search for: with_steps_for

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "with_steps_for".

2008 May 02
Return code for running stories
...t the code or tests). It would be nice to put the script that runs the stories as a pre-commit hook, preventing the commit from succeeding if the stories fail. For that, I need to set the right exit code. In turn, I need to know he result of the tests. Given the prescription of running stories: with_steps_for :accounts do run ''path/to/file/with/story'' end I see neither #with_steps_for, nor #run return anything resembling the result of the tests (which does not really surprise me). So how to get the success/pending/failure of the stories out? Should I write a formatter/listener t...
2008 Mar 20
sharing story steps
Hi, How can I have a common set of steps that all my stories share? i.e. My stories often start out looking like this: Given a user Joe Given a user Jordan then: Given("a user $username") do |username| @users ||= {} @user_sessions ||= {} @users[username] = create_user(:username => username) @user_sessions[username] = login_as(@users[username]) end I want to share that
2008 Jan 14
RSpec stories introduction
...rties entry is added for job and client with type "bill" And job_parties status is set to "quote" Scenario: client is held for administrative approval ... <--- I infer that I should also create a file called new_job.rb in stories and that it should contain: ---> with_steps_for :new_jobs_steps do run ''./new_job.txt'' end <--- Then I believe that I require yet another file called "new_job_steps.rb" that has code that looks somewhat like this: ---> steps_for(:new_job_steps) do Given "client exists in database" do Client.d...
2007 Nov 14
ETA to Stories
Hey guys, just poppin in to ask if anyone knows when stories will be somewhat stable? We''re starting to use integration tests at work, we''re already using rspec, and I''d like to avoid integration tests if possible. Thanks, Nate "fowlduck" Sutton
2007 Dec 31
How to run stories with `spec'' command?
...39; steps_for(:array) do Given("my state initialized") do @array = end When("$elem added to me") do |elem| @array << elem end Then("my size should be $size") do |size| @array.size.should == size.to_i end end # if __FILE__ == $0 with_steps_for :array do run __FILE__.gsub(/\.rb$/, ''.story'') end # end =========== array.story =========== Story: array for holding objects As an array for holding objects I can hold a bunch of objects So that they can be retrieved later Scenario: an empty array Given my state i...
2008 Jan 16
session data and user stories
....should == {:id => 1, "flash" => {}} end #and this is just hideous. Then("I should be sent to the dealer landing page") do puts @session.response.instance_variable_get("@redirected_to").should == {:controller => "dealers"} end end with_steps_for(:dealer_login) do run_local_story "dealer_story", :type=>RailsStory end there is a good chance someone has already covered this and i have just managed to miss it. documentation on rbehave is sparse (at best, as i have seen it. i have the peepcode, but if anyone has any other good...
2008 May 30
RSpec Post/Get and Sessions in a Story
I''ve got an RSpec story that reads like: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Given that a post exists And I am logged in And I have edit permissions When I visit the post details page Then there should be a link to add a new comment ------------------------------------------------------------------- The issue I''m having is that I can''t
2007 Dec 21
StoryRunner docs/guidance
Hi all, Are there any plans for better documentation for the new StoryRunner feature? I tried to use it today (with Rails), and had a hard time getting my head around whether I was doing it "right" and exactly what things are appropriate to test at that level (this might be exacerbated by the fact that I''ve never really used integration testing that much). A full example of
2008 Jun 17
Confused - which is the correct Story API
...r I want to buy something So I have stuff Scenario: user has money and buys something Given a user has 100 dollars etc... -- Ruby file mystory.rb -- require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper") steps_for(:my_steps) do Given... When... Then... etc... end with_steps_for :my_steps do run File.expand_path(__FILE__).gsub(".rb",".story") end Now for the non-plain text stories is it this? (splitting into separate files is a YMMV thing) --- mystory.rb --- require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper") steps_for(:my_steps) do...
2008 Jun 09
Selenium/Watir usage along side Webrat in story testing
...''m logged in'') do visits ''/login'' fills_in ''username'' ''test'' fills_in ''password'' ''password'' clicks ''login'' end end #Make webrat syntax work with selenium with_steps_for(:login) do run ''/example/story'', {:type => RailsSeleniumStory} end #Use Webrat with_steps_for(:login) do run ''/example/story'', {:type => RailsWebratStory} #Could just be RailsStory end class RailsSeleniumStory < RailsStory ... #Map webrats...
2007 Dec 29
./script/story command^# steps: /, "").split(",").map(&:strip) else story_name.to_s.split("/") end end def run_story(lines, steps) tempfile ="story") lines.each do |line| tempfile.puts line end tempfile.close with_steps_for(* do run tempfile.path, :type => RailsStory end end end
2008 Jun 14
Reusing story snippets
I find myself doing this: Scenario "logged in user visiting the home page" do Given "A logged in user" do a_logged_in_user end When "..." Then "..." end The a_logged_in_user method is a helper method in helper.rb which sets up the state so that the user can browse the website. Later in the story of course, I can just do ''Given