search for: wennergren

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "wennergren".

2006 Sep 20
acts_as_ferret limit on multi_search not working?
I''m using acts_as_ferret to do a query like this: Model1.multi_search("my query",[Model2,Model3], :limit => 2) No matter what number i set limit to I get 10 items in the resultset. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks/David -- Posted via
2006 Sep 11
Using a datefilter with caching
...39;t the case... I read an example in the "Lucene in action"-book that seemed to suggest to use a CachingWrapperFilter in combination with a DateFilter to get the benefits of caching. How is this done in Ferret? I''m using ferret 0.9.6 and acts_as_ferret Thanks a lot! /David Wennergren -- Posted via
2006 Sep 13
Problem with index file permissions
...cron jobs) as another one. When Ferret creates a segment or file in the index directory it''s created with only read/write-permissions for the owner, which means that the other user can''t access the file. How can I affect the permission on files created by Ferret? Thanks/David Wennergren -- Posted via
2006 Nov 24
Strange error. Index corrupt on production server
.../lib/ferret/index.rb:679:in `initialize'' I couldn''t find any other solution than rebuilding the index, which takes a few hours... Has anyone experienced anything similar? Is there any way to repair the index without rebuilding it? Thanks a lot for any help or advice! /David Wennergren -- Posted via
2007 Jul 04
Inconsistent results when using wild card queries
...sult: 0 documents. Query: source_id:25 AND krist* Result: 12 document. Works as expected. The index contains in total about 200 000 documents and I''ve tried rebuilding and optimizing with no result. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Any ideas how to fix it? Thanks! /David Wennergren -- Posted via
2006 Oct 02
Strange Sorting Issues
Hi there, I''m having some strange sorting stuff goign on. Here''s my search method: sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<"name", :reverse => :false) @results = Listing.find_by_contents @search_criteria, :limit => :all, :sort => sort_fields page = (params[:page] ||= 1).to_i items_per_page = 9 offset = (page - 1) *
2006 Sep 27
RangeFilter performance
I''m using a RangeFilter to limit a search to only the most recently added documents. My index is about 150 000 articles and the RangeFilter typically selects about 1000 of them to run a batch of searches against. The performance is great as long as my index is newly optimized. As soon as add a few new documents the average search time for a batch of searches using the rangefilter
2006 Jun 28
Problem searching with special characters
I''m using Ferret on a Swedish website and I get some unexpected behaviour on searches containing the swedish charchters ???. An exampel, if I index a string "Varf?r fungerar det inte" ("Why doesnt it work" in swedish) and search for "f?r" I''ll get one (1) match. The expected behaviour would be no matches since ''f?r'' is part of
2006 Jun 02
Firefox extension for ajax debugging
or similar... Is there any extension for firefox so that I can view the source code of ajax returned content? Thanks everybody.
2007 Jan 18
corrupt index immediately after rebuild
Hello, I''m usin gferret and I''ve just attempted to build an index that contains 15,968,046 documents. I''ve rebuild the index from scratch, but when I try to search for some items I get this error: IOError: IO Error occured at <except.c>:79 in xraise Error occured in fs_store.c:289 - fsi_seek_i seeking pos -1284143798: <Invalid argument> This is
2007 Dec 18
Ortho - a library for JavaScript Graphics and Text
I''ve written a JavaScript library called Ortho ( ortho) on top of Prototype for creating ''diagram-style'' graphics in JavaScript. You can create histograms, graphs, timeline plots, ''maps'' of genomic data, annotated images, tree diagrams, etc. Unlike Canvas, it seamlessly integrates text with graphics and the output looks the same