search for: virtualvmode

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "virtualvmode".

2012 Jul 25
ff package: reading selected columns from csv
...'NULL','NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL') ##* The following command works fine:* > read.csv.ffdf(file=csvfile, header=FALSE, skip=100, > colClasses=x.class, nrows=1e3) ffdf (all open) dim=c(1000,1), dimorder=c(1,2) row.names=NULL ffdf virtual mapping PhysicalName VirtualVmode PhysicalVmode AsIs VirtualIsMatrix V2 V2 double double FALSE FALSE PhysicalIsMatrix PhysicalElementNo PhysicalFirstCol PhysicalLastCol V2 FALSE 1 1 1 PhysicalIsOpen V2 TRUE ffdf data...
2010 Dec 24
How to specify ff object filepaths when reading a CSV file into a ff data frame.
Hi, The read.csv.ffdf function in package ff will create the ff object physical file in the default directories, I am trying to let the files created in the paths users specify, I think the point is to make use of the asffdf_args parameter, I have a test CSV file named D:\rtemp\fftest.csv, the content of the file is as following: col1,col2,col3 1,"amber",2.4 2,"linda",4.5
2012 Oct 02
ffsave problems
Dear R friends. After having some troubles learning how to create a ffdf object, now I find myself having problems saving it. this is the data i´d like to save: str(DATA) List of 3 $ virtual: 'data.frame': 6 obs. of 7 variables: .. $ VirtualVmode : chr "double" "short" "integer" "integer" ... .. $ AsIs : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE .. $ VirtualIsMatrix : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE .. $ PhysicalIsMatrix : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE .. $...
2012 Oct 31
ffdfindexget from package ff
I'm having trouble getting ffdfindexget to work right in Windows. Even the most trivial of examples gives me problems. > myVec = ff(1:5) > another = ff(10:14) > littleFrame = ffdf(myVec, another) > posVec = ff(c(2, 4), vmode = 'integer') > ffdfindexget(littleFrame, posVec) Error in if (any(B < 1)) stop("B too small") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE
2012 May 04
Can't import this 4GB DATASET a connection to the file con <- file('dataset2.txt', 'rt') # read the remainder using read.table.ffdf ffdf <- read.table.ffdf(file=con) # close connection close(con) ffdf #ffdf (all open) dim=c(29,9), dimorder=c(1,2) row.names=NULL #ffdf virtual mapping # PhysicalName VirtualVmode PhysicalVmode AsIs VirtualIsMatrix PhysicalIsMatrix PhysicalElementNo PhysicalFirstCol PhysicalLastCol PhysicalIsOpen V1 V1 integer integer FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 1 1 TRUE V2 V2 integer...