search for: varnam

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 454 matches for "varnam".

Did you mean: varname
2008 Oct 12
Conditionally skip over "for(..){" and "}"?? one of several in the columns of a dataframe, and I would like to be able to choose between a run for just one of these variables, or a run which loops over them all. So, for a single run, I could have the following kind of thing in a file code.R to be sourced by source("code.R"): # VarName <- "Var1" VarName <- "Var2" # VarName <- "Var3" # VarName <- "Var4" ### CUT OUT LOOP # VarNames <- c("Var1","Var2","Var3","Var4") # for( VarName in VarNames ) { << Lots of code related to analy...
2006 Jul 13
writeForeignSAS and potential extensions;- function (x) paste("\"", x, "\"", sep = "") dfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.dat") cfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "") write.foreign(d, datafile = dfile, codefile = cfile, package = "SAS7", validvarname = "V6") Sincerely, Stephen :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Stephen Weigand Division of Biostatistics Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minn., USA Phone (507) 266-1650, fax 284-9542 -------------- next part -------------- --- writeForeignSAS.R Fri Feb 17...
2010 Feb 11
Access variables by string
Dear all, I have two probably very easy questions: (1) Is there a way to access certain variables by their string-based name representation? Example: numbers <- c("one", "two", "three") varname <- "numbers" print(varname[2]) (2) I need this functionality for a customized na.exclude() function that I am building, which should only exclude rows that have NA in certain columns. Maybe there is already a function which does exactly what I need, so I'd highly appreciate if...
2007 Jan 26
Use a text variable's value to specify another varaible?
Greetings guRus -- If a variable, e.g., 'varname', is a character string, e.g. varname <- "datavector", and I want to apply a function, such as table(), to datavector, what syntax or method will do so using only the variable varname? This seems similar to indirect addressing, but I have not seen a method for it in the R manuals...
2003 May 31
parse on left hand side of R assignment
I keep finding myself in a situation where I want to calculate a variable name and then use it on the left hand side of an assignment. For example iteration <- 1 varName <- paste("run",iteration,sep="") myList$parse(text=varName) <- aColumn I want to take some existing variable "aColumn" and use the name "varName" name for it and put it into a list "myList". That use fails with this error: Error: couldn...
2003 Nov 10
Reading an upper triangular matrix
...but all give the same error). The items in the data file is delimited by white space. (Part of) script to read: myfile <- file("Paises.dat", open="r") # opens a connection which stays open until closed by close(myfile) name <- readLines(con=myfile, n=1) varnames <- scan( myfile, what=character(0), nlines=1 ) stopifnot( length(varnames) == 21 ) Paises <- matrix(0, 21, 21) colnames(Paises) <- varnames rownames(Paises) <- varnames for (i in 1:21) { temp <- scan(myfile, what=list("a", rep(0,22-i) ), nlines=1, sep="")...
2017 Aug 13
ggplot's aes_ doesn't work as expected for x=factor()
...dataset df <- data.frame(LogicalVar = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), Var1 = c(0.01, 0.01, 1, 1, 30, 30), pct1 = c(12, 88, 60, 40, 93, 7), Var2 = c(2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8), pct2 = c(43, 57, 10, 90, 50, 50) ) varnames <- names(df) # using aes()--this works ggplot(df, aes(x=factor(Var1), y=pct1, fill=LogicalVar)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") # works # using aes_() works in this instance ggplot(df, aes_([2]),[3]),[1]))) + geom_bar(stat=&quo...
2010 Jun 28
mathematical expression in varnames of lattice parallel plot
How can I insert mathematical expressions for variable names in a lattice parallel plot? I tried to implement mathematical expressions in varnames, however, without success. For example, neither parallel(~iris[1:4] | Species, iris, varnames=c("P[Width]", "Petal[length]", "alpha[Width]", "Sepal[Length]")) nor parallel(~iris[1:4] | Species, iris, varnames=c(expression(P[Width]), e...
2013 Jan 11
[LLVMdev] Make a comparation with IR builder
Hi Justin, my class is a visitor pattern and I use accept method to go recursive in suboject in my AST. In locals I store AllocaInst pointer. void *visit(var1_init_decl_c *symbol) { llvm::Type *lType; varNames.clear(); varType = ""; symbol->var1_list->accept(*this); /* get a vector contains variable names */ symbol->spec_init->accept(*this); /* Store in varType variable list */ lType = typeOf(varType); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < varNames.size(); i++) { Alloc...
2011 Jun 17
is this a bug?
Hello, Is the following a bug? I always thought that df$varname <- does the same as df["varname"] <- > df <- data.frame(weight=round(runif(10, 10, 100)), sex=round(runif(100, 0, 1))) > df$pct <- df["weight"] / ave(df["weight"], df["sex"], FUN=sum)*100 > names(df) [1] "weight" "sex&q...
