search for: vba

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 177 matches for "vba".

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2007 Mar 19
running VBA code/macros within Linux
Hi, . I know you can run Windows applications using WINE (, but has anyone tried, say, running Word or Excel VBA code/macros based on Windows run time libraries? . the thing is that in their faq ( they don't even mention this possibility and searching on; VBA Word, doesn't give you any hits, even though WINE does link to windows native dll's . Perha...
2010 Apr 18
how to use Excel VBA's Shell() to call and execute R file
I have an R file R_test.R saved in C:\R_test folder. The R_test.R looks like this: setwd("C:/R_test") rnorm(100) write(rnorm(100),"data.txt") q(save="no", runLast = F) Next I would like use an Excel VBA/macro Shell() function to call R and execute R_test.R file. The syntax is *Shell(pathname*[*,windowstyle*]*)* I wrote an Excel macro RunRcode like this: Sub RunRcode() Dim RetVal RetVal = "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.10.1\bin\Rgui.exe & C:\R_test\R_test.R” RetVal = Shell(RetVal, vbNorm...
2012 Apr 28
Equivalent of Nothing (in VBA) or [] in Matlab in R
Hi, I am very new to R so please excuse me if I am asking very obvious questions. I am trying to call a blackbox api function implemented in as a COM object from R. The function definition says that 1. if calling from VBA, the first parameter should be set to "Nothing" 2. if calling from matlab, the first parameter should be set to [] What should be the equivalent for above in R?. Thanks lm -- View this message in context:
2007 Jun 11
Starting R within an VBA makro
Hello everybody, at work I want to start R within an VBA program. First I calculate something in Excel 2003. After that I want to start within my VBA makro R wich should start an R file, say i.g, superplot.R which plots me the data well. So is it possible? Maybe something like that: sub test() 'calculate something start R superplot.R en...
2009 Jul 27
creating and populating an environment
Hi, I often work with R by writing long(ish) Excel-VBA macros interspersed with calls to R via RExcel. A typical example of this would be: Sub VBAMacro() 'fetch some data from an excel sheet 'do some basic stuff on said data 'transfer data from vba to R 'run some R statements 'get data back to vba 'show results on the exc...
2013 Jul 12
Conexion excel vba con R y VBasic con R
Buenos días: ¿Hay alguna forma de conectar VBA de Excel con R, de forma que desde Excel se puedan cursar instrucciones de R?, ¿ y V.Basic con R? Gracias anticipadas. Saludos [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Oct 30
Hi List, Is there any way to pass on directly VBA variable content into a R variable? on windows XP & using R 2.12.0 I have installed RExcel addin (with associated D(COM)) >> It function fine when trying to pass Excel Range to R but I failed (sorry if it is only my own limitation, search till now unsuccessful) to find out how to pass...
2013 Jul 12
Conexion excel vba con R y VBasic con R
...aludos cordiales. Eduardo Freyre -----Mensaje original----- De: miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en [mailto:miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en] Enviado el: viernes, 12 de julio de 2013 12:39 Para: efreyre en; r-help-es en Asunto: RE: [R-es] Conexion excel vba con R y VBasic con R Hola Eduardo. Lo que buscas lo puedes encontrar aquí.... Un saludo, _____________________________ Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Muíños Dirección Xeral de Innovación e Xestión da Saúde Pública Consellería de Sanidade Xunta de Galicia htt...
2009 Jun 15
[OT] VBA to save excel as csv
Hi all, This is a little off-topic, but it is on the general topic of getting data in R. I'm looking for a excel macro / vba script that will export all spreadsheets in a directory (with one file per tab) into csv. Does anyone have anything like this? Thanks, Hadley --
2003 Feb 16
[SUMMARY] Converting coef(lm) to SQL/VBA/etc
...("contr.Treatment", "contr.poly")) Now run your lm() as usual mod <- lm( . ~ . ) ...and save the coefficients write.table(mod$coeff, file="mod.csv", sep=",") Now, I needed two target languages for my model, which were SQL (using a CASE statement) and VBA. These two targets meant I could utilise my model in any ANSI-92 compliant DB (since CASE is ANSI-92), and also in the MS Access DB (since the Jet database engine can utilise any VBA function from within SQL). The attached script can convert from the csv file saved above into either of these two fo...
