search for: v_2

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2020 Jun 24
Loop vectorization and unsafe floating point math
...uot;. But given this example (see also ) //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // clang -O3 -Rpass=loop-vectorize -Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> double v_1 = -902.30847021; double v_2 = -902.30847021; int main() { #pragma clang loop vectorize_width(2) unroll(disable) for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { v_1 = v_1 * 430.33975544; } #pragma clang loop unroll(disable) for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { v_2 = v_2 * 430.33975544; } printf("v_1: %f\n",...
2004 May 07
plotting planes and lines in wireframe()
...lation.... Hmm... Somewhat related, I would also like to plot a line in 3 d space... Finally, if you are feeling really brave, I am interested in doing all of this based on sums generating vectors (I know there is a linear algebra term for this) -- ie generate the plane based on c_1*v_1 + c_2*v_2 for c_1 and c_2 in reals. Thanks again to all you helpful folks! W
2006 Jun 30
lme and SAS Proc mixed
...ds nested within each refseqid, and 16 probenos nested within each of the probeids. I have specified in the SAS Proc Mixed procedure that the variance-covariance structure is to be compound symmetric. Therefore, the variance-covariance matrix is a block diagonal matrix of the form, V_1 0 0 0 V_2 0 0 0 V3 where each V_i represents a RefSeqID. Moreover, for each V_i the structure within the block is v_{11} v{12} v_{21} v{22} where v_{11} and v_{22} are different probeids nested within the refseqid, and so are correlated. The structure of both v_{11} and v_{22} are compound symm...
2006 Jun 30
SAS Proc Mixed and lme
...ds nested within each refseqid, and 16 probenos nested within each of the probeids. I have specified in the SAS Proc Mixed procedure that the variance-covariance structure is to be compound symmetric. Therefore, the variance-covariance matrix is a block diagonal matrix of the form, V_1 0 0 0 V_2 0 0 0 V3 where each V_i represents a RefSeqID. Moreover, for each V_i the structure within the block is v_{11} v{12} v_{21} v{22} where v_{11} and v_{22} are different probeids nested within the refseqid, and so are correlated. The structure of both v_{11} and v_{22} are compound symme...
2010 Oct 01
Question about Reduce
Hello! In the example below the Reduce() function by default assigns "a" to be the last accumulated value and "b" to be the current value in "x". I could not find this documented anywhere as the default settings for the Reduce() function. Does any sort of documentation for this behavior exist? x <- c(0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,8,5,10)
2009 Aug 13
metafor random effects meta-analysis
Hello, Great to see the new metafor package for meta-analysis. I would like to perform a meta-analysis in which I initially calculate the intercept of the model with a nested random-effects structure. In lme, this would be model<- lme(v3~1, random=~1|species/study, weights = varFixed(~Wt), method = "REML") where multiple effects sizes are measured for some studies and more than
2009 Mar 19
function question
Dear R Gurus: I read somewhere that functions are considered vectors. Is this true, please? thanks Edna Bell
2011 Jan 17
How to still processing despite bug errors? consistent but > only the 3SLS estimator is (asymptotically) efficient. Under the > alternative hypothesis the 2SLS estimator is consistent but the > 3SLS estimator is inconsistent. > > The Hausman test statistic is > > m = ( b_2 - b_3 )' ( V_2 - V_3 ) ( b_2 - b_3 ) > > where $b_2$ and $V_2$ are the estimated coefficients and their > variance covariance matrix of a _2SLS_ estimation and $b_3$ and > $V_3$ are the estimated coefficients and their variance covariance > matrix of a _3SLS_ estimation. > > =...