search for: vel

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 174 matches for "vel".

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2009 Dec 18
...trying to estimate the weibull model using nls after putting OLS values as the initial inputs to NLS. I tried multiple times but still i m getting the same error of Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) : singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates. The Program is as below > vel <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) > df <- data.frame(conc, vel) > df conc vel 1 0.077 1 2 0.328 2 3 0.882 3 4 1.195 4 5 1.884 5 6 3.577 6 7 6.549 7 8 13.000 8 9 33.690 9 10 52.220 10 11 90.140 11 12 166.050 12 13 233.620 13 14...
2009 Feb 03
Translation pt-br "WIKI - FrontPage"
...nux. CentOS Cada vers?o ? suportada por 7 anos (por meio de atualiza??es de seguran?a). CentOS Uma nova vers?o ? liberada a cada 2 anos, e cada vers?o CentOS ? actualizado regularmente (a cada 6 meses) para suportar os hardware mais novos. Isso resulta em uma rede segura, de baixa manuten??o, confi?vel e previs?vel e reprodut?vel em ambiente Linux. Planeta CentOS Permane?a em contato com desenvolvedores CentOS em nosso Planeta. Download Download CD e DVD imagens individuais ou pacotes RPM. Vers?es disponivel 5,2, 4,7, 3,9 ou 2,1. Pesquisa Encontre informa??es sobre CentOS por palavra-chave no...
2011 Jul 20
Variable assigned to grep output - missing letter n!
...uis ipsum sed elit laoreet malesuada. Quisque rhoncus dui vitae eros euismod fermentum sollicitudin sem scelerisque. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas mollis pulvinar euismod. Duis viverra pharetra turpis eget feugiat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam facilisis, felis vitae lacinia fermentum, enim erat placerat erat, vel imperdiet lorem velit et ligula. Nam congue est in nisl lacinia lobortis. Vivamus elementum lacinia sodales. Curabitur commodo risus tincidunt augue pulvinar vehicula. Morbi eget velit sollicitudin nibh porta molestie. Maecenas in augue id quam ullamcorper rutrum. [scarolan at host:~]$ vi loremips...
2003 Apr 14
categorical variables
...: int 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ... $ Estacao : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... $ X30cm : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... $ : num 12.0 11.3 12.1 12.3 12.4 ... $ Temp.amplitude : num 1.167 -0.750 0.875 0.125 ... $ : num 0.479 0.514 0.517 0.445 0.468 ... $ Vel.amplitude : num -0.04865 0.03417 0.00312 0.02364 ... $ Caudal.medio : num 0.570 0.585 0.589 0.485 0.501 ... $ Caudal.amplitude: num -0.04323 0.01449 0.00405 0.01617 ... $ : num 36.1 34.6 34.1 32.9 32.1 ......
2005 Jun 08
Robustness of Segmented Regression Contributed by Muggeo
...ods to deal with segmented regression? From a graph, v shapes are more clear at 1.2 and 1.5 break points than 1.5 and 1.7. Appreciate your help. Result1: Initial break points are 1.2 and 1.5. The estimated break points and slopes: Estimated Break-Point(s): Est. St.Err Mean.Vel 1.285 0.05258 1.652 0.01247 Est. St.Err. t value CI(95%).l CI(95%).u slope1 0.4248705 0.3027957 1.403159 -0.1685982 1.018339 slope2 2.3281445 0.3079903 7.559149 1.7244946 2.931794...
2010 Aug 24
Using kfilter in package sspir - dimensions do not agree
...4, while vector f has dimension 2. Here's some sample code: ###################################################################### require(sspir) # getting the hang of the kalman filter x.coords <- c(5,6,5,6,8,9,8,8,10,11) y.coords <- c(25,30,42,51,55,52,42,28,24,31) times <- 1:10 x.vel <- c(0,diff(x.coords)/diff(times)) y.vel <- c(0,diff(y.coords)/diff(times)) kal.df <- data.frame(x.coords,x.vel,y.coords,y.vel) kal.ts <- ts(kal.df,deltat=mean(diff(times))) my.Fmat <- function(tt,x,phi){ mf <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0),nrow=4,byrow=T) return(mf) } my.Gmat <-...
2009 Jun 13
Portuguese translation problem (PR#13756)
...issue but as it is around for sometime I've decided to report. As this is a frequent message when beginners start using R, it gives an unfortunate bad impression on the overall quality of the software which is excellent. The actual message (with the translation error) is: Erro: n?o foi posss?vel encontrar a fun??o "functionname" The correct message should be: Erro: n?o foi poss?vel encontrar a fun??o "functionname"
2003 May 30
conversao para matriz
ol?, estou tentando converter a vari?vel b (abaixo) em uma matriz com duas colunas, sem muito sucesso, algu?m teria alguma sugest?o? muito obrigado, a<-outer(1:5,1:7,FUN="paste") b<- sample(a,10) [1] "4 2" "5 7" "3 3" "4 1" "4 5" "3 5" "5 2" "2 1...
2014 Nov 25
...-9246/9247 IMPORTANTE: Esta mensagem, incluindo quaisquer anexos, ? endere?ada exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio e poder? conter informa??es confidenciais. A revis?o, distribui??o, divulga??o e o uso n?o autorizado de tais informa??es ? proibido e estar? sujeita a penalidade cab?vel. Caso voc? n?o seja o destinat?rio, por favor informe o remetente respondendo o e-mail e destrua todas as c?pias da mensagem original. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <
2006 Feb 07
MFC/R2 in Brazil
...tried to change the timer in mfcr2.c to 20000. I tried a lot of combinations in protocolvariant but, no sucess. The Telco said me that the PBX is synchronized. Strange, no? Please help me. Thanks a lot. *unicall.conf* ;call telephony channel driver ; Sample configuration file [channels] loglevel=255 language=br context=default usecallerid=yes hidecallerid=no restrictcid=no callwaitingcallerid=yes threewaycalling=yes transfer=yes cancallforward=no callreturn=no echocancel=yes echocancelwhenbridged=yes echotraining=yes echotraining=800 relaxdtmf=yes rxgain=0.0 txgain= 0.0 callgroup=1 pickupg...
