Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "violetred".
2011 Dec 12
windrose color ramp issue
...ls out the increments argument
pedalcolors = c("darkblue","blue","royalblue","darkturquoise","forestgreen","green","yellowgreen","yellow4","yellow","orange","red","darkred","violetred","mediumorchid","purple")
#or 2) Making the pedal colors dynamic based on the increments and the
max wind speed.
incrspeeds = 2 # fills out the increments argument
breaks=seq(0,round(maxwind),incrspeeds) # maxwind is the maximum wind speed
2005 Dec 13
Fwd: Re: Wavelet reconstruction
verbose = getOption("verbose"), return.threshold=F)
thr2 <- wr(thres2)
plot(x,brain, col = "slateblue",xlab="Voxel",ylab="Activity",main="Wavelet Regression")
mtext("N=4, Threshold=7.32032")
lines(x, thr2, col= "violetred" , lwd=2,type="l")
Good Luck!!
Elizabeth Lawson
Amir Safari <amsa36060@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi There, I tried to find a function in {waveslim} or {wavethresh} in order to reconstruct the decomposed signals. As far as I found there is no function in {waveslim...
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
"mediumpurple4", "#5D478B",
"mediumseagreen", "#3CB371",
"mediumslateblue", "#7B68EE",
"mediumturquoise", "#48D1CC",
"mediumvioletred", "#C71585",
"midnightblue", "#191970",
"mintcream", "#F5FFFA",
"mistyrose", "#FFE4E1",
"mistyrose1", "#FFE4E1",
"mistyrose2", "#EED5D2",
2012 Apr 18
introducing R to high school students
I participate peripherally on a listserve for middle- and high-school
science teachers. Sometimes questions about graphing or data analysis
come up. I never miss an opportunity to advocate for R. However, the
teachers are often skeptical that their students would be able to
issue commands or write a little code; they think it would be too
difficult. Perhaps this stems from the Microsoft- and