search for: word32

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "word32".

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2001 Feb 08
[CORE SDI ADVISORY] SSH1 CRC-32 compensation attack detector vulnerability
...he ssh-1.2.31.tar.gz package: tar xzvf ssh-1.2.31.tar.gz Apply the patch: patch < ssh-1.2.31-deattach.patch Compile the ssh package. --- ssh-1.2.31/deattack.c-old Wed Feb 7 19:45:16 2001 +++ ssh-1.2.31/deattack.c Wed Feb 7 19:54:11 2001 @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ detect_attack(unsigned char *buf, word32 len, unsigned char *IV) { static word16 *h = (word16 *) NULL; - static word16 n = HASH_MINSIZE / HASH_ENTRYSIZE; + static word32 n = HASH_MINSIZE / HASH_ENTRYSIZE; register word32 i, j; word32 l; register unsigned char *c; --------------------- end deattack patch -----...
2001 Feb 08
BindView advisory: sshd remote root (bug in deattack.c)
...not be construed as the results of a complete audit of the code. SSH1 software: 8<---------------------patch for ssh-1.2.31--------------------------- --- deattack.c.orig Wed Feb 7 13:53:47 2001 +++ deattack.c Wed Feb 7 13:54:24 2001 @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ detect_attack(unsigned char *buf, word32 len, unsigned char *IV) { static word16 *h = (word16 *) NULL; - static word16 n = HASH_MINSIZE / HASH_ENTRYSIZE; + static word32 n = HASH_MINSIZE / HASH_ENTRYSIZE; register word32 i, j; word32 l; register unsigned char *c; 8<---------------------patch for ssh-1.2.31-...
2006 Nov 15
Quick survey for Speex 1.2
..., it would be a pain to maintain it. If you want everything in one chunk, just go with the solution above. > The structure defined above is used to allocate all memories after call > the initial function. > > The problem here is the size of the structure which is very large(160k > Word32) for wb which is unacceptable for ARM. That's a totally different topic. I do intend to reduce the wb memory usage, just like I did with the narrowband for 1.2beta1. Still, don't know where you take this 160k Word32 number (640 kB). I don't think wideband requires anywhere near that am...
2006 Nov 15
Quick survey for Speex 1.2
>That's a totally different topic. I do intend to reduce the wb memory >usage, just like I did with the narrowband for 1.2beta1. Still, don't >know where you take this 160k Word32 number (640 kB). I don't think >wideband requires anywhere near that amount of memory. Sorry, it's 160kB. What do you think? and any suggestions for memory reduction? Lianghu On 11/16/06, Jean-Marc Valin <> wrote: > > > Another issue is th...
2006 Nov 13
Quick survey for Speex 1.2
Hi everyone, As you may have guess, Speex 1.2 is slowly approaching, though there's still a lot left to do so I can't say how long it'll take. I thought this was the right time to ask if there's anything missing or that can be improved to make 1.2 better. At this point, it can't be anything major, but there are still some changes that are possible, e.g: - Improving some
2006 Nov 15
Quick survey for Speex 1.2
........................... int pitch[16]; VBRState vbr; } speex_encoder_memory; The structure defined above is used to allocate all memories after call the initial function. The problem here is the size of the structure which is very large(160k Word32) for wb which is unacceptable for ARM. Any suggestion? Regards, Lianghu On 11/13/06, Jean-Marc Valin <> wrote: > > Hi everyone, > > As you may have guess, Speex 1.2 is slowly approaching, though there's > still a lot left to do so I can...