Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "whau".
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2008 Jul 27
Lattice wireframe: How to avoid drawing lines around polygons when using shade=TRUE
I am using wireframe from the lattice package, with the shade option set
to TRUE. When I output to PDF or Postscript, a line gets drawn around
each polygon of my surface which causes ugly Moir? effects and doesn't
make sense in my application (think the plot of Maunga Whau--gridlines
don't make sense). This does not happen when I display on the screen--
then I just get the surface as intended.
I have tried everything from playing with trellis.par.set() to changing
the code of panel.3dwire, but nothing seems to remove these gridlines.
Any idea would be greatly...
2010 Jan 04
Adding a distance scale to a plot?
y <- 10*(1:ncol(volcano))
image(x, y, volcano,col = terrain.colors(100),axes = FALSE)
contour(x, y, volcano, levels = seq(90, 200, by=5),add = TRUE, col = "peru")
axis(1, at = seq(100, 800, by = 100))
axis(2, at = seq(100, 600, by = 100))
title(main = "Maunga Whau Volcano",font.main = 4)
Thanks for any feedback and insights.
1997 Apr 17
R-alpha: R-0.50.b6: bug in graphics demo
...numeric(0), NULL,
*** 129,135 ****
type="n", ann=FALSE)
usr <- par("usr")
rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col="green3")
! contour(volcano, x, y, l, col="yellow", lty="solid", add=TRUE)
title("A Topographic Map of Maunga Whau",font=4)
title(xlab="Meters North", ylab="Meters West", font=3)
--- 129,135 ----
type="n", ann=FALSE)
usr <- par("usr")
rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col="green3")
! contour(x, y, volcano, col="yellow", lty="so...
2005 Apr 13
How to plot Contour with NA in dataframe
...for the non-strict matrix?
Thank you in advance!!!
x <- 10*1:nrow(myData)
y <- 10*1:ncol(myData)
filled.contour(x, y, myData, color = terrain.colors,
plot.title = title(main = "The Topography of Maunga Whau",
xlab = "Meters North", ylab = "Meters West"),
plot.axes = { axis(1, seq(100, 800, by = 100))
axis(2, seq(100, 600, by = 100)) },
key.title = title(main="Height\n(meters)"),
key.axes = axis(4, seq(4, 8, by = 1)))
2009 Sep 05
Color index in image function
y <- 10*(1:ncol(volcano))
image(x, y, volcano, col = terrain.colors(100), axes = FALSE)
contour(x, y, volcano, levels = seq(90, 200, by = 5),
??????? add = TRUE, col = "peru")
axis(1, at = seq(100, 800, by = 100))
axis(2, at = seq(100, 600, by = 100))
title(main = "Maunga Whau Volcano", font.main = 4)
From the script above, it yields a beautiful ?image of volcano with variety of colors but i have to list down the color index that could show the meaning of each color in my thesis.
Could someone please help me to extract th...
2009 Feb 28
filled.contour and time axis
Dear all,
I am using filled.contour and my x-axis consists of a vector of dates,
formatted using as.POSIXct.
When I assign this vector to x in filled.contour, the x-axis in the plot is
correctly formatted as dates.
However, when I use plot.axes=axis(1) in filled.contour the x-axis is not
correctly formatted. I need to opt for the latter because I want to add
additional lines and points to the
2005 Sep 23
Good news about my problem
...eck it for me please?
"> usr <- par("usr")
> rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col = "green3")
> contour(x, y, volcano, levels = l, col = "yellow",
lty = "solid", add = TRUE)
> box()
> title("A Topographic Map of Maunga Whau", font = 4)
> title(xlab = "Meters North", ylab = "Meters West",
font = 3)
> mtext("10 Meter Contour Spacing", side = 3, line = 0.35,
outer = FALSE, at = mean(par("usr")[1:2]), cex = 0.7, font = 3)
> par(bg = "cornsilk")
2008 Feb 17
filled.contour with log axis
Dear all,
I would like to generate a filled.contour plot with log x and y axis,
however using:
results in a warning message.
Does anybody knos what to do?
1997 Jul 28
R-alpha: R 0.50.a1: small patches for graphics and image demo
...## -*- R -*-
+ opar <- par(ask = interactive() && .Device == "X11") # For source
x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano))
y <- 10*(1:ncol(volcano))
*************** axis(2, at=seq(100, 600, by=100))
*** 30,32 ****
--- 33,36 ----
title(main="Maunga Whau Volcano", font.main=4)
+ par(opar)
r-devel mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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2005 Feb 02
(no subject)
...Yearly Treering Data, -6000-1979
trees Girth, Height and Volume for Black Cherry
uspop Populations Recorded by the US Census
volcano Topographic Information on Auckland's Maunga
Whau Volcano
warpbreaks The Number of Breaks in Yarn during Weaving
women Average Heights and Weights for American Women
Use 'data(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))'
to list the data sets in all *available* packages.
Brett Stansfield
Environmental Scie...
2011 Jun 24
(no subject)
hi dear R crew.
may i request the script for volcano plot.
if able, pls include any tips about volcano plot.
thank you.
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