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2013 Nov 22
Re: HA: Accessing iSCSI disc images from the RHEV Manager using libguestfs
On 11/22/2013 10:26 AM, Исаев Виталий Анатольевич wrote:
> Thanks, Itamar. Hooks are really great tool.
> No doubt we will use them.
> But I still need some clarification about interaction between hooks (on the manager's side) and libguestfs (on the side of hypervisor/storage).
these are vdsm-hooks, they run on the host, not on the engine (manager).
the engine does allow you, if
2013 Nov 21
Re: HA: Accessing iSCSI disc images from the RHEV Manager using libguestfs
On 11/22/2013 12:02 AM, Исаев Виталий Анатольевич wrote:
>> i may be missing something, but wouldn't vdsm hooks be a better fit:
>> http://www.ovirt.org/VDSM-Hooks
>> for example, I think the "checkimages" one would cover what you are
>> trying to do already?
> Thank you, this hook was useful, but "gemu-img check" command is