search for: vadeaths

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 53 matches for "vadeaths".

Did you mean: deaths
2012 May 09
Dotchart showing mean and median by group
Given this example mean.values<-colMeans(VADeaths) mean.values<-apply(VADeaths, 2, mean) median.values<-apply(VADeaths, 2, median) dotchart(VADeaths, gdata=mean.values) dotchart(VADeaths, gdata=median.values) is it possible to ?combine? a single dotchart showing both the mean and the median for each single group (with different plotting s...
2001 Jan 18
dotplot: character size of labels
Dear R users, using dotplot (R1.2.0, WinNT4.0), I am trying to change the character size of the labels of the points: > # example > data(VADeaths) > dotplot(VADeaths, main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940") > # I'd like to have smaller character size of the labels (for age and population groups) > ?dotplot > # for argument "cex", this says: "Setting cex to a value smaller than one can be a useful way...
2006 Dec 28
Plot window - save as Postscript question
...l subtitle will appear, when changing the aspect ratio of the plot window with the mouse to a wide format. But does not work when using the save as postscript menu item from the plot window. is there any solution for that? opar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2), oma = c(0, 0, 1.1, 0)) mp <- barplot2(VADeaths) # default mp <- barplot2(VADeaths) # default mp <- barplot2(VADeaths) # default mp <- barplot2(VADeaths) # default par(opar) Regards Knut
2008 Apr 18
Vertical bars with barchart
Hallo, What is the right way to get vertical bars in a barchart? For instance barchart(VADeaths, key=simpleKey(colnames(VADeaths),points=F,rectangles=T)) gives what I need, only I would like the bars to be vertical. But barchart(VADeaths,horizontal=F, key=simpleKey(colnames(VADeaths),points=F,rectangles=T)) does not give what I need, and I do not understand how to change the dimensio...
2005 Nov 14
bug/feature with barplot?
...p. This is mostly problematic when I make R figures using scripts, since I sometimes have empty input groups. I have in these cases experienced labeling the empty group as red, and then seeing a bar being red when that bar is actually from a different group. Reproducible example (I hope): barplot(VADeaths, beside=TRUE, col=c("red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "black")) barplot(VADeaths[1:4,], beside=TRUE, col=c("red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "black")) Now, I don't know if this is a bug or a fea...
2012 Oct 19
títulos inclinados
Estimados compañeros, estoy dando vueltas a cómo poner los nombres de las provincias para que se sepa el valor que corresponde a cada una en el siguiente código: barplot(table(dg$prov), xlab="provincias", ylab="Frecuencia") Recuerdo que hubo un mensaje en el foro sobre el parámetro srt=90 para poner los títulos en vertical , pero no logro manejarlo. Gracias, Juan --
2007 Jan 17
label option in 'barplot'?
Hello all, When using the 'barplot' function, how would one go about creating labels on the top of the bars corresponding to the actual frequency values (i.e., the height of the bar). For histograms, one can use the 'LABEL=T' parameter to this effect, but it is not available for barplot. Must one manually create such labels for a barplot (perhaps using mtext)? Thanks.
2004 Jun 09
Dot chart question
Running R 1.8.1 on a Windows machine In dotchart, I would like to shrink the labels on the tick marks (that is, the numbers) without shrinking anything else. I could not find this in either the Rhelp archives or in ?dotchart, which recmmends cex to avoid 'label overlap', but cex shrinks all the characters in the plot. Is there a way to do this? Thanks Peter Peter L. Flom, PhD
2006 Oct 13
Multiple barplots on the same axis
Hi R newbie here :) I need to plot 3 barplots in the same axis, something like | | _ _ _ | | | _ | | _ | | _ | _ | || | _ | || | _ | || | | | || || | | || || | | || || | -+----------------------------------------- | v1 v2 v3 Is there any documentation describing how to achieve that, and
2001 Jan 18
dotplot: character size of labels (PR#816)
...acter size of labels > > On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, RINNER Heinrich wrote: > > > Dear R users, > > > > using dotplot (R1.2.0, WinNT4.0), I am trying to change the character > size > > of the labels of the points: > > > > > # example > > > data(VADeaths) > > > dotplot(VADeaths, main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940") > > > # I'd like to have smaller character size of the labels (for age and > > population groups) > > > ?dotplot > > > # for argument "cex", this says: "Setting c...