2010 Aug 11
assignment functions with inherited class error
...t;, representation=representation( "matrix" ) ) i<-new("XXX"); m=matrix(); colnames(m)<-c("colA"); i at .Data=m; # >i # An object of class ?XXX? # colA #[1,] NA #________________________________________________________________________ #First Test "varnames<-" <- function(x,value){ colnames(x at .Data)<-value; } #========================================================== #Result: # > varnames(i)<-c("a") # > i # [1] "a" # x lost class type an value from XXX to vector. #____________________________________...
2009 Oct 02
help with regexp mass substitution
Hello * i have to rename a lot of variables, and, given that they have regular name constructs, I would like to use regexps. Here's a dump of my head(names(df)) varnames <- c("", "txt.1.3", "col1.1.3", "col2.1.3", "col3.1.3", "col4.1.3", "col5.1.3", "txt.2.3", "col1.2.3", "col2.2.3", "col3.2.3", "col4.2.3", "col5.2.3", &qu...
2006 Jul 13
simple question about variables....
Dear R users, I have a simple question on variable manipulation. Imagine I have an object "OBJ" that has "toto" as one of its variables. I would like to understand why if I do > varname <- "toto" >OBJ$varname returns no results whereas > OBJ[varname] returns the column entitled "toto" Thanks for your help. St?phane.
2006 Sep 15
Formula aruguments with NLS and model.frame() change in daily temperatures, id is just a time trend and the a*sin is a one year fourier series. I have tried to debug the nls code using the following code t1<-data.frame(t=as.vector(x),id=index(x)) data=t1; formula <- as.formula(t ~ a *sin(w *2* pi/365 * id + p) + b * id + int); varNames <- all.vars(formula) algorithm<-'default'; mf <-,expand.dots=FALSE, call('nls',formula, data=parent.frame(),start,control = nls.control(), algorithm = "default", trace = FALSE, subset, weights, na.action, m...
2012 Jul 14
Loading in Large Dataset + variables via loop
Hello, I'm new to R with a (probably elementary) question. Suppose I have a dataset called /A/ with /n/ locations, and each location contains within it 3 time series of different variables (all of 100 years length); each time series is of a weather variable (for each location there is a temperature, precipitation, and pressure). For instance, location 1 has a temperature1 time series, a
2012 Jun 22
dropping variables from a data frame inside a function
Why doesn't this work? #Drop a variable name from a data frame DropLikeSAS <- function(x,df) { df[[x]] <- NULL 0 } DropLikeSAS("VarName", DataFrameName) Try it. The column VarName will not be deleted from the data frame DataFrameName. But x <- "VarName" DataFrameName[[x]] <- NULL Works. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Oct 16
Adding axis lines to splom plots
...d I don't know how to superimpose the grid with the thicker lines (separating the 10x10 groups) onto the overall grid of all 30x30 plots. I enclose a reproducible example: ##### require(lattice) temp.df <- sapply(1:30, function(i) rnorm(20, 0,1)) splom(~temp.df, aspect="fill", varnames=paste("coord", 1:30, sep=""), xlab="", pscales=0, varname.cex=0.6, panel=function(x, y, ...){ panel.xyplot(x,y, cex=0.2, xlab="", ylab="") }) splom(~matrix(c(1,2,3), nc=3), aspect="fill", varnames=NULL, xlab="", pscales=0...
2013 Jan 11
[LLVMdev] Make a comparation with IR builder;manuele.conti at>wrote: > Hi Justin, > my class is a visitor pattern and I use accept method to go recursive in > suboject in my AST. > In locals I store AllocaInst pointer. > > > void *visit(var1_init_decl_c *symbol) { > llvm::Type *lType; > > varNames.clear(); > varType = ""; > symbol->var1_list->accept(*this); /* get a vector contains variable names */ > symbol->spec_init->accept(*this); /* Store in varType variable list */ > lType = typeOf(varType); > for (unsigned int i = 0; i < varNames.siz...
2013 Jan 11
[LLVMdev] Make a comparation with IR builder
...ot;Creating integer: " << value << std::endl; return (void *)ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt1Ty(getGlobalContext()), value, false); } return (void *)ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt16Ty(getGlobalContext()), value, false); } void *visit(symbolic_variable_c *symbol) { std::string varName; AllocaInst *alloc; varName = get_var_name_c::get_name(symbol->var_name)->value; alloc = locals[varName]; return (void *)alloc; } void *visit(equ_expression_c *symbol) { Value *lValue; Value *rValue; lValue = (Value *)symbol->l_exp->accept(*this); rValue = (Value *)...
2006 Feb 12
lme, nlsList, nlsList.selfStart
...) However when trying to fit the model with nlsList, I get: mymod3<-nlsList(Conc~Dose * exp(lKe+lKa-lCl) * (exp(-exp(lKe)*Tps)-exp(-exp(lKa)*Tps)) /(exp(lKa)-exp(lKe)), data=mydata, start= c(lKe=-2.77, lKa=-1.41, lCl=-1.13) ) Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras, extranames, : variable lengths differ Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras, extranames, : variable lengths differ Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras, extranames, : variable lengths differ Or sp...