search for: weblore

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "weblore".

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2006 Aug 06
Can''t run rails
Yesterday, I was having a problem with db:migrate. I was told my version of rails was too old, and I needed to install it from gems instead of the version in my version of Ubuntu. Since then, I''ve done that, and I built ruby 1.8.4 from source and installed it. The installation was to /usr/local/bin. As my distribution had put ruby 1.8.3 in /usr/bin, I renamed that and put a link to
2006 Aug 13
Why isn''t log working (Pragmatic Programming book)
I''m working my way through the Pragmatic Programmer book on RoR. Following their examples, I have the following code in a controller: begin @product = Product.find(params[:id]) rescue flash[:notice] = "Invalid product" logger.error("Attempt to access invalid product #{params[:id]}") redirect_to :action => :index else @cart = find_cart
2006 Aug 08
Rails patches
I just got rails fully installed, and I''m seeing the string of warnings about using a semicolon instead of a colon. I''ve checked, and supposedly there is a patch for this ... but a newbie like me doesn''t have a clue where to look for the patch - or what to do with it once I find it. Would someone be so kind as to educate me. As new as my version is, I''m
2006 Aug 09
Ruby 1.8.5 Warnings in Rails
I have ruby 1.8.5 installed. Everytime I enter a rails command, I get a long stream of warnings telling me that the colon is being obsoleted, that a semicolon should be used instead. Does anyone know how to stop these warnings from coming up? They get in the way of real messages from rails. tia ---Michael -- Posted via
2005 Apr 21
Backward compatibility
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 The latest version of rsync apparently can't talk to version 2.5 clients. When I tried connecting, I got an error message that the client needed to be upgraded to use more modern protocol. Was this intentional? As I can't change the version of rsync on the client side, I had to downgrade my version of rsync to connect to them. - ---Michael
2005 Dec 17
Stuck in read-only mode
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I'm running Samba on Ubuntu linux. I'm trying set it up so that my Windows laptop can use my home directory on the linux box. I've configured the home directory as follows [home] case sensitive = no msdfs proxy = no read only = no username = michael comment = My home directory path = /home/michael When I try to write to the file on my
2006 Nov 30
Can't connect to vfat Share
I'm using Samba on Fedora Core. I have two Samba shares setup. The one in an ext3 partition works fine from the Windows computer. I can't connect to the other (on a vfat partition). I have no idea whether or not it's significant that the partition is vfat, but I wanted to include the information to be complete. In smb.conf, I have the partition set up as follows: [remwindows] case
2006 Aug 05
error with db:migrate
I''m new to ROR, and am working my way through the Agile Web Development Book. In the test application, the authors tell me to test my database connection by performing "rake db:migrate". When I do, I get the error "Don''t know how to build task ''db:migrate''" I''ve been looking around at the files, and I see a reference to a