Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches for "usedynlib".
2009 Jun 24
loadNamespace and useDynLib
I am considering a package with a namespace (Rgraphviz from Bioc). I
essentially want to have some error handling for loading the dll,
something like wrapping it into tryCatch or similar (reason: see
below). Right now I am loading the dynamic libraries by useDynLib in
my NAMESPACE file. When I look at the code from loadNamespace, I have
the impression that what I want is impossible (.onLoad and the user
settable hooks are called after the dynamic libraries have been
loaded). Is that true? And is the only way to proceed, to not use
useDynLib in my NA...
2011 Apr 20
useDynLib in older versions e.g. (2.10)
Has something changed regarding the useDynLib in the NAMESPACE file in
packages? I've written a package that works in e.g. 2.12/2.13 but simply
cannot find the dynamic library under windows. The version on CRAN is
older than the one I'm talking about and depends on a newer version of R
but I want to make the package available to pe...
2014 Jul 06
...venient if one could change the
package name in only one place (the DESCRIPTION file) and have that
propagate to all other uses of the package name in the package.
Suppose the package were named "myPkg". Then the problem areas are:
1. The NAMESPACE file has myPkg hard-coded like this:
useDynLib(myPkg, .registration=TRUE)
2. The configure.ac file has myPkg hard-coded like this:
AC_INIT([myPkg], 1.0.0)
3. There are various references to myPkg hard-code throughout the R
code, e.g. myPkg::myFun, but I am ok here as I assume this would work
where an .onLoad would be used to grab the package...
2011 Nov 13
Roxygen2: version 2.2
...setting non-ASCII encodings when needed.
(Fixes #7)
* `write.description()` now tries much harder to respect
users' original DESCRIPTION field formatting instead of forcibly
re-wrapping certain fields at 60 characters.
* `@details` and `@description` now work correctly
* `@useDynLib` now works correctly:
@useDynLib packageName routine1 routine2
useDynLib(packageName, routine1)
useDynLib(packageName, routine2)
in the NAMESPACE file, instead of separate (wrong) useDynLib statements as
* All namespace import directives now behav...
2011 Nov 13
Roxygen2: version 2.2
...setting non-ASCII encodings when needed.
(Fixes #7)
* `write.description()` now tries much harder to respect
users' original DESCRIPTION field formatting instead of forcibly
re-wrapping certain fields at 60 characters.
* `@details` and `@description` now work correctly
* `@useDynLib` now works correctly:
@useDynLib packageName routine1 routine2
useDynLib(packageName, routine1)
useDynLib(packageName, routine2)
in the NAMESPACE file, instead of separate (wrong) useDynLib statements as
* All namespace import directives now behav...
2004 Aug 04
installing package with version number using namespaces & dynamic library
...nLoad failed in loadNamespace
Error in library("RIO_1.4.0") : package/namespace load failed
Without the '--with-package-versions' option the installed package loads without
problem with the call
file Namesapce defines (amoung other directives):
I also tryed
to no avail. But RIO/libs contains the file RIO.so anyway.
I checked in 'Writing R Extensions" section 'Package name spaces' but did not
find an answer.
Any hints?
Matthias Burger...
2011 Jun 03
Checking and building package
I am truing to compile an R-package having c-code. I put foo.c in src/
folder and useDynLib("foo") in NAMESPACE file. When trying R CMD check,
I got an error message that shared object 'foo' is not found. Then I did
R CMD SHLIB foo.c first. However, after that, I got warnings from R CMD
check that there is an object file in /src folder. Even worse is if I
run R CMD S...
2004 Sep 19
Namespace problem
Now I try to add some C and Fortan code to my package, so the NAMESPACE
file is
importFrom(survival, Surv)
export(mlreg.fit, risksets)
but I get
* checking R files for library.dynam ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error in .try_quietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
2024 Oct 25
Good practice for packages with Fortran and C code
...