Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "varr".
Did you mean:
2013 Feb 26
Efficient way to perform linear regressions
for (i in 1:10^4)
fit.ls = lsfit( x = X[M[i,],], y = Y[M[i,]], intercept=F)
resu1[i,] = c( fit.ls$coeff[2], sum((fit.ls$res)^2))
t2 = proc.time()
for (i in 1:10^4)
hatM = t(X[M[i,],])%*%X[M[i,],]
try( beta <- ( solve( hatM ) %*% t( X[M[i,],] )%*%Y[M[i,]] ), silent = T)
try( varr <- sum((Y[M[i,]]-X[M[i,],]%*%beta)^2), silent = T)
try( resu2[i, ] <- c( beta[2], varr ), silent = T)
t3 = proc.time()
for (i in 1:10^4)
hatM = t(X[M[i,],])%*%X[M[i,],]]
try( beta <- ( qr.solve( hatM ) %*% t( X[M[i,],] )%*%Y[M[i,]] ), silent = T)
try( varr <- sum(( Y[M[i,]]-X[M...
2011 May 31
Please HELP
Hi R people.
I have a problem. What can I create by using functions the
combinations of distances in multiple comparisons tests such as
duncan multiple range test?
dat<-data.frame(cur, varr)
lmm<-lm(cur~ varr,data=dat)
duncan.test<-function(anova, which="...
2010 Sep 07
change the for loops with lapply
...2401, 2417)]
train.v<-rbind(train.cv, train.nv) #training data for feature
# grow tree
fit.dimer <- rpart(as.factor(out) ~ ., method="class", data=train.v)
at<-grep("<leaf>", fit.dimer$frame[, "var"], value=FALSE, ignore.case=TRUE)
varr<-as.character(unique(fit.dimer$frame[-at, "var"]))
train.cc <- n.cc[-out.fold.c,]
valid.cc <- n.cc[out.fold.c,]
train.nn <- n.nn[-out.fold.n,]
valid.nn <- n.nn[out.fold.n,]
train<-rbind(train.cc, train.nn) #training data
2004 Oct 16
Re: winesetuptk0.72/tcltk-winesetuptk-0.72
...essfully run wine
anymore. If you don't have a .wine directory, run
wine --version
and it will be created for you.
PS make sure you reply back to the list as well as to anyone who
replies so that others that have the same problem can learn.
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 13:22:18 -0400, C. Andrews La Varre
<alavarre@amail.lavarre.org> wrote:
> James hi thanks for the prompt reply.
> I have run the wine binary rpm and it is installed, apparently correctly.
> It's the configuration part that I was looking for some help with, but
> as noted I can install neither winese...
2010 May 26
how to Store loop output from a function
...old.n, c(2:401, 418)]
train.v<-rbind(train.cv, train.nv) #training data for feature
# grow tree
fit.dimer <- rpart(out ~ ., method="class", data=train.v)
at<-grep("<leaf>", fit.dimer$frame[, "var"], value=FALSE, ignore.case=TRUE)
varr<-as.character(unique(fit.dimer$frame[-at, "var"]))
train.cc <- n.cc[-out.fold.c, ]
valid.cc <- n.cc[out.fold.c, ]
train.nn <- n.nn[-out.fold.n,]
valid.nn <- n.nn[out.fold.n,]
train<-rbind(train.cc, train.nn) #training data
2010 Sep 24
How to read this file into R.
Dear community,
I have one file named ca_boost_feature.txt,
Feature selection (Boosting:0.0025,5)!
H.2.C C.1.D C.3.R E.0.N C.2.S C.0.G H.3.G
log file: ep
If I want to use the second line of this file, how to read it into R?
varr<-read.table("/home/cdu/operon/carbonic/ca_boost_feature.txt", sep=" ",
skip=1, header=F, strip.white=TRUE, nrows=1)
Warning message:
In read.table("/home/cdu/operon/carbonic/ca_boost_feature.txt", :
incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on
2006 Sep 19
How to interpret these results from a simple gamma-frailty model
...t;- round(fitM1$coef,6) # Model 1 coefficients
frailty(id,dist="gamma",sparse=T,method="em")) # Model 2, frailty
cf[i,2,] <- round(fitM2$coef,6) # Model 2, coefficients
# store estimated Variance of random effect
print(paste("Theta = ",l, " variance in estimated random effect= ",varre))
print(paste("Theta = ",l, " variance in estimated ind. frailty = ", var(exp(fitM2$frail))))
2010 Aug 03
Returning last value
# end
## Ao editar um projeto, existe a possibilidade da alteração do
responsável pela Td
## Portanto, ele procura por todas as tarefas daquele projeto
@tarefas = Tarefa.all(:conditions => ["projeto_id = ?",
## Varre cada uma
for tarefa in @tarefas
## Altera o campo "responsável" pelo respnsável_td recém modificado
(ou não) na edição do projeto
tarefa.responsavel = Usuario.find(:first, :conditions => ["id =
?", @projeto.responsavel_td]).nome
## Atualiza as alterações...
2014 Mar 13
[LLVMdev] MergeFunctions: reduce complexity to O(log(N))
Hi Nick,
I have committed 0001 as r203788.
I'm working on fixes for 0002 - 0014.
> After reading through this patch series, I feel like I'm missing
> something important. Where's the sort function? It looks like we're
> still comparing all functions to all other functions.
When you insert functions into std::set or its analogs it does all the
job for you. Since