataframe me