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2023 Mar 04
nlme varFixed
Dear R-project team,
I have a problem with the function varFixed() of the nlme-package.
I used it with the squid-data of Zuur et. al 2009 (chapter 4), to fix
increasing residuals (heterogenetiy) (see graph in the email)
I get the message '
Variance function structure of class varFixed with no parameters, or
Could you help me please?
2003 Dec 21
Dear List:
Earlier this week I posted a question and received no response, and I continue to struggle with my model. My original question is pasted below.
I am using lme and want to fix the variance of the within group residual at 1 (e~n(0,1). I think the varFixed function should be used to accomplish this, but I am struggling to figure out how to do this.
Can anyone offer suggestions on how this might be accomplished?
Thanks, I would appreciate any suggestions.
Dear List:
I am trying to figure out how to incorporate measurement error in a...
2009 Sep 17
Dealing with heterogeneity with varComb weights
I am trying to add multiple variance structures such as the first example
vf1 <- varComb(varIdent(form = ~1|Sex), varPower())
However my code below will not work can anybody please advise me?
also if you have two variables with the same weights function would you
write that as:
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Dealing-with-heterogeneity-with-varComb-weights-t...
2005 Dec 27
glmmPQL and variance structure
Dear listers,
glmmPQL (package MASS) is given to work by repeated call to lme. In the
classical outputs glmmPQL the Variance Structure is given as " fixed
weights, Formula: ~invwt". The script shows that the function
varFixed() is used, though the place where 'invwt' is defined remains
unclear to me. I wonder if there is an easy way to specify another
variance structure (eg varPower, etc..), preferably using an lme object
of the varFunc classes ? Some trials show that the 'weights' argument of
2009 Aug 19
how to specify two variance effects in gls
Hello everybody,
I have a dataset where each row has number of subjects and that gives me natural weights for the variance function. Additionally I see that variance increases with Age, which is a regressor.
So using gls I have
but don't know how to include the extra effect of the regressor.
Fitted values show a quadratic curve vs. age, not sure if that helps.
Thanks everybody.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jan 23
mixed effects meta-regression: nlme vs. metafor
...r the moment I use a linear model, i.e., twice the followup time will
give you twice the effect, etc...
I get /almost/ what I want using "nlme" via this command:
lme01 <- lme(effect ~ treatment + treatment*time - time - 1,
random = ~ 1|study,
weights = varFixed(~se2),
data = dat)
"effect" is the real-valued measurement, "treatment" is a factor, and
"time" is the followup time in months. "se2" is the squared standard error.
Problem is: using the "varFixed()" option, "lme()" will fi...
2017 Aug 09
Plotting log transformed predicted values from lme
...effect variables;one as a log
transformed variable (x) and one as factor (y) variable, and two nested
random intercept terms.
I want to save the predicted values from that model and show the log curve
in a plot ; predicted~log(x)
mod<-lme(B~log(x)+as.factor(y), random=~1|cohort/Study,
weights=varFixed(~I(SE^2)), na.action=na.omit, data=subset(meta),
control = lmeControl(sigma = 1, apVar = FALSE))
newdat <- data.frame(x=seq(min(meta$x), max(meta$x),,118)) # I have 118
observations. #How do I add the factor variable to my newdat?
newdat$pred <- predict(mod, newdat,le...
2006 Mar 16
DIfference between weights options in lm GLm and gls.
...t; glm4
Call: glm(formula = ys ~ Xs - 1)
Xs Xsx
2.687 6.528
Degrees of Freedom: 1243 Total (i.e. Null); 1241 Residual
Null Deviance: 4490000
Residual Deviance: 506700 AIC: 11000
With weights, the glm did not give the same results as lm why?
Also for gls, I use varFixed here.
> gls3
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: y ~ x
Data: NULL
Log-restricted-likelihood: -3737.392
(Intercept) x
0.03104214 7.31032540
Variance function:
Structure: fixed weights
Formula: ~W
Degrees of freedom: 1243 total; 1241 residual
2005 Sep 29
how to fix the level-1 variances in lme()?
Dear all,
Edmond Ng (http://multilevel.ioe.ac.uk/softrev/reviewsplus.pdf) provides
an example to fit the mixed effects meta-analysis in Splus 6.2. The
syntax is:
lme(fixed=d~wks, data=meta, random=~1|study, weights=varFixed(~Vofd),
where d is the effect size, study is the study number, Vofd is the
variance of the effect size and meta is the data frame.
"sigma=1" is required to constrain the level 1 variance in applying
mixed-effects models in meta-analysis.
In Splus 6.1, I f...
