search for: v5

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2668 matches for "v5".

2007 May 14
Conditional Sums for Index creation
...get the total value of the portfolio on a daily basis, I calculate rowSums of the data.frame. > set.seed(1) > ab <- matrix(round(runif(100)*100),nrow=20,ncol=5) > ab[1:5,4:5] <- NA > ab[6:10,5] <- NA > ac <- <= 7,NA,ab)) > ac V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 1 27 93 82 NA NA 2 37 21 65 NA NA 3 57 65 78 NA NA 4 91 13 55 NA NA 5 20 27 53 NA NA 6 90 39 79 26 NA 7 94 NA NA 48 NA 8 66 38 48 77 NA 9 63 87 73 8 NA 10 NA 34 69 88 NA 11 21 48 48 34 24 12 18 60 86 84 NA 13 69 49 44 35 64 14 38 19 24 33 88 15 77 83 NA 48 78 16 50 67 10 89 80 17 72 79 32...
2010 Oct 31
PTC Pro Engineer WildFire V5 M060 WIN32 MAGNiTUDE
[Image: ] PTC Pro Engineer WildFire V5 M060 WIN32 MAGNiTUDE | 3.07 GB Integrated 3D CAD/CAM/CAE Solutions for Any Size Design Challenge Customer requirements may change and time pressures may continue to mount, but your product design needs remain the same. Regardless of your project's scope, you need a powerful, easy-to-use, affo...
2002 Apr 10
Principal Component analysis question
...too newbie. I used the sample data from Table 1.1 in "Manly (1986/1994) Multivariate Statistical Methods: a primer. Chapman and Hall" on sparrow body measurements. I rescaled the data to mean 0 and SD 1, and the covariance matrix is: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V1 1.0000000 0.7349642 0.6618119 0.6452841 0.6051247 V2 0.7349642 1.0000000 0.6737411 0.7685087 0.5290138 V3 0.6618119 0.6737411 1.0000000 0.7631899 0.5262701 V4 0.6452841 0.7685087 0.7631899 1.0000000 0.6066493 V5 0.6051247 0.5290138 0.5262701 0.6066493 1.0000000 Now when I call princomp [fun<...
2006 Aug 03
get() in sapply() in with()
...rame, but did not succede. Below is a simplified example. It is possible to use sapply() within a with() function, it is also possible to use get() within a with() function, but when I try to use get within sapply within with I arrive at "Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "v5" was not found". Is there a solution? Thanks, Heinz T?chler ## example df1 <- data.frame(v5=16:20, v6=21:25, v7=I(letters[16:20]), v8=letters[16:20]) with(df1, sapply(c('v5', 'v6'), get) ) ## Error, see next line ## Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable...
2012 Apr 19
mlogit learning error
I am learning five mlogits as follows v1.model<-mlogit(v1~1|v2+v3+v4+v5,, reflevel="1") v2.model<-mlogit(v2~1|v1+v3+v4+v5,, reflevel="1") v3.model<-mlogit(v3~1|v1+v2+v4+v5,, reflevel="1") v4.model<-mlogit(v4~1|v1+v2+v3+v5,, reflevel="1") v5.m...
2009 Mar 31
Factor Analysis Output from R and SAS
...ngs are different. I did real dataset(n=264), however, I had an extremely different from R and SAS. Why this things happened? Which software is correct on? Thanks in advance, - TY #R code with example data # A little demonstration, v2 is just v1 with noise, # and same for v4 vs. v3 and v6 vs. v5 # Last four cases are there to add noise # and introduce a positive manifold (g factor) v1 <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,4,5,6) v2 <- c(1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,3,4,3,3,3,4,6,5) v3 <- c(3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,5,4,6) v4 <- c(3,3,4,3,3,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,5,6,4) v5 <- c(1...
2005 Oct 20
search a value in variables dataset
Dear R-list, I have a dataset, say (the real dataset is 20 columns,110200 rows). > my.reducedID V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 [1,] 1 0 0 1 14 3 1 0 2 [2,] 2 0 0 1 14 3 1 0 2 [3,] 0 1 0 1 14 2 1 0 2 [4,] 0 0 1 1 14 3 1 0 2 [5,] 0 1 1 0 14 2 1 0 2 [6,] 0 0 0 1 14 3 1 0 2 [7,] 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 2 [8,] 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 0...
2001 Mar 20
Kerberos v5 and GSSAPI support in OpenSSH
An updated version of my patch for Kerberos v5 support is now available from This patch includes updated Kerberos v5 support for protocol version 1, and also adds GSSAPI support for protocol version 2. Unlike the Kerberos v5 code (which will still not interoperate with
2008 Oct 09
Reading zipped data directly from an FTP url
Hi Sorry, I am clearly missing something here. I want to read this file directly: zip I tried using read.table(gzfile("")) But I got an error: Error in open.connection(file, "r") : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning message: In open.connect...
2009 Aug 16
Hi , I am using the plot function for some data , and the plot is coming back pure black , with scales on the side . Regards Malcolm [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 28
Looking for example of usage of function unz
I would greatly appreciate some example of correct usage of function unz. I have to download and uncompress the following web compressef file: I tried the following command that does not work: Targets.rec <- readLines(zz <- unz("")) Thank you in advance, Maura tutti i telefonini TIM! [[alternative HTML version de...
