search for: validates_associated

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 84 matches for "validates_associated".

2006 Mar 13
validates_associated problem
Hello, I have a situation where an ''employee'' belongs to a ''department'' and have setup the relationship as follows. class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :department, :foregin_key => "department_id" validates_associated :department_id end class Department < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :employees def validate_on_update unless self.find_by_id(id) error.add(:id, "is invalid department") end end However when I try to save an employee with some test department ''578'', get th...
2006 Jun 13
Dead horse: validates_associated
Regarding validates_associated... Let''s say I have: article belongs_to author But for whatever reason, I want an article to also be written anonymously and therefore not require an author. Then I have: Article: belongs_to :author validates_associated :author But I DON''T have validates_presence_of. W...
2006 Mar 18
has_many and validates_associated arrive to the conclusion that 1. Validation recurses through has_many by default and a root save! call raises an excepcion if some child no matter how nested is fails validation 2. Validation does not recurse through has_one by default and you can change this with validates_associated, in which case exceptions behave like above Besides not being symmetric, the documentation of validates_associated has an example where models associated with has_many are passed to the method, so that makes me wonder whether 1 and 2 above are actually wrong. -- fxn
2008 Jun 29
How to write test about validates_associated
...vouchertypes, :dependent => :destroy has_one :coursecodeformat, :dependent => :destroy validates_uniqueness_of :name_native validates_uniqueness_of :code validates_presence_of :code validates_presence_of :name_native validates_presence_of :email validates_presence_of :phone validates_associated :currency validates_associated :coursecodeformat validates_associated :vouchertypes end and here is my test: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class AccountTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_validate_present account = assert !acc...
2006 Jun 12
validates_associated -- explicitly setting collection?
Hi, I have a class (say Parent) that has many of two other classes, say FirstChild and SecondChild. These could look like this: class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :first_children, :dependent => true has_many :first_children, :dependent => true validates_associated :first_children validates_associated :second_children end class FirstChild < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :parent validates_format_of :birth_date, :with => /^\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}$/ end class SecondChild < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :parent validates_format_of :birth_date, :w...
2005 Oct 26
validates_associated ... doesn't
...ed (saved/created/updated) only valid club_id''s are accepted. I have a Club model (simplified) like this: class Club < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :members end I have a Member model (simplified) like this: class Member < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :club validates_associated :club validates_presence_of :club_id end All other validations (not shown) and basic CRUD works as expected. However, when I insert a junk club_id it is accepted and saved in the database. Am I doing something wrong? I am using rails release 0.13.1-1 on Ubuntu Linux. Thx, Fraser
2008 Jul 01
validates_associated & foreign keys
Hi, I''m struggling to get the validates_associated to work as I think it should be. I''m using: JRuby 1.1 rails-2.0.2 activerecord-2.0.2 activerecord-jdbc-adapter-0.8.2 My tables in MySQL: CREATE TABLE area_codes ( id INT UNSIGNED auto_increment primary key ... ); CREATE TABLE markets ( id INT UNSIGNED auto_incr...
2013 Feb 13
conditional validates_associated
Hello, Have you guys noticed that conditional validation with validates_associated does not work well when you are creating a new record? Consider this gist: The Lawyer class has validates_associated on address conditioned on whether the Lawyer data comes from a known source or not. So, if lawyer.source equals to some string, then lawye...
2006 Apr 26
Bug in validates_associated?
Here is the setup: Windows XP, InstantRails, MySQL 14.7, Ruby 1.8.4, Rails 1.1.2 MODEL: class Office<ActiveRecord::Base has_many :users end class User<ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :office validates_presence_of :office_id validates_associated :office <....other stuff...> end UNIT_TEST test/unit/user_test.rb def test_associations u = u.office_id = 2222 # Invalid office id assert ! # Expected because of the invalid office id u.office_id = 2 # Valid office ID, found in fixtures asser...
2005 Nov 15
...-------------- person_id alt_person_id So my ActiveRecord looks like: class PeopleAltPerson < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person belongs_to :altperson, :class_name => ''Person'', :foreign_key => ''alt_person_id'' validates_presence_of :person validates_associated :person validates_presence_of :altperson # HERE? validates_associated :altperson # HERE? end It''s the last two lines I''m asking about. Can the validates_associated macro be used in this situation? i.e. where a table has two references to the same table. Jake...
