search for: v_c

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2008 Nov 09
attr.all.equal() and all.equal(attributes(), attributes())
...attributes I receive the answert NULL. If the attributes differ, the answer is as expecxted and differences are shown. all.equal(attributes(), attributes()) instead returns TRUE, if attributes are equal. See example: v <- 1:5 attr(v, 'testattribute') <- 'testattribute v' v_c <- v attributes(v) $testattribute [1] "testattribute v" attributes(v_c) $testattribute [1] "testattribute v" all.equal(v, v_c) [1] TRUE attr.all.equal(v, v_c) NULL << - - - - - - - - - - here is, what I don't expected all.equal(attributes(v), attributes(v_c)) [1]...
2018 Feb 02
R-gui sessions end when executing C-code
...temp; double error_i_c; /* Make ready vector froms input */ PROTECT(q); n_prot++; PROTECT(v); n_prot++; PROTECT(psi); n_prot++; double *v_c; v_c = REAL(v); double *psi_c; psi_c = REAL(psi); /* Initialize new vectors not given as input */ SEXP q_copy = PROTECT(duplicate(q)); n_prot++; double *q_c; q_c = REAL(q_copy);...
2005 Jan 19
Off topic -- when is max min = min max?
...e m x n reward matrix and x and y are vectors of probabilities summing to 1 (constituting the row player's and and column player's ``mixed'' strategies, respectively). Note that x' means ``x transpose''. The value of the game to the column player is (the negative of) v_c = min max x'Ay y x These two values, i.e. v_r and v_c, are equal --- as one might hope. (One man's ceiling is another man's floor, as Paul Simon puts it.) ***Proving*** that they are equal is done (in game theory books) by setting the problem up as a linear programmin...
2013 Mar 21
missing space in R version specifier makes PACKAGES file unreadable by install.packages()
Hi, After updating to R-3.0 beta r62328, I get the following: > install.packages("Biobase", type="source", repos="http://george2/BBS/2.12/bioc") Error in, list(v_c, v_t[[op]])) : could not find function "R (>=2.15.1)" The problem can be fixed by adding a space after >= in the offending package's DESCRIPTION file and re-generating the PACKAGES file with tools:::write_PACKAGES(). However, this worked OK in r62077. I'm not sure if &gt...
2000 May 03
Combinatorics for nonparametric tests
...all.perm which delivers all permutations of 1,2,...,n and which works reasonably well. This can be used to generate P(R=r) of Spearman's rank correlation: n_6;plot(table(apply(all.perm(n),1,cor,y=1:n)),type="h") all.perm_function(n){ p_matrix(1,ncol=1) for(i in 2:n){p_pp_cbind(p,i) v_c(1:i,1:(i-1)) for(j in 2:i){v_v[-1] p_rbind(p,pp[,v[1:i]])}} p} Until now I hesitated to dwell on writing functions to generate all n!/(k!(n-k)!) k-combinations of an n-element set or more generally all n!/(k_1!k_2!...n_k!) choices of placing n objects into k boxes where box j has n_j objects. N...
2013 Nov 02
[PATCH] key exchange proposal
Am 02.11.2013 um 11:38 schrieb Aris Adamantiadis <aris at>: > RFC4251 describes mpint to be multi-size and with positive values having > MSB clear, so it's clearly incompatible with raw string. > > Since you both agreed on the curve25519 implementation to use, I'll work > today on Markus' patch to make the changes Damien wanted. What do you want to