2018 Mar 29
[DWARFv5] Assembler syntax for new line-table features
...allow the file number on the .file directive to have file number 0. There is special handling in the AsmParser to allow accepting ".file 0" when we're not actually emitting DWARF 5, the root source file is kept in a separate field and not in the normal file table. If MC does emit a v5 .debug_line section, then it dumps that file entry first before the rest of the file table. I've addressed the latest can't-build-Linux revert of my patch by suppressing both the md5 clause and '.file 0' for pre-v5. That way the feature is there for people experimenting with v5, b...
2018 Mar 28
[DWARFv5] Assembler syntax for new line-table features
TL;DR: If I'm trying to define new assembler directive syntax to support DWARF v5, it seems like a good idea for all the various assemblers out there in the world to support the same syntax. How would I go about negotiating that syntax with other assembler providers? Is GNU as the only really relevant one? Long version: DWARF v5 introduces a couple of new features in the .deb...
2013 Apr 10
means in tables
Hi. I have 2 tables, with same dimensions (8000 x 5). Something like: tab1: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 14.23 1.71 2.43 15.6 127 13.20 1.78 2.14 11.2 100 13.16 2.36 2.67 18.6 101 14.37 1.95 2.50 16.8 113 13.24 2.59 2.87 21.0 118 tab2: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 1.23 1.1 2.3 1.6 17 1.20 1.8 2.4 1.2 10 1.16 2.6 2.7 1.6 11 1.37 1.5 2.0 1.8 13 1.24 2.9 2.7 2.0 18 I need generate a table of averages, the el...
2003 May 20
How to use pakcage SEM
Hi. I have tried to use Package "SEM". As a learning, I try to convert a program running well of EQS which is as follows to SEM: ### EQS ### /SPECIFICATION CAS=100; VAR=5 MAT=COR; ANA=COR; /EQUATIONS V1=*F1+E1; V2=*F1+E2; V3=*F1+*F2+E3; V4=**F1+*F2*E4; V5=*F2+E5; /VAR E1 TO E5=*; F1*1.0; F2=1.0; /COV E1,E2=*; F1,F2=*: /PRINT FIT ALL; /MATRIX ...... /END This is the converted SEM program. ###<-matrix(c( 1.00,0,0,0, 0, 0.38,1.00,0,0, 0, 0.52,0.28,1.00,0,0, 0.55,0.32,0.38,1.00,0, 0.36,0.40,0.48,0.31,1.00 ),ncol=5,byrow=T)<-matr...
2013 Jun 30
Help: argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA
...ructure(c(2L, 4L, 4L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 4L, 2L, 4L, 4L, 2L, 4L, 2L, 2L, 4L, 4L, 2L, 2L, 4L, 4L), .Label = c("NEG", "NON", "POS", "SUI"), class = "factor"), ? ? V4 = c(2L, 5L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 5L, 4L, 5L, 1L, 5L, 4L, 3L, 4L, ? ? 0L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 3L, 5L, 0L), V5 = c(1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, ? ? 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L), ? ? V6 = c(598L, 95L, 142L, 83L, 143L, 167L, 32L, 129L, 31L, ? ? 136L, 2L, 142L, 23L, 160L, 105L, 144L, 64L, 152L, 71L, 129L ? ? )), .Names = c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4"...
2009 Nov 08
look up and Missing
HI R-Users Assume that I have a data frame 'temp' with several variables (v1,v2,v3,v4,v5.). v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 1 2 3 3 6 5 2 4 2 0 2 -9 5 4 3 6 2 1 3 4 1, I want to look at the entire row values of when v2 =-9 like 2 -9 5 4 3 I wrote K<- list(if(temp$v2)==-9)) I wrote the like this but it gave me which is not correct...
2009 Sep 24
P-value and R-squared variable selection criteria
...ata from 10 climate stations distributed in my area of interest. I have to fit the climate model from the data to get temperature for each month. And I need to use p-value and r-squared adjusted from the model to obtain the best fit. I'll put an example. My climate data will be: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 1 1 18 3 6 187 2 2 21 6 8 68 3 3 23 9 5 42 4 4 19 8 2 194 5 5 17 3 2 225 (V1 - climate station, V2 - temperature, V3 - Latitude, V4 - Longitude, V5 - Altitude) I fit the model to the data fit(V2~V3+V4+V5, data=clima) And I get Call: lm(formula = V2 ~ V3 + V4 + V5, data = cli...
2009 Aug 11
loadings function (PR#13886)
Full_Name: Mike Ulrich Version: 2.9 OS: Mac OSX Submission from: (NULL) ( The help documentation for loadings() lists more then one parameter. The function call only expects one parameter. The digits, cutoff, and sort parameters are not used in the function. ## S3 method for class 'loadings': print(x, digits = 3, cutoff = 0.1, sort = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class
2018 Mar 29
[DWARFv5] Assembler syntax for new line-table features on the .file > directive to have file number 0. There is special handling in the > AsmParser to allow accepting ".file 0" when we're not actually emitting > DWARF 5, the root source file is kept in a separate field and not in the > normal file table. If MC does emit a v5 .debug_line section, then it dumps > that file entry first before the rest of the file table. > So .file 0 is accepted and ignored pre-5? & that's to support some weird/old assembly? > I've addressed the latest can't-build-Linux revert of my patch by > suppressing bo...