Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "var_1".
Did you mean:
2012 Jun 28
Printing a variable in a loop
Dear R Users:
I'm a STATA user converting to R, and I'd like to be to do the following.
#Assign var_1 and var_2 a value
#Now I'd like to print the values of var_1 and var_2 by looping through
var_1 and var_2 in such a manner:
In STATA, the "y" appended to " var_" is called the local variable and the
code wo...
2018 Oct 16
Comprobar los nombres de columnas entre varios dataframes
Buenas tardes,
Quiero aplicar la función rbind y necesito tener los mismos nombres de
columnas. Como tengo unas 195 variables en cada dataframe, necesito
hacerlo de una forma rápida. Tengo 9 bases de datos y tengo que fusionar
todas. ¿Como puedo comprobar que los nombres de las variables son los
mismos? Y de lo contrario, ¿como detecto las diferencias?
He probado con
2010 May 20
multiple 2 by 2 crosstabulations?
I have a dataframe (var_1, var_2, ..., var_n) and I would like to export summary statistics to Latex in the form of a table. I want specific summary statistics by crossing numerous variables 2x2 AT ONCE. In each cell I would like sometimes to have the median (Q1 - Q3), or frequency and proportion, etc. CrossTable, xtab, etc...
2008 Apr 15
glm syntax question
...ble to do two things:
(1) I need to be able to have my list of variables in the regression
be based from a variable vector instead of hard code.
(2) I need to be able to collect the significant variables from the
output of the regression in a vector.
As example code consider:
out <- glm(Var_0~Var_1+Var_2, family=binomial(link=logit),
and if I then execute summary(out) I get a summary of the output
including a table
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.92995 0.08731 -33.558 < 2e-16 ***
Var_1 1.39244 0.10979 12.683 <...
2011 Mar 04
Creating a .png with just an expression() in it
I'm trying to create an image file with the results of a regression
analysis. In TeX, the line would be something like:
$ size = 0.34 + 4.3 var_1 $
Can I create a plot window with just this line in it? I tried playing
around with plot.new() or dev.new(), but didn't really find something
that worked.
Thanks in advance,
alexx at alexx-fett:~$ vi .emacs
2011 Jan 20
Accessing a 'user' variable via. dialplan.
I know you can access various sip variables via
'Set(sstatus=${SIPPEER(201,status)})' (for example) to get the status of
the sip user - but what about variables?
I have a user that has setvar=123456 in their users.conf (sip.conf if
you prefer). I can read it with a 'sip show peer 201' - but that gives
everything and parsing that isn't really an option.
Anyone know how
2005 Mar 29
Aggregating data (with more than one function)
I have the data similar to the following in a data frame:
LastName Department Salary
1 Johnson IT 56000
2 James HR 54223
3 Howe Finance 80000
4 Jones Finance 82000
5 Norwood IT 67000
6 Benson Sales 76000
7 Smith Sales 65778
8 Baker HR 56778
9 Dempsey HR 78999
10 Nolan