search for: variaties

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "variaties".

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2009 Mar 11
How to monthly,daily,yearly average
Sorry, this is my first time to post. I have a big data set: first colume is date (ex: 2008-2-150, the second is time (10:30:00), and the following columes are variaty measurement data. Every 30 min, I have one data. I want to find an effecient way to calculate the hourly, daily, monthly and yearly average, and plot them, and eventually use these average data to do further analysis. Thanks!
2010 Dec 26
What is the best way to lag a time series?
Dear R-users, I've been using R for a while and I am very satisfied! Unfortunately, I still have not figured out an efficient and general way to construct and use lags of time series, especially when I need to work with different packages. Let me give an example. I have two time series x and y and I want to estimate a variaty of distributed lags models and run different tests
2005 Jul 01
Automating message archiving
Hallo, I recently stumple over some discussion about Sieve and what's the advantage to integrate it into the server rather than the LDA. Most of the filtering capabilites local users want to have performed are related to the INBOX or more preciesly the way to filter the message coming in. However, there are few tasks left: 1) Auto-archive old mail. 2) Drop old mail. 3) "Seen"
2005 Feb 18
FXS signalling for Ireland
Hi, I've installed a TDM400 card in an aging Dell Optiplex GXa (see my post a few weeks ago). The machine powers the card okay, it shows up in an 'lspci', and asterisk runs fine with it. I've tried both 1.0.4 and 1.0.5. The box in question is running a 2.4 kernel. However... I'm having trouble getting the card to work with a variaty of handsets attached to the FXS ports.
2008 Aug 08
transcoding to theora from quicktime using xiphqt
Hi, I'm trying to convert some quicktime files into Ogg/Theora using the Xiph QuickTime Components version 1.8. The end goal is to stream these files using apache httpd and the cortado applet (and hopefully the embedded players that will be in Firefox soon). Using iMovie DV on OS X 10.4.11 (intel) I'm able to export as an ogg movie, however the resultant file has problems with audio on
1998 May 11
R-beta: Corrections to documentation
Thanks to Peter Dalgaard's message, I learned a bit more about the 'par' function and rewrote my HTML help file accordingly. Is it appropriate to submit such changes somewhere to improve the documentation? I would also be willing to write some missing documentation as well. Dr. Jim Lemon -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing
2004 Jun 17
[LLVMdev] Getelementptr woes
...ddressing modes. Sure. Regardless of whether you do fancy folding or not, you should still handle constant expressions (see below). Constant expressions exist for a couple of important reasons and they aren't too horrible to handle correctly. :) Also, ConstantExprs come in several different variaties, not just getelementptr ones. > So I wonder if I can away by writing two passes which work on LLVM level. > The first pass would extract all ConstantExpr* operands from instructions and > move them into separate instructions. E.g. the example above would become: > > %tmp.1 = sbyte...
2004 Jun 17
[LLVMdev] Getelementptr woes
Hello, I'm having problems with the following LLVM instruction %tmp.0.i = call int (sbyte*, ...)* %printf( sbyte* getelementptr ([11 x sbyte]* %.str_1, long 0, ...... The first argument in function call, sbyte* getelementptr ([11 x sbyte]* %.str_1..... appears to be ConstantExpression*, and my backend does not support ConstantExpression yet. I probable can implement
2010 May 19
Generating all possible models from full model
Is there a function that will allow me to run all model iterations if I specify a full model? I am using information criteria to choose between possible candidate models. I have been writing out all possible model combinations by hand, and I am always worried that I am missing models or have made a mistake somewhere. It is also difficult to alter models if I want to change a term. For example,