search for: userprimary

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 56 matches for "userprimary".

2007 Jul 21
dict package: dictionary data structure for R on CRAN or retiring it to /dev/null. The design makes it fairly easy to add additional hashing functions, although currently this must be done in C. If nothing else, this package should be useful for evaluating hashing functions (see the vignette for some examples). Source: R-2.6.x: R-2.5.x: Windows binary: R-2.5.x: + seth -- Seth Falcon | Computational Biology | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
2010 Dec 23
python-like dictionary for R
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has played around this this package called "rdict"? It attempts to implement a hash table in R using skip lists. Just came across it while trying to look for simpler text manipulation methods: Cheers, Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jan 26
RSQLite 0.6-7 -- changes to dbGetQuery semantics
...t now issues a warning. It is best practice to explicitly close open result sets before issuing further queries. These changes are in response to the following discussion on the r-sig-db list: + seth -- Seth Falcon | seth at | blog: _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2008 Jan 26
RSQLite 0.6-7 -- changes to dbGetQuery semantics
...t now issues a warning. It is best practice to explicitly close open result sets before issuing further queries. These changes are in response to the following discussion on the r-sig-db list: + seth -- Seth Falcon | seth at | blog: _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2012 Jan 04
Error formal argument "softmax" matched by multiple actual arguments
...essage : formal argument "softmax" matched by multiple actual arguments Here the dependent variable "custcat" is a factor with 4-levels. This error does not crop up for any other arguments of nnet(), including entropy=TRUE, linout=TRUE and censored=TRUE This post : identifies the error message formal argument "< >" matched by multiple actual arguments as a bug arising out of the R-internals function matchArgs...
2008 Jan 31
segfault in gregexpr()
Hi, Tried with R 2.6 and R 2.7: > gregexpr("", "abc", fixed=TRUE) *** caught segfault *** address 0x1c09000, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: gregexpr("", "abc", fixed = TRUE) Possible actions: 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled) 2: normal R exit 3: exit R without saving workspace 4: exit R saving workspace
2008 Feb 21
Suggestion: isLoaded() to test if a package is loaded (without loading it)
Hi, for 'affxparser' (Bioconductor), we needed a function to test if a certain package was loaded or not, but we did not want to load it if it wasn't, which is why we couldn't use require(). We came up with the following solution: isPackageLoaded <- function(package, version=NULL, ...) { s <- search(); if (is.null(version)) { s <-
2008 Jun 04
RSQLite bug fix for install with icc
Seth, I encountered problems installing RSQLite, R-2.7.0, on RHEL4 using Intel 10.1 icc, My sysadmin helped me track down the problem and kindly forwarded me the fix, which corrected the problem. What follows is from the sysadmin. Mark I looked at the error, looks like there is a bug in the source code. I've attached a new tarball, hopefully fixed. I added #include <sys/types.h>
2007 Nov 14
isOpen on closed connections
As far as I can tell, 'isOpen' cannot return FALSE in the case when 'rw = ""'. If the connection has already been closed by 'close' or some other function, then isOpen will produce an error. The problem is that when isOpen calls 'getConnection', the connection cannot be found and 'getConnection' produces an error. The check to see if it is
2010 Aug 13
64 bit RSQLite
Hi folks, Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit Where can I find 64 bit RSQLite? It seems not there; RSQLite: SQLite interface for R TIA B.R. Stephen L
2008 Sep 15
S4 coercion responsibility
Should functions or the user be responsible for coercing an S4 object argument containing the proper object (and thus should below be considered a bug in the packages or not)? The example is with RSQLite but the same thing happens with RMySQL, and other DBI packages. > library("RSQLite") Loading required package: DBI > m <- dbDriver("SQLite") > con <-
2009 Jan 29
Side-effects of require() vs library() on x86_64 aka amd64
RDieHarder fails its regression tests on x86_64 (aka "amd64") at CRAN (using Debian), and I see the same on Ubuntu 8.10 in 64 bit. No issues on 32bit. One odd thing is that the program behaves well if run via R --no-save < tests/RDieHarder.R but NOT when started using R --slave < tests/RDieHarder.R as R CMD check does. So I tried different things related to startup
2010 Mar 10
RSQLite 0.8-4 now on CRAN
...The return value is the same as rbind'ing the results of the individual queries. This means that parameters that return no results are ignored in the result. Full NEWS items available here: + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2010 May 07
Release announcement: RSQLite 0.9-0 now with more BLOBs
...or the manager handle. This should make use of RSQLite with the multicore package easier. * RSQLite now depends on R >= 2.10.0 You can read more details about these and other changes here: + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2010 May 30
New package RSQLite.extfuns and minor upgrade for RSQLite
...e has been modified to provide the SQLite header files in the installed include directory so that RSQLite.extfuns (and other packages wishing to provide SQLite extension functions) can use LinkingTo. The default value of loadable.extensions is now TRUE. + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2007 Aug 06
Problems with expresso
Hello, I want to use expresso for preprocessing the hgu133a-spikein data from affycompII. But there is an error: > library(affy) > path <- "z:/Microarray/hgu133a-spikein/rawdata" > celFile <- list.celfiles(path=path,full.names=TRUE); > affyBatch <- ReadAffy(filenames=celFile[1:6]); > eset1 <-
2007 Aug 07
S4 methods: unable to find an inherited method
Hello all, I consider myself pretty new to the whole OO based programming so I'm sorry if I'm doing something stupid. > xml<-read.metlin(url) Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function "read.metlin", for signature "url" >read.metlin standardGeneric for "read.metlin" defined from package
2010 Jan 26
[Fwd: Re: question on sqldf syntax]
Sorry mistake from me. This was another problem in my mind , but with RMySQL. Christian > library(RMySQL) > library(sqldf) > sqldf("Select * from mtcars") Fehler in mysqlNewConnection(drv, ...) : RS-DBI driver: (Failed to connect to database: Error: Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: NO) ) Fehler in if (dbname ==
2007 Sep 13
Call C code from R
Hello, All! I have function which is written in C, the function uses other functions also builded bu me. Now I need to use the function to build R function. My questions are: 1. How can I include libraries (for example, iomanip, sstream, tcl.h)? 2. Should I put other function to the separate file and then include the file? Thanks All :) Olga [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 10
RSQLite 0.8-4 now on CRAN
...The return value is the same as rbind'ing the results of the individual queries. This means that parameters that return no results are ignored in the result. Full NEWS items available here: + seth -- Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at