2019 Dec 27
Delete Phabricator metadata tags before committing
Many git commits in the monorepo look like the following: [Tag0][Tag1] Title line Summary: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque mauris neque, porta nec tristique at, sagittis vel nisi. Fusce pharetra nunc et mauris consequat venenatis. Reviewers: username0, username1 Reviewed By: username0 Subscribers: username2, username3, llvm-commits Tags: #llvm Differential Revision: These Phabricator metadata lines (`Revi...
2014 Nov 06
RemoteApp Failed Logon
...t I've had some problems with Web Access RemoteApp when the TS uses samba as logon server, the logon account fail, see below: Nome do Log: Security Fonte: Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing Data: 06/11/2014 08:08:08 Identifica??o do Evento:4625 Categoria da Tarefa:Logon N?vel: Informa??es Palavras-chave:Falha de Auditoria Usu?rio: N/D Computador: srvcheina.dipaula.local Descri??o: *Falha no logon de uma conta.* Requerente: Identifica??o de seguran?a: IIS APPPOOL\RDWebAccess Nome da conta: RDWebAccess Dom?nio da conta:...
2002 Jun 11
RES: OpenSSH with slow login
...============================= O conte?do desta mensagem e todos os seus anexos s?o para uso restrito, confidencial e est?o protegidos legalmente, sendo endere?ado somente ao(s) destinat?rio(s) e n?o deve ser divulgado sem pr?via autoriza??o. Se voc? n?o ? o destinat?rio desta mensagem, ou o respons?vel pela entrega desta, voc? n?o est? autorizado a revelar, copiar, distribuir ou reter esta mensagem ou qualquer parte da mesma. O uso impr?prio ser? tratado conforme as normas da ATL - ALGAR TELECOM LESTE S/A. Opini?es, conclus?es, ou outras informa??es nesta mensagem que n?o se relacionam com a linh...
2017 Nov 09
weighted average grouped by variables update about my question: I worked out the following solution (with the package "dplyr") library(dplyr) mydf%>% mutate(speed_vehicles=n_vehicles*mydf$speed) %>% group_by(date_time,type) %>% summarise( sum_n_times_speed=sum(speed_vehicles), n_vehicles=sum(n_vehicles), vel=sum(speed_vehicles)/sum(n_vehicles) ) In fact I was hoping to manage everything in a "one-go": i.e. without the need to create the "intermediate" variable called "speed_vehicles" and with the use of the function weighted.mean() any hints for a different approach...
2017 Nov 09
weighted average grouped by variables
Dear Massimo, It seems straightforward to use weighted.mean() in a dplyr context library(dplyr) mydf %>% group_by(date_time, type) %>% summarise(vel = weighted.mean(speed, n_vehicles)) Best regards, ir. Thierry Onkelinx Statisticus / Statistician Vlaamse Overheid / Government of Flanders INSTITUUT VOOR NATUUR- EN BOSONDERZOEK / RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR NATURE AND FOREST Team Biometrie & Kwaliteitszorg / Team Biometrics & Quality Assu...
2003 Sep 12
Converting character to function argument
...fa?a qualquer uso do respectivo conte?do e proceda ? sua destrui??o, notificando o remetente. LIMITA??O DE RESPONSABILIDADE: A seguran?a da transmiss?o de informa??o por via electr?nica n?o pode ser garantida pelo remetente, o qual, em consequ?ncia, n?o se responsabiliza por qualquer facto suscept?vel de afectar a sua integridade. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message, as well as existing attached files, is confidential and intended exclusively for the individual(s) named as addressees. If you are not the intended recipient, you are kindly requested not to make any use whatsoever of its content...
2006 Nov 30
writing lists fastly on file
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado... Nome: n?o dispon?vel Url:
2010 Feb 16
READ.TABLE for Mac that I am > using... > The command is the following... > > file<-read.table("/Users/M?rcio/UdeM/Travail Dirig?/Data/MU284 > Population.txt",header=T,skip=24) > > And I am getting the following error... > > Erro em file(file, "rt") : n?o ? poss?vel abrir a conex?o > Al?m disso: Warning message: > In file(file, "rt") : > cannot open file > '/User/M?rcio/UdeM/Travail_Dirig?/Data/MU284_Population.txt': No such file > or directory > > I checked already the messages but I didn't find what could be my &...
2007 Dec 25
Where can I find compress and uncompress? have disapeared when I migrate from CentOS 4 to CentOS 5. Anyone knows where we can find them? Thanks <html> <body> <font face = "arial" size = "1" color = "#000080">Aviso:<br>"O emitente desta mensagem &eacute; respons&aacute;vel por seu conte&uacute;do e endere&ccedil;amento. Cabe ao destinat&aacute;rio cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. Sem a devida autoriza&ccedil;&atilde;o, a divulga&ccedil;&atilde;o, a reprodu&ccedil;&atilde;o, a distribui&ccedil;&atilde;o ou qualquer outr...
2011 Nov 20
install.package tseries
I have not been successfull in downloading tseries package in the R in my macbook air. The message sent is:Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : imposs?vel carregar objeto compartilhado '/Library/Frameworks/ Do you have any clue?