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2007 May 14
Userrights problem: Samba PDC + OpenLDAP
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Hello there,
i have a new problem with my samba :-).
i'd created a new user in the OpenLDAP. Then i joined the Domain and
tried to browse in the homedir of the new user.
Here are the rights under Linux:
[16:27:52] jens@saphira:~ > ll
total 1.8M
drwxrwx--- 7 jens Domain Users 632 May 14 16:27 .
drwxrwxrwx 15 nobody root 360 May
2003 Jan 13
Exporting samba mount via NFS
Perhaps I'm trying to do something that is not allowed, but I have found
no such restriction in the documentation.
To limit the contact of my Linux boxes with the "products of Bill &
Co.", I have mounted a Windows share on my Linux server. When I try to
export that same share from the Linux server (as a plain old NFS
volume), it mounts without error, but the mountpoint
2003 Feb 12
Access Denied when connect to samba box
I have MS domain, based on MS Windows 2000 Server. I successfully joined
my samba box (Linux 2.5.53, Samba 2.2.4) to domain via smbpasswd -j
DOMAIN -r DC -Uuser%pwd.
So when I try to open Samba box via network neighbornhood I got pop-up
window with inputs of username and password, I tape valid values and got
this popup again. In samba log I see this:
[2003/02/12 09:27:58, 0]
2005 Oct 11
synchronise time
in my logon.bat file i put : net time \\admin /SET /YES to synchronise
computer time with the server.
This works when the user who is login in has administrator rights on the
How can i do with users who are just "member of the domain"? Is there a
way to run this command "as administrator" ?
Thanks for any help