Displaying 20 results from an estimated 29 matches for "vetor".
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2009 Mar 19
find the index of the smallest or biggest number in a vetor or data.frame
Dear R experts,
How to find out the index of minimum or maxmum number in a vetor or
For example,
n price
1 50
-2 100
0 200
-1 300
I want to find out the row which the n is the smallest or largestest and
extract the price.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/find-the-index-of-the-smallest-or-biggest-numbe...
2004 Jul 23
vetor autoregressions and BVARs
I have not been able to find any programs for running vector
autoregressions with R. I am interested in running Bayesian VARs and
also running VARs that run all combinations of variables in the vector.
Is anyone currently developing this?
-Nirav Mehta
2008 Nov 10
as.Data with minutes resolution
I have a vetor os dates with day and hour:minutes.
> time1 <- c("03/08/08-11:00","03/08/08-11:10")
> time1 <- as.Date(time1,"%d/%m/%y-%R")
> summary(time1)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu.
"2008-08-03" "2008-08-03&qu...
2011 Jan 30
How to do a moving window on standard deviation
...elements to the new st.dev column would be zero (c(rep(0,3)),
then the 4th element of the new std.dev column would be standard deviation
of the first 4 closes. Next element would be sd of Close[5]:Close[1], then
sd of Close[6]: Close[2] ...and so on until the last row of xyz.
There must be an easy vetorized way to do this but I don't see it. Sorry for
the basic question but continuing to figure this new language out.
Thanks in advance for the help
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/How-to-do-a-moving-window-on-standard-deviation-tp3247566p3247566.html
Sent from t...
2004 Feb 09
Fit system of equations
Hi R-masters
I have this system of equations
R(x,t)= a(t)+b(x,t)
a(t) = c + d*t
b(t) = e + f*t
x is a vetor of age<-c(37,42,47,52,57,62,67,72,77,83),
t is vetor of year (1980:2000)
R(x,t) = Rate of mortality in age x on year t
a(t) = base mortality on year t
b(x,t) = exponential rate of mortality for age x on year t
b(t) = exponential rate of mortality on year t
I wish is possible fit this system in...
2008 Nov 10
comparing rows - a possible solution
...h row of a matrix with each row of another matrix.
> testmat1 <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16), nrow=4)
> testmat2 <- matrix(c(1,2,3,5,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16), nrow=4)
and it was asked for a compaison of the both matrix-objects and the
result should be a vetor with boolean results.
I would use this one:
as.vector( testmat1 == testmat2 )
or maybe
as.vector( t(testmat1) == t(testmat2) )
but the result as a matrix might also be interesting,
so as.vector() could be thrown out, and one would get
a matrix of results.
If you want just to know if a co...
2012 Oct 29
How emulate the function 'order' without with the function 'sort' in R
Ol? amigos tudo bem ? Espero que sim.
Sou novo aqui e gostaria muito da ajuda dos senhores para resolver um
pequeno probleminha no R.
Ent?o, estou com um probleminha com uma atividade que relaciona duas fun??es
no R, ? o seguinte:
Primeiro atrav?s da fun??o sample ? criado um vetor aleat?trio:
x <- sample(1:100, 20)
Depois aplico a fun??o sort que tem como objetivo ordenar os elementos em
ordem crescente
Ai o problema aplica a fun??o order em x:
2008 Aug 20
Confidence Interval
# Agosto de 2008
n <- 200 # Sample size
xbar <- 100 # Sample mean
s <- 2 # Sample SD
nc <- 0.95 # Confidence level (95% -> 0.95)
rep <- 1000 # Loops
y <- NULL # Vetor com as médias da amostra
for (i in 1:rep){ # Loop
x <- rnorm(n,xbar,s) # Gere uma amostra normal n elementos, xbar média e
s desvio-padrão
x <- mean(x) # Calcule a média (exata) dessa amostra
y <- c(y,x) # Coloque essa média em um registro em y
y <...
2009 Feb 13
[LLVMdev] Modeling GPU vector registers, again (with my implementation)
...r0, r1
Notice that the four elements of r0 are written by two different
My question is how should I model these sub-registers. If I treat each
as a register, and do the register allocation individually, it seems very
difficult to merge the scalars operations back into one vetor operation.
// each %reg is a sub-register
// r1, r2, r3, r4 here are virtual register number
mul %reg1024, r1, r2 // x
mul %reg1025, r1, r2 // y
mul %reg1026, r1, r2 // z
add %reg1027, r3, r4 // w
sub %reg1028, %reg1024, r1
sub %reg1029, %reg1025, r1
sub %reg1030, %reg1026...
2012 Mar 07
problem with data
Good Afternoon,
?? I have a small problem with the following code.