2011 Jul 25
Junior R and VBA Specialist ; Belgium Brussels
You will create new databases and reports in R and VBA. You will also update and /or improve existing reports in R and VBA. Required: * Good knowledge of R is essential, mainly in the field of database mgt. Knowledge of statistics is not necessarily required. * Knowledge of VBA * You are a dynamic teamplayer who works efficiently and in a structured w...
2007 Jul 16
can I run/launch an excel VBA macro from wihin R?
Is there an "easy" or good way to run/launch an Excel VBA macro from within R? --------------------------------- Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 08
Office 97: VBA editor flashes onto screen, then disappears
Running Debian Etch with msttcorefonts installed, and Wine 0.9.58 Office 97 (Excel, Word, Powerpoint only, not Outlook etc) installed fine using Winecfg 'out of the box', setting default environment to Windows 98. Office 97 includes VBA, which can be started from Word's or Excel's menu: 'Tools, Macros, Visual basic Editor'. (The VBA editor is normally 3 panes, two file/housekeeping panes on the left, and a large pane on the right containing program modules into which you can enter VBA statements.) Starting the ed...
2008 Jun 21
converting an R function into VBA
Hi everyone, I want to convert an R function into VBA for calculating the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix using the "Power Method". The function is: PowerMethod <- function(x, tolerance) {     my.mat <- var(x[,-1], na.method="available")     matSize <- dim(my.mat)[1]     eigenVec <- matrix(NA, nrow=matSize, n...
2010 Oct 27
R-Excel Macro mode
...t. It's quite a lot of R-code which I made in R at first and now I am trying to transform it into excel. The R code is a simulation of a random path x times, put into matrices and then doing some transformations on it. I pasted the R code on a seperate sheet in my Excel file, which by means of VBA I read with RInterface.RunRCodeFromRange Range(...). Before this, I put Excel data to the required R variables with the RInterface.PutArray "...",Range(...). After the code is run, I want to get the variables from the code, which I want to do with GetArray. The model seems to work fine f...
2011 Oct 18
how to invoke vba by r?
dear listers, right now, we are trying to use r to implement sas dde function, e.g. interact with excel. however, we can't find a way to call vba from r? any insight is appreciated. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Aug 22
Usage of ETS R codes through RExcel macros in VBA
Issue: Usage of ETS R codes through RExcel macros in VBA Given below is my command code: Rinterface.runrcodefromrange Range(?Sheet1!B2:D8?) Following are the codes written in the given cell reference: #!rput zz 'Sheet1'!$B$2:$B$22 library(forecast) zz <- ts(zz,freq=365,start=c(2009,1)) etsz <- ets(zz,model='AAN') etszP <- fo...
2013 Jul 12
Conexion excel vba con R y VBasic con R
...Sanidade Xunta de Galicia -----Mensaje original----- De: r-help-es-bounces en [mailto:r-help-es-bounces en] En nombre de Eduardo Freyre Enviado el: viernes, 12 de julio de 2013 12:30 Para: r-help-es en Asunto: [R-es] Conexion excel vba con R y VBasic con R Buenos días: ¿Hay alguna forma de conectar VBA de Excel con R, de forma que desde Excel se puedan cursar instrucciones de R?, ¿ y V.Basic con R? Gracias anticipadas. Saludos Nota: A información contida nesta mensaxe e os seus posibles documentos adxuntos é privada e co...
2003 May 09
VBA function InStrRev in RCOM
Dear all, I am trying to use R within Excel 97. Seems the VBA with Excel 97 does not recognize function "InStrRev" (it gives error message when I try to launch RExcel Help, just the same as that it doesn't recognize function "Replace"). A solution for frunction Replace has been provided (Ritter, Christian ,
2008 May 24
R-Excel Macro Problem
I'm trying to write R functions into VBA code. I've done this many other times in other documents and everything has run great. But today I keep recieving an error message "Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error." Has anyone else encountered this same error message? I do not recieve th...