search for: usuful

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 133 matches for "usuful".

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2009 Dec 14
[LLVMdev] clang and static functions
Hi, Sorry for not being specific. I just wanted to know if there is any way at all to force clang to generate intermediate code for static functions when they are not being called anywhere inside the current module. Other compilers seem to generate intermediate code (lcc, for instance). Thanks for your reply..Olivier. Sincerely Arvind On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Olivier Meurant
2009 Dec 14
[LLVMdev] clang and static functions
Ah ok. Sorry. :) I think that argument "-femit-all-decls" will help you. Olivier. On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 9:18 PM, Arvind Sudarsanam < arvind.sudarsanam at> wrote: > Hi, > > Sorry for not being specific. I just wanted to know if there is any > way at all to force clang to generate intermediate code for static > functions when they are not being
2009 Dec 14
[LLVMdev] clang and static functions
Hi, I am trying to compile a single module (dgemm.c) using clang and generate dgemm.ll. Command: clang -emit-llvm dgemm.c -S -o dgemm.ll Some of the functions are declared as static and clang ignores these functions: One of the functions is: static void innerloop(double a, const double* b, double* c, double beta) { *b = a*beta; return; } Is there any way to make clang generate llvm code
2010 Mar 23
usuários não consegues acessar pastar compartilhadas após upgrade do samba
Oi F?bio. Pelo IP tamb?m n?o acessa. A minha suspeita de que era um problema ligado a interface est? errada. Aleat?riamente usu?rios nas duas interfaces perdem o acesso. Ainda assim, somente usu?rios com Windows XP tem esse problema. Vou testar suas indica??es. F?bio Rabelo wrote: > > > 2010/3/23 Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac <lscarneiro at > <mailto:lscarneiro
2009 Dec 14
[LLVMdev] clang and static functions
Hi Arvind, you need to use it effectively : static int add(int a, int b) { return a+b; } int use() { return add(4,5); } ==> ; ModuleID = '<stdin>' target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32" target triple = "i386-pc-linux-gnu" define i32 @use()
2010 Feb 25
read.table (trying one more time)
Hey listers, I've posted this doubt other day... But I am still having a hard time... I have a MAC and I am not getting how to use the read.table command... At the bottom of the FINDER application I have the following path: Macintosh HD>Usu?rios>User>Marcio>UdeM>Travail Dirig?>Data>MU284 Population.txt I didn't find out how I could copy and paste this path as it is
2010 Oct 14
R on a ma c
Hello, Is R very compatible with a Mac? A colleague of mine indicated that everyone he knows with a Mac has problems with R. What can you tell me about using R with a Mac. What do I need to download? I have downloaded the basic R package. Thanks, -- Tiffany Kinder MS Student Department of Watershed Science Utah State University [[alternative HTML version
2004 Sep 15
well-known groups and i18n
I'm confused with group mappings. I have a win2k pt_BR server in native mode. After joining the domain (samba-3.0.7) and configuring winbind, I have these standard groups: # getent group (...) MYDOMAIN\Computadores do dom?nio:x:16777216: MYDOMAIN\Controladores de dom?nio:x:16777217: MYDOMAIN\Administradores de esquemas:x:16777218:MYDOMAIN\Administrador MYDOMAIN\Administra??o de
2010 Jul 15
[LLVMdev] Trying to access the user defined variable name
Hi Devang, Thanks for your reply. You mentioned " First parameter is the compiler generated temp. and 3rd parameter provides info about the variable, including its name 'u'." I did manage to get this far. But, I am finding it difficult to access this info using LLVM APIs. The third parameter is of type "metadata". So I was able to access it by casting it to MDNode.
2003 Jul 14
Expiração de Senha e Disk Quota no Samba
Algu?m sabe como posso fazer para controlar tamanho de espa?o em disco que o usu?rio pode utilizar? (Disk Quota) Gostaria que determinados usu?rios s? pudessem gravar at? um determinado tamanho em disco. Outra d?vida que tenho ? como posso fazer para que as senhas sejam alteradas de tempo em tempo. Existe alguma ferramenta que force o usu?rio trocar sua senha em determinado tempo? Valeu Vitor
2003 Sep 24
Privileges of administrator
As I can obtain privileges of administrator in the client computer from where a user join in the Samba domain
2004 Aug 17
Samb a 3.0.5 LDAP Question
I already have LDAP setup fro other purposes and I'm using {MD5} passwords in ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com What are the correct settings in smb.conf? is is possible to use stored md5 passwords? Thanks in advance Jeff Saxton
2010 Jul 15
[LLVMdev] Trying to access the user defined variable name
On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Arvind Sudarsanam <arvind.sudarsanam at> wrote: > Hi Devang, > > Thanks for your reply. You mentioned > " First parameter is the compiler generated temp. and 3rd parameter > provides info about the variable, including its name 'u'." > > I did manage to get this far. But, I am finding it difficult to
2004 Jul 02
htb: class 10007 isn''t work conserving ?!
I''m getting the following error/warning at some point in my config script, and I''m not sure which class it is referring to. htb: class 10007 isn''t work conserving ?! I [think I] understand that htb is a non-work-conserving qdisc, and I [think I] have configured things so that every htb qdisc I instantiate limits the bandwidth, so I don''t understand why this
2002 Feb 28
theoretical question
i have heard some stories from some people who claim to have been able to set up a partition in linux and install win98 via wine and then having it fire up. i know wine isnt designed for this purpose but apparantly it has been done....who knows, maybe someone is pulling my leg. i'm just wondering if there is anyone out there who has pulled this off and if so how did they go about doing it. i
2008 Jul 07
SIGPIPE in assorted apps after "yum update"
Hello, I have several systems which I recently updated with yum -y update to all the latest packages. These systems use yum-priorities and use the CentOS (priority 1) EPEL (priority 5) and rpmforge (priority 10) repositories. After the updates, dhcpd stopped working with a SIGPIPE error which occurs shortly after it attempts to fork into the background. I worked around that problem by building
2008 Jan 17
Problems with sqlserver 2000 and ActiveRecord
Hi, I''m getting some trouble in connecting to a sql server 2000 database with ActiveRecord-2.0.1 and ruby 186-26, from win XP. Using the next conenction config: ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "sqlserver", :database => "nombre_bd", :username => "usu", :password => "contra" ) I have the next error:
2006 Nov 27
Problema ao Logar no Dominio
Boa Tarde, Estou com problemas para autentica??o de meus computadores no dominio samba. Quando tento pelo pr?prio windows ou na m?o pelo console adicionar uma m?quina ao dominio, ela ? cadastrada com sucesso, ela fica em ou=Computers,dc=xxx,dc=xxx por?m o smbd a procura em people o que resulta que meus usu?rios n?o conseguem logar... assim ... ao inves de o sambra procurar em ou=Computers ele
2004 Jul 09
RE: the "cisco vs. Linux" thread
FYI this topic has been covered on the Zebra and Quagga lists - hardware processors, memory, NICs, etc - software OS (Linux, *BSD), drivers, etc I''ve been running a couple of Linux routers for about 2 years now, I''m using them as core routers so I bought a couple of rackmount "server" boxes with redundant PSUs and h/w RAID (1) for hotswap disks. I''m using
2009 Dec 04
[LLVMdev] regarding getelementptr
Hi, I have been working towards generating my own IR code from llvm IR. I have hit a stumbling block with respect to "getelementptr" used inside another llvm instruction. Example: %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i32]* @k, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %tmp2 ; <i32*> [#uses=1] I am unable to get a handle on the second "getelementptr" in this