2007 Feb 25
validates_associated causing weird results
I''d almost think the presence of "validates_associated" is causing the associated model to run validation twice. The associated model, Upload, which handles uploaded files and saves them, is saving each uploaded file twice in a row. This doesn''t happen if I remove "validates_associated" from the model it belongs to, or if I ha...
2008 Mar 11
add_multiple_associated_save_callbacks and validates_associated conflict?
...s I''m misunderstanding what''s happening here, but I''m having a problem with not being able to disable the validation of an associated collection if that collection contains a new record. Example... class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :email_addresses validates_associated :email_addresses, :if => { false } end p = (will return false and give you a validation error on email_addresses) There''s a validation set up by add_multiple_associated_save_callbacks in ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods that s...
2006 Oct 14
issues with validates_associated not throwing error
...not throwing an error where it should. I have a class ''clientpool'' that is: class Clientpool < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "clientpool" set_primary_key "id" belongs_to :clients, :foreign_key => "cliname" validates_presence_of :cliname validates_associated :client end However, when I try to make a new clientpool, that has an invalid cliname, that is not listed in clients, it will still create it and not error out. I see in the output log it does run the SQL to check, and the SQL querry returns 0 rows, so it should error out, but it doesn''t...
2006 Aug 19
Re: validates_associated
On 8/19/06, Alastair Moore <> wrote: > > Hello all, > > Having a bit of a problem with validates_associated. I assume I''m missing > something out but basically got these two models - > > class Seller < User > > has_one :profile, :foreign_key => ''user_id'', :dependent => :destroy > has_many :properties > > validates_associated :profile >...
2007 Mar 30
Rolling up validates_associated error messages into parent
All, I really dig using validates_associated on my models to automatically validate their associated objects. However, I find that I would prefer that the associated object''s error messages were propagated up to the original (object on which validate was called) object as they are, instead of the original object showing "X is i...
2008 Jun 10
validates_associated doesn't work on update (and i've tried :on => :update)
...edit/update. First the models: class Story < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :tag_string_holder #holds a CSV of tags ... has_and_belongs_to_many :tags, :uniq=> true ... def validate_associated_records_for_tags() end #to remove the generic "is invalid" error for tags ... validates_associated :tags, :message => ''may consist of only letters, numbers, and underscores'' ... class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :stories, :uniq => true, :order => "stories.created_at DESC" ... validates_presence_of :tag validates_format_of :tag,...
2009 Oct 27
Unwanted call to validates_associated
...d, then i get "Answers is not valid" coming out of errors.full_messages. I don''t want this, i''m already testing the validity of the answers and this is an ugly and uninformative error message. It looks like it''s the message i would get back if i was calling validates_associated :answers but i''m not, and if i *do* add this line validates_associated :answers, :message => "are not all valid" then i get "Answers are not all valid" AND "Answers is not valid". So, i guess it''s coming from somewhere else. But i can'...
2005 Oct 12
Validating 2 related models at once not working
Hello, I have a form that submits data to two related models/tables. One is Customer the other is Address. Validation for Customer works fine but not for the Address. Class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :address validates_presence_of :login, :password, :email validates_associated :address end Class Address < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :customer validates_presence_of :address1, :city, :state, :zip end With the code below the validation simply doesn''t work and the address object doesn''t get saved if all the required fields are empty. def signu...
2006 Aug 17
validates_associated bug?
...object itself throws no validation errors, and b) if i change to @credit_card.update_attributes(params[:credit_card]) i get a new credit_card record in the database, yet the overall transaction fails later because @organization still thinks the credit card is invalid. taking the validates_associated :credit_card out of Organization lets the whole operation complete normally, using the same input data. i have a model structure roughly like so: User id, etc... BusinessUser id, etc... user_id Organization id, etc... primary_business_user_id credit_card_id CreditCard id, etc......
2006 Mar 14
validates_associated stops after first fail
Hi, I am using validates_associated to validate some child models. The validation of the children stops after the first failed validation. i would like to validate all the children so that errors for more than one can be displayed in a form. Is there a way to do this without looping through all the children? Thanks, Peter