2004 Feb 17
extracting standard error from lme output
Dear R experts,
I want to extract standard error from the output of lme, but I found
fix.effects() does not include SE of the coefficients. Many thanks in
Best regards,
²{¦b´N¤W MSN ·|û¥Ø¿ý¡G¦b½u¤Wµ²¥æ·sªB¤Í¡A§ä¨ì¿³½ì¬Û§ëªº¹Ù¦ñ
2004 May 11
Meta-Analysis using lme
...lysis, i.e. I'd like to use a
multi-level model to integrate the findings of a number of primary research
I set up a simple two level-model (only summary statistics are provided by
each study) as follows:
sapp.lme <- lme(D ~ 1, data = sapp.frame, random = ~ 1 | STUDYNR,
weights=varFixed(~-1+STDERR_D),na.action = na.exclude)
The intercept is random on both levels and the variable stderr_D (the
sampling variance) is supposed to be random only on level one. Besides, I
need to constrain the variance of stderr_d to equal 1.
Could anybody help me correct the code I provided? Thanks i...
2006 Apr 19
Can't run code from "Mixed Effects Models in S and S-plus"
library( nlme )
options( width = 65, digits = 5 )
options( contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.helmert", ordered = "contr.poly")
# Chapter 5 Extending the Basic Linear Mixed-Effects Models
# 5.1 General Formulation of the Extended Model
data( Orthodont )
vf1Fixed <- varFixed( ~ age )
vf1Fixed <- initialize( vf1Fixed, data = Orthodont )
Can anyone help me?
2009 Mar 11
Multilevel Modeling using glmmPQL
I'm trying to perform a power simulation for a simple multilevel
model, using the function glmmPQL in R version 2.8.1. I want to extract
the p-value for the fixed-effects portion of the regression, but I'm
having trouble doing that. I can extract the coefficients
(summary(fit)$coeff), and the covariance matrix (summary(fit)$varFix),
but I can't grab the p-value (or the
2009 Apr 06
nlme weighted
...not be much affected by these weights, but the
population mean). I don't quite see how to do this weighting by
I think what I need is something that multiplies these weights to the
residual variance. My first hint would be something as it is described
by the function varIdent or varFixed, but it is not quite clear to me
what is being done by these (e.g. what is meant by variance covariate
I thank you very much in advance if you could briefly comment on that
and point out the function for the weighting that should be applied.
All the best
Fabian Mollet
2009 Apr 29
meta regression in R using lme function
We are trying to do a meta regression in R using the lme function. The
reason for doing this with lme function is that we have covariates and
studies within references. In S-Plus this is possible by using the
following command:
lme(outcome ~ covars, random = ~1 | reference/study, weights =
varFixed(~var.outcome), data = mydata, control = lmeControl(sigma = 1))
This means that the residual variance is equal to var.outcome times sigma,
where sigma is fixed to 1.
In R we do not know how to fix sigma = 1 in the lmeControl. Has anyone
experience with this? If so, how can we solve this problem?...
2005 Sep 01
VarCorr function for assigning random effects: was Question
If you are indeed using lme and not lmer then the needed function is
VarCorr(). However, 2 recommendations. First, this is a busy list and
better emails subject headers get better attention. Second, I would
recommend using lmer as it is much faster. However, VarCorr seems to be
incompatible with lmer and I do not know of another function to work
with lmer.
Hence, a better email subject header
2017 Aug 10
Plotting log transformed predicted values from lme
...nsformed variable (x) and one as factor (y) variable, and two nested
> random intercept terms.
> I want to save the predicted values from that model and show the log curve
> in a plot ; predicted~log(x)
> mod<-lme(B~log(x)+as.factor(y), random=~1|cohort/Study,
> weights=varFixed(~I(SE^2)), na.action=na.omit, data=subset(meta),
> control = lmeControl(sigma = 1, apVar = FALSE))
> summary(mod)
> newdat <- data.frame(x=seq(min(meta$x), max(meta$x),,118)) # I have 118
> observations. #How do I add the factor variable to my newdat?
> newdat$pred...
2005 Nov 27
fixed, random effects with variable weights
...ically, I want to run a standard economist's fixed, and random
effects regression (corresponds to xtreg in STATA) but with _variable_
weights (they correspond to changing industry shares in the market).
Here is what I do:
1. however, my results are different from what I obtain in Stata using
areg (the weighted fixed effects times series regression). any ideas?
2. how do I read of the random affects results from this regression?
(i.e. coefficients on dcomp and dperc?)
Any hint would greatly be appreciated....
2005 Jun 21
Problem trying to use boot and lme together
The outcome variable in my dataset is cost. I prefer not to transform it as
readers will really be interested in pounds, not log(pounds) or
sqrt(pounds). I have fitted my model using lme and now wish to use boot on
it. I have therefore plagiarised the example in the article in RNews 2/3
December 2002
after loading the dataset I source this file
2009 Mar 27
LME as part of meta-analysis
...between 10-20 times. Within this, I want to use lme to create estimates for
the average true value, sample mean and average standard error for alpha,
theta, beta and the respective tau^2 values for each of these. For the lme
part, I'm using this
a<-summary(lme(alp~1,random=~1|alp, weights=varFixed(~staalp^2)))
This is the one for alpha. This isn't producing the type of results I would
expect, can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
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