search for: vaiables

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "vaiables".

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2010 May 21
vaiable in lm
Hi, if I know the colnames x and y in the following example, I can easily to do lm. tmp <- data.frame(x=c(1,1.2),y=c(1,2)) lm(y ~ x, data=tmp) when the colnames are variable, what should I do? for example colnames(tmp)[1] <- paste("aa",1,sep="_") lm(y ~ paste("aa",1,sep="_"), data = tmp) it gives me error. [[alternative HTML version
2013 Feb 26
Merging value labels into indicator variable.
I have a vaiable named NAM having value : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. I want to make an indicator variable that will take value 1 if NAM=7 or NAM=8 or NAM=9. How can I do that? I usually do: Var001<- ifelse(NAM==7,1,0) for the simplest case. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 May 04
Superposing data on boxplot
Hi folks, I have a vaiable Y and an associated factor Z at several (13) levels. boxplot(Y~Z) produces a nice array of boxplots, one for each level of Z, and each duly labaelled with its level of Z. I would like to superpose on each boxplot the actual data points which it represents, i.e. do something conceptually (though not in real R) expressed as points(Y~Z) or points(Z,Y) It can
2006 Mar 02
[LLVMdev] Re: LLVMdev Digest, Vol 21, Issue 2
hello everybody, here I have a question regarding printing of the constants( like 2 .63 etc.,) present in the instruction while iterating over the instructions within a basic block . I am able to print the vaiables but not the constants. Can you please tell me how to get the constants printed out while iterating over the instructions because the constants do not have names as the variables do( like temp12,temp131 etc.,). thanking you, yours sincerely anubham suresh TU-Darmstadt Germany Anubham Suresh Me...
2003 Feb 17
lda on curves
I'm working on a rather interesting consulting problem with a client. A number of physical variables are measured on a number of cricket bowlers in the performance of a delivery. An example variable might be a directional component of angular momentum for a particular joint measured at a large number (101) of equally spaced timepoints. Each bowler generates a (fairly smooth) curve for
2014 May 23
R múltiple archivos de salida
R múltiple Estoy pensando en un problema que tendré que solucionar pero aún no comencé a escribirlo, por lo tanto no hay código en R como para compartir, sin embargo no tengo idea de cómo realizarlo desde R. El planteo es el siguiente: Los datos son en una cantidad necesaria para que el procesamiento estadístico demore (minutos, horas). Supongamos dos variables (serían más), la A y la B,
2006 Mar 03
[LLVMdev] printing constants
...flowed > > On Thu, 2 Mar 2006, anubham suresh wrote: > > here I have a question regarding printing of the > > constants( like 2 .63 etc.,) present in the > > instruction while iterating over the instructions > > within a basic block . > > I am able to print the vaiables but not the > > constants. > > Can you please tell me how to get the constants > > printed out while iterating over the instructions > > because the constants do not have names as the > > variables do( like temp12,temp131 etc.,). > > I'm not really sure what...
2014 May 24
R múltiple archivos de salida
Estimado Jorge Velez Lo que usted dice tiene algo a mi pregunta, pero yo la formule mal. Voy a preguntar nuevamente con un ejemplo que tiene errores, pero es más próximo a lo que estoy pensando. Modelo (con error pero no importa) modelo <- muerte = edad + sexo + 1!causa Causa: infarto, infarto, súbita, muerte en tiroteo El modelo lineal, sobrevida, etc. corre sin inconvenientes (aunque
2012 Sep 06
Logit regression, I observed different results for glm or lrm (Design) for ordered factor variables
Dear useR's, I was comparing results for a logistic regression model between different library's. themodel formula is arranged as follows: response ~ (intercept) + value + group OR: glm( response ~ (intercept) + value + group , family=binomial(link='logit')) lrm( response ~ (intercept) + value + group ) ROC( from = response ~ (intercept) + value + group ,
2004 Oct 29
fitting linear mixed model for incomplete block design
Dear R developers and users: I have the following data, x is the response vaiable, nsample(individual) nested within trt, and subsample nested within nsample, I want to fit trt as fixed effect, and block, nsample(trt) as random effects using lme, is the following coding correct? dat$vgrp <- getGroups(dat, form = ~ 1|trt/nsample, level = 2) ge.lme1 <- lme(fixed=x~trt, data=dat,
2009 Jan 26
glm StepAIC with all interactions and update to remove a term vs. glm specifying all but a few terms and stepAIC
...*** This all seems to be as it should. I then decided to try and confim this result by running a glm without any of the 5 potential cubic terms ( note - TRI:I(TRI^2) was the only one that made it into the final model but there were 5 potential). After entering the 73 potential terms (12 primary vaiables and now 66 minus 5 interactions = 73 total), the glm and stepAIC produces a completely different final model. It has 8 variables that were not in the model that was chosen with scope statement and manually removing TRI:TRI^2, and it is missing 7 variables that were in the model chosen with the sco...
2007 Dec 14
Preview Message Before Saving?
Hi all, I''m sure this is really simple, but I can''t seem to figure it out. I want to let users preview their messages before submitting. Something in the form of: def new @post = end def preview #preview message text here #@post =[:post]) <--? end def create #save message on user''s confirmation ... end Have any
2013 Jun 17
SVMREF infinte number of genes
dear all, I am a student in cs college. I would like to know how to plot infinte number of genes after using the svm. the data set i have consists of x which is a matrix of 39 cancer patients [rows] and 2000 gene names [colmns]. each cell is the value of the gene for a particular patient. there are two types of cancer people representedas factor y. here is the code: library(e1071) #load