search for: virtualresources

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "virtualresources".

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2008 Jan 17
A function can always run when a client connect to the pupetmaster?
hello,all I write a function. this function will write the client fqdn to a file. But this function only run one time when the puppetmaster recompile the configuration. How can let this function run every time when a client connect to the puppetmaster ? please help me. -- Huang Mingyou
2008 Feb 13
dependency to storeconfig
Hi all, I''ve noticed, that once using storeconfig, if the db (in my case mysql) is down than puppet wont start... is there a real reason for making puppet depend on the db? Thanks, Ohad _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2008 Jan 17
A file type question
hello,all I look a example manifest,found this code. File <<||>> @@file { ....... } what''s the means ? -- Huang Mingyou
2008 Jan 24
Can use a Variables when Realizing Resources
hi ,all When realizing a resources ,can use this syntax like this ? File <<| tag == $idc | >> I had try it ,but can''t work. and not get error from the puppetmaster. -- Huang Mingyou
2007 Sep 21
mysql storeconfigs needs mysql gem
Recently I started noticing that after running for a while puppetmaster would freeze after a client called `freshness` which would eventually result in the client getting a timeout and the client dyeing. I tracked the freeze down to the call to ActiveRecord::Base.verify_active_connections! in rails.rb on line 26. After scouring the nets I finally found:
2007 Dec 05
machine network interfaces, dhcpd.conf, and zone files
I''m still thinking about how my puppet deployment will go. Right now, I''m thinking each of my machines will have their network interfaces defined/configured by puppet. But, I''d like to generate my zone files and dhcpd.conf from this data as well. How do people generally do this? I expect I''ll end up generating the nodes.pp files from some database, but
2010 Feb 02
Making the new users experience easier
Just one more email and I''ll let you go for a few hours :) One of the things I like to see in apps is that they are immediately intuitive and easy to use for new users. I think Puppet is really good here, but there''s opportunity to make everything better. We want everyone to love Puppet from their first few minutes using it, all the way through to datacenter nirvana.