Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "wasser".
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2011 Jul 20
Grouping columns
...gt; b1_2<-tapply(b2$betriebs_id,b2$umweltkompartiment,length)
> b1_3<-tapply(b3$betriebs_id,b3$umweltkompartiment,length)
> #Verbinden der Ergebnisse
> b11<-rbind(b1_1,b1_2,b1_3)
> Gesamt<-apply(X=b11,MARGIN=1, sum)
> b13<-cbind(Gesamt,b11)
> b13
Gesamt Abwasser Boden Gef?hrliche Abf?lle Luft nicht gef?hrliche
Abf?lle Wasser
b1_1 9832 432 18 3147 2839
1592 1804
b1_2 10271 413 28 3360 2920
1715 1835
b1_3 9983 404 21 3405 2741...
2015 Jun 08
New R package kwb.hantush (0.2.1): calculation of groundwater mounding beneath an (stormwater) infiltration basin
...t solution, http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5102/support/Hantush_USGS_SIR_2010-5102-1110.xlsm) ?
I hope it proves to be useful and community feedback is therefore very welcome!
Best Regards,
Michael Rustler
Dipl.-Geo?k. Michael Rustler
KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH
Cicerostr. 24
D-10709 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 53653 825
Fax +49 (0)30 53653 888
Email: michael.rustler at kompetenz-wasser.de
Homepage: www.kompetenz-wasser.de <http://www.kompetenz-wasser.de>
2015 Jun 08
New R package kwb.hantush (0.2.1): calculation of groundwater mounding beneath an (stormwater) infiltration basin
...t solution, http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5102/support/Hantush_USGS_SIR_2010-5102-1110.xlsm) ?
I hope it proves to be useful and community feedback is therefore very welcome!
Best Regards,
Michael Rustler
Dipl.-Geo?k. Michael Rustler
KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH
Cicerostr. 24
D-10709 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 53653 825
Fax +49 (0)30 53653 888
Email: michael.rustler at kompetenz-wasser.de
Homepage: www.kompetenz-wasser.de <http://www.kompetenz-wasser.de>
2003 Sep 25
Samba 3 / Solaris 8 / Kerberos
...his topic and a solution?
Kind regards.
Th. M?ller
Thomas M?ller Phone: +49-711-88716-147
Department Manager IT Fax: +49-711-88716-777
Christ GmbH Mail: thomas.mueller@christ-wasser.de
Mittlerer Pfad 9 Internet: www.christ-wasser.de
70499 Stuttgart
Any opinions expressed in this eMail are those of the the individual and not necesserily
the company. This eMail and...
2003 Sep 09
configure / compile problems samba-3.0.0rc3 on Solaris 8
...p me to solve this problems?
Kind regards.
Thomas M?ller Phone: +49-711-88716-147
Department Manager IT Fax: +49-711-88716-777
Christ GmbH Mail: thomas.mueller@christ-wasser.de
Mittlerer Pfad 9 Internet: www.christ-wasser.de
70499 Stuttgart
Any opinions expressed in this eMail are those of the the individual and not necesserily
the company. This eMail and...
2008 Feb 13
Modelling disease spread
I was at a lecture the other day and I saw a presentation of very neat
(short) animation modeling epidemic disease spread over a map region. When I
ask what software they used they mentioned SAS. Do you know if there are
equivalent resources in R to model the spread of disease with animation
output? My search in R-help and google didn't lead to any document (though I
found a couple of
2003 Sep 29
Samba 3 doesn't compile against SUN directory server 4.16sp1
...nst SUn
directory server.
Kind regards
Thomas M?ller Phone: +49-711-88716-147
Department Manager IT Fax: +49-711-88716-777
Christ GmbH Mail: thomas.mueller@christ-wasser.de
Mittlerer Pfad 9 Internet: www.christ-wasser.de
70499 Stuttgart
Any opinions expressed in this eMail are those of the the individual and not necesserily
the company. This eMail and...
2006 Nov 02
Individual Based Model and/or Cellular automata
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado...
Nome: n?o dispon?vel
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20061101/4218da11/attachment.pl
2006 Dec 31
Which programming paradigm does R
Hi wizards, I have a question. Which programming paradigm does R
handle? . Iam looking for this information but I didn't found nothing.