# The x.sub$Time[[1]] 2006-10-31 19:03:01 EST
# when put in variable star give-me
[1] 1 36 32 -........
do not understand why
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/problem-with-data-tp4453510p4453510.html
Sent from the R help mailing
2018 Aug 02
New and more general Function Merging optimization for code size
Hi everyone,
I'm currently working on a new function merging optimization that is more
general than the current LLVM function merging optimization that works only
on identical functions.
I would like to know if the community has any interest in having a more
powerful function merging optimization.
---- More Details ----
Up until now, I have been focusing on the quality of the code
2018 Aug 02
New and more general Function Merging optimization for code size
...arity metric computed from the function's
> "fingerprint".
> Can you explain in more detail how this works?
> (I'm also, as a side note, keeping my eye out for things like this that
> might also help us efficiently do more-compile-time-efficient SLP
> vetorization).
> -Hal
> The threshold limits the exploration to focus on the top functions of the
> rank.
> The idea is to make the ranking mechanism as lightweight as possible.
> Cheers,
> Rodrigo Rocha
> _______________________________________________...
2016 Nov 27
ifelse() woes ... can we agree on a ifelse2() ?
...leaves (at least) me very uneasy. If you are recycling 'test' as well as arbitrary-length yes and no, results will become frighteningly hard to predict except in very simple cases where you have well-defined and consistent regularities in the data. And where you do, surely passing ifelse a vetor of the right length, generated by rep() applied to a short 'test' vector, will do what you want without messing around with new functions that hide what you're doing.
Do you really have a case where 'test' is neither a single logical (that could be used with 'if') nor a...
2007 Jul 14
memory problem
...the ram, the DPglmm is running and it takes about 1 hr to finish
running. Then it generates an error message 'Error: cannot allocate vector
of size 309.9 Mb'. When I click fit0, i get nothing.
I am very frustrated with this. It is very wired that my computer does
have enough ram, however a vetor of size 309.9 Mb can't be stored.
Thanks very much.
2006 Mar 10
ifelse problem
Dear all,
There is something I'm missing in order to understand the following behavior:
> aa <- c("test", "name")
> ifelse(any(nchar(aa) < 3), aa[-which(nchar(aa) < 3)], aa)
[1] "test"
> any(nchar(aa) < 3)
Shouldn't the ifelse function return the whole aa vector?
Using if and else separately, I get the correct result...
2007 Jul 10
Theora Hardware: Integration with LEON is completed!
...side of the LEON/FPGA
(OK - Completed)
- To study and to discovery how to plug the Theora Hardware on AMBA and to
control it with the LEON (OK - Completed)
- To change the handshake of Theora Hardware of AVALON to AMBA protocol (OK
- Completed)
- Running Theora decoder on LEON (FPGA) decoding a vetor of inputs (OK -
- To study and to implement and Linux Device Driver for Theora Hardware (OK
- Completed)
- To join the software interface with Theora hardware on linux and LEON3
(OK - Completed)
Now, I was thinking to do a webpage explaining all the step that are needed
to do and to s...
2009 Sep 01
data frame
HI, R user,
I generate the vectors with the same length. I want to put each vector into each column of data frame. Why it doesnt work`?
for(a in 1:6){
thanks a lot
Share your memories online with anyone you want.
2003 May 23
isSeekable returns F on seekable file
Seems that on RWin 1.7.0 and 1.6.2 isSeekable returns F on binary files,
while seek() works as expected on the same connection - see example below:
> con = file(nm, "rb")
> isSeekable(con)
> readBin(con, double(), 10)
[1] 7.263824e-317 5.968155e-317 2.340685e-317 2.734062e-312
4.088386e-312 4.670335e-317
[7] 6.097545e-317 3.396341e-312 6.615484e-317
2009 Feb 13
[LLVMdev] Modeling GPU vector registers, again (with my implementation)
...f r0 are written by two different
> instructions.
> My question is how should I model these sub-registers. If I treat
> each component
> as a register, and do the register allocation individually, it seems
> very
> difficult to merge the scalars operations back into one vetor
> operation.
Well, how many possible permutations are there? Is it possible to
model each case as a separate physical register?
> // each %reg is a sub-register
> // r1, r2, r3, r4 here are virtual register number
> mul %reg1024, r1, r2 // x
> mul %reg1025,...
2016 Apr 25
Splitting Numerical Vector Into Chunks
> Just one additional question: I also have some time data that accompanies
> this analysis. It is in the format h:m:s:00 where the last item is hundreths of a
> second. I tried various things with the date and time functions in R, but I have
> not found a way to convert the vetor into a workable time class.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: PIKAL Petr [mailto:petr.pikal at precheza.cz]
> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:13 AM
> To: William Dunlap <wdunlap at tibco.com>; Ista Zahn <istazahn at gmail.com>
> Cc: Sidoti, Salvatore A. <sidot...