search for: windspeeds

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "windspeeds".

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2011 Oct 04
About stepwise regression problem
First of all, I have GAMs noxd<-gam(newNOX~pressure+maxtemp+s(avetemp,bs="cr")+s(mintemp,bs="cr")+s(RH,bs="cr")+s(solar,bs="cr")+s(windspeed,bs="cr")+s(transport,bs="cr"),family=gaussian (link=log),groupD,methods=REML) Then I type " summary(noxd)". and show Family: gaussian Link function: log Formula: newNO2 ~ pressure
2011 Sep 05
function censReg in panel data setting
Hello all, I have a problem estimating Random Effects model using censReg function. small part of code: UpC <- censReg(Power ~ Windspeed, left = -Inf, right = 2000,data=PData_In,method="BHHH",nGHQ = 4) Error in maxNRCompute(fn = logLikAttr, fnOrig = fn, gradOrig = grad, hessOrig = hess, : NA in the initial gradient ...then I tried to set starting values myself and here is
2002 Nov 11
Wind roses
Are there any R function or packages that generate wind roses? These are ``star''-like plots that summarize the frequency, direction and magnigude of windspeeds. Thanks, Matt -- Matt Pocernich University of Colorado - Denver Department of Mathematics -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or &qu...
2008 Aug 18
Using lag
Dear all, I am having difficulties using the seemingly-simple function lag. I have a dataframe with several weather variables (maxitemp, windspeed, rainfall etc), and the response variable (admissions). The dataset is fairly large (1530 observations). I simply want to model the response against a lag of a couple of the explanatory variables, say maxitemp and rainfall. I would like to look at
2003 Jun 19
lattice and Sweave
I'm having trouble using lattice and Sweave together. An example of the trouble is the chunk <<fig=true, eps=false>>= library(nlme) data(Orthodont) plot(Orthodont) @ This gives a warning Warning message: No Active Device, using default values in: trellis.par.get("add.text") and creates a pdf file with no pages. I think this is related to the fact that a figure
2012 Dec 10
Marginal effects of ZINB models
Dear all, I am modeling the incidence of recreational anglers along a stretch of coastline, and with a vary large proportion of zeros (>80%) have chosen to use a zero inflated negative binomial (ZINB) distribution. I am using the same variables for both parts of the model, can anyone help me with R code to compute overall marginal effects of each variable? My model is specified as follows:
2004 Mar 29
Interesting Behavior in plot()
I have a 2 by 226200 table, conveniently read in by read.table(), which exhibits some strange behavior when plotted by plot(V1,V2). The general pattern for the range of windspeeds, [0<V1<50] is as expected -- the wind gust falls in the interval [V1<V2<65] except for certain values of V2. For V2 == c(15,26,37,48,59), the V2 values are positioned at one-tenth of the V1 (i.e., as if I had issued the command plot(0.1*V1,V2) for just those values of V2 -- see atta...
2011 Sep 22
negative binomial GAMM with variance structures
Hello, I am having some difficulty converting my gam code to a correct gamm code, and I'm really hoping someone will be able to help me. I was previously using this script for my overdispersed gam data: M30 <-gam(efuscus~s(mic, k=7) +temp +s(date)+s(For3k, k=7) + pressure+ humidity, family=negbin(c(1,10)), data=efuscus) My gam.check gave me the attached result. In order to
2012 Feb 10
Need to aggregate large dataset by week...
Hi all, I have a large dataset with ~8600 observations that I want to compress to weekly means. There are 9 variables (columns), and I have already added a "week" column with 51 weeks. I have been looking at the functions: aggregate, tapply, apply, etc. and I am just not savvy enough with R to figure this out on my own, though I'm sure it's fairly easy. I also have the Dates
2017 Aug 28
Extracting subset from netCDF file using lat/lon and converting into .csv in R
I have a series of nertCDF files containing global data for a particular variable, e.g. tmin/tmax/precipiation/windspeed/relative humuidity/radiation etc. I get the following information when using *nc_open* function in R: datafile: File (NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4_CLASSIC): 1 variables (excluding dimension variables):
2017 Aug 28
Extracting subset from netCDF file using lat/lon and converting into .csv in R
Two questions: 1. Is the order of the dimensions shown what is shown if you look at str(ncin) - I mean shown at the end where it describes the variable and its dimensions? 2. Is you problem how to subset the netcdf file, how to write to the .csv file, or both? -Roy > On Aug 28, 2017, at 2:21 PM, Eeusha Nafi <eshad002 at> wrote: > > I have a series of nertCDF files
2013 Oct 28
"Optimization fail" error from fitdistr (Weibull distribution)
Hello everyone, This is Kangmin. I am trying to produce shape and scale of my wind data. My data is based on wind speed frequency with 1km/hr increment. data is described below. Windspeed (km/h) Frequency 1 351 2 147 3 317 4 378 5 527 6 667 7 865 8 970 9 987 10 907 11 905 12 642 13 1000 14 983 15 847 16 842 17 757 18 698 19 632 20 626 21 599 22 529 23 325 24 391
2011 Sep 28
GAMs in R : How to put the new data into the model?
I have 5 GAMs ( model1, model2, model3, model4 and model5) Before I use some data X(predictor -January to June data) to form a equation and calculate the expected value of Y (predictand -January to June). After variable selection, GAMs (Model 1)were bulit up! R-square :0.40 NOW, I want to use new X'( predictor -July - December data) and put into Model 1, then get the expected value of Y'
2009 Feb 26
Download daily weather data
I'm writing a program that will tell me whether I should wear a coat, so I'd like to be able to download daily weather forecasts and daily reports of recent past weather conditions. The NOAA has very promising tabular forecasts (,
2009 Sep 03
Output from as.windrose() in oce package baffles me
I'm having trouble understanding the output from as.windrose(). For one thing, data on a boundary between sectors seem to be left out of the counts. I assume that explains the missing point in the output below (angle 45). Shouldn't one side of each sector interval be open, to include values such as my 45 in the example? Also, why does the angle 180 in my input apparently not result in
2013 Oct 27
Heteroscedasticity and mgcv.
I have a two part question one about statistical theory and the other about implementations in R. Thank you for all help in advance. (1) Am I correct in understanding that Heteroscedasticity is a problem for Generalized Additive Models as it is for standard linear models? I am asking particularly about the GAMs as implemented in the mgcv package. Based upon my online search it seems that some