Thanks in advance.
personal web site:
personal web site:
2005 Aug 24
...ze, help.search("randomize")). There
are some references to "Randomize()" in the list archives, but it is not
on my system (R 2.1.1 on Windows XP)... what package is it in?
Luis Tercero, M.Sc.
Engler-Bunte-Institut der Universit??t Karlsruhe (TH)
Bereich Wasserchemie
Engler-Bunte-Ring 1
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49 721 608 6381
Fax: +49 721 608 7051
2018 Mar 28
OT: Problems with NextCloud 13.0.1 under Centos7
Hi all,
I have a strange problem with a clean NextCloud 13.0.1 install under
CentOS 7 (fully patched): when I try to login with admin user immediately
after setup, returns to login page without returning any error.
An no errors in nginx or php log files ...
I am using the following components:
nginx 1.12
Any idea?
Many thanks.
2007 Jun 29
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ljs aka missing link from /usr/lib64/libjs.so to /usr/lib64/libjs.so.1
Hello list,
I'm trying to compile a php4 package for centos5 and I'm stumbling
across some "oddity" with the symbolic links of at least one library.
But it's not a php4 problem, so read on.
The package 'js' gives the library
but shouldn't there be a link
from /usr/lib64/libjs.so to /usr/lib64/libjs.so.1?
Otherwise my compiler call
2006 Jun 20
list of interdependent functions
I discussed the following problem on the great useR conference with
several people and wonder if someone of you knows a more elegant (or
more common ?) solution than the one below.
The problem:
I have several sets of interrelated functions which should be compared.
The functions themselves have different structure, application-specific
names (for readability) and they should
2004 Mar 12
still spss
hi again,
i still cannot open the file in spss :(
i type:
and the error comes:
Error in read.spss("H:\\Desktop\\bd1\\experiencia1") : unable to open file
can you help me?
2005 Jan 05
lme: error message with random=~1
I have an unbalanced mixed model design with two fixed effects
"site" (2 levels) and "timeOfDay" (4 levels) and two random effects
"day" (3 consecutive days) and "trap" (6 unique traps, 3 per site).
The dependent variable is the body length ("BL") of insect larvae from 7
to 29 individuals per trap (104 individuals in total).
To account
2005 Sep 05
model comparison and Wald-tests (e.g. in lmer)
Dear expeRts,
there is obviously a general trend to use model comparisons, LRT and AIC
instead of Wald-test-based significance, at least in the R community.
I personally like this approach. And, when using LME's, it seems to be
the preferred way (concluded from postings of Brian Ripley and Douglas
Bates' article in R-News 5(2005)1), esp. because of problems with the
d.f. approximation.
2004 Mar 08
years from as.POSIXlt
how it's possible to extract the year and the number
of days from Julian date. i'm little confused about the last two
functions and ?years .
EDATE comes from sqlQuery with as.is=T
EDATE <- as.POSIXlt(datvears$ENROLLDAY)
Many thanks, Christian
> EDATE[1:5]
[1] "2000-06-30 11:25:01" "2000-06-30 11:39:55" "2000-06-30 12:11:11"
2003 Dec 01
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2009 Nov 27
strange issue with xerox printer: unable to configure driver
Hello list.
I've a strange issue with a samba 3.4.3 print server. Everything is fine
with most printers, meaning drivers are assigned on server side and
automatically distributed to the clients as expected. However, I fail to
configure a Xerox document center 7435 the same way.
When I attempt to assign a driver to the printer, from a windows client
with admin privileges, I get an
2004 Aug 27
selecting unique columns of a matrix/data frame
...SPSS12. At the moment I have no dataset where I know exactly this was stored
> using a SPSS version below 12.
> Raphael
> ------------------------------
> Message: 110
> Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 09:53:00 +0200
> From: Thomas Petzoldt <thpe at hhbio.wasser.tu-dresden.de>
> Subject: Re: [R] text() with text, variables and math HOWTO?
> To: Johannes Graumann <graumann at its.caltech.edu>
> Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Message-ID: <412EE85C.9020009 at hhbio.wasser.tu-dresden.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-a...