2001 Feb 05
Bar widths in barplots don't change
Is the width= parameter in barplot() supposed to work? I couldn't get it to work in my plot, and even in the example, data(VADeaths, package = "base") barplot(VADeaths, width=rep(0.1, 4)) the plot looks identical regardless of what I put in for the width. I looked at the source for barplot() and it looks like it SHOULD work (but what do I know). Am I doing something wrong? ____________________________________________...
2004 Aug 13
barplot and names.arg
R-help Is there any option to get closer the x-axis and names.arg from barplot? Thank you Luis Ridao Cruz Fiskiranns??knarstovan N??at??n 1 P.O. Box 3051 FR-110 T??rshavn Faroe Islands Phone: +298 353900 Phone(direct): +298 353912 Mobile: +298 580800 Fax: +298 353901 E-mail: luisr at Web:
2006 Oct 13
Need help with barplots
I`ve read all the manuals and still couln`t find what is the difference between the stacked and side-by-side barplots ? Could you explain me ? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Nov 10
ggplot2 problem in interacting mode
...blem as following: > library(ggplot2) Loading required package: reshape Loading required package: plyr Attaching package: 'reshape' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:plyr': round_any Loading required package: grid Loading required package: proto > data(VADeaths) > pg <- ggplot(melt(VADeaths), aes(value, X1)) + geom_point() + + facet_wrap(~X2) + ylab("") > print(pg) Error in get("transform", env = ., inherits = TRUE)(., ...) : attempt to apply non-function My R package information is : > library(plyr) > sessionInfo() R...
2004 Nov 24
reshaping of data for barplot2
Dear All, I have the following data coming out from s <- with(final, summarize(norm, llist(gtt,fdiab), function(norm) { n <- sum(! s <- sum(norm, na.rm=T) binconf(s, n) }, type='matrix') ) ie gtt fdiab norm.norm norm.norm2 norm.norm3 18
2005 Jul 04
Rotate legends or other approaches to nice legend placement?
I'm sure this general sort of question has been asked many times before - I would _like_ automatic and sensible legend placement in barplots so data is not overwritten... but since there doesn't seem to be one, one of the following would be useful: One approach for this would be to place the legend to the right of the graph, and rotate it by 90 degrees. Is there a sensible way to do
2005 May 04
Plotting means and confidence intervals by group factor using lattice graphics?
...ntervals by group factor in a lattice graph. I can not find any working lattice examples. Maybe a custom panel function is the answer, but that is a bit beyond me for now. The individual plots within the lattice graph could look like this: # Example with confidence intervals and grid hh <- t(VADeaths)[, 5:1] mybarcol <- "gray20" ci.l <- hh * 0.85 ci.u <- hh * 1.15 mp <- barplot2(hh, beside = TRUE, col = c("lightblue", "mistyrose", "lightcyan", "lavender"), legend = colnames(VADeaths), ylim = c(0, 10...
2002 Jun 24
Hi, a couple of simple graphics questions: 1. I have a little function that makes bar plots. Now I would like to limit the Y-axis outside this function (that means after calling the barplot() command) depending on the data to be plotted . Does anyone know how to do this ??? 2. When using barplot() and limiting the yAxis, R draws the bars below the x-axis. How can I avoid this problem ??
2009 Feb 02
Broke ggplot...
...t maybe it is because the caffeine has worn off or maybe it is late in the day.   I thought I was beginning to understand ggplot, but I have encountered a silly little issue.   For some reason the following does not produce a histogram with fill due to the Person's characteristics: (Note that VADeaths_flat_df$Data works fine...)     VADeaths_df<-data.frame(VADeaths) VADeaths_flat_tmp1<-data.frame(Data=as.numeric(as.character(VADeaths_df$Rural.Male)), Person="Rural.Male") VADeaths_flat_tmp2<-data.frame(Data=as.numeric(as.character(VADeaths_df$Rural.Female)), Person="Rural....
2011 Jan 26
Varios dotplot en la misma grafica
Buenos dias a todos quisiera meter dos o mas "dotplot" dentro de la misma gráfica. Lo intento con par(mfrow=c(2,2)), pero no me lo permite. Sí puedo hacerlo en cambio con los Boxplot. Es posible hacerlo pero me falta algun detalle, o simplemente no se puede?? Muchas gracias Jose Luis [[alternative HTML version deleted]]