search for: vivisect

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "vivisect".

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2004 Sep 10
ERROR: mismatch in decoded data, verify FAILED!
...of it that exhibits the problem) > available, that would be a great help. Note that there should not be any > copyright issues associated with sending a small sample of a song. I don't have a high bandwith link, so if you mail me an ftp-account/login I`ll upload the wav to the place for vivisection purposes ;-) BTW: flac running on "Linux jukebox 2.4.2 #3 SMP Fri May 25 19:01:56 CEST 2001 i686 unknown" -- public crypto-key on request.. Key fingerprint = 8135 48FE 200C 4D4E E846 14B2 AAB0 D1AA A297 169C fortune had this to say.. To get something done, a committee sho...
2004 Sep 10
ERROR: mismatch in decoded data, verify FAILED!
...roblem) > > available, that would be a great help. Note that there should not be any > > copyright issues associated with sending a small sample of a song. > > I don't have a high bandwith link, so if you mail me an ftp-account/login > I`ll upload the wav to the place for vivisection purposes ;-) I don't have anyplace for you to FTP it to at the moment...if you have ssh/scp available, let me know and I can arrange for a place where you can scp it. If you can get it through FLAC successfully (using different options), feel free to do that to reduce the size of the trans...
2004 Sep 10
ERROR: mismatch in decoded data, verify FAILED!
On 24-Jun-2001 Josh Coalson wrote: > hmm, I didn't see a bug report yet... can you make the .wav file > available for download? also, what version and options did you > use? this is interesting; I haven't seen a verify error in a > long time. > > Josh I also had this verify error encoding a wav I ripped from a CD. I didn't report this as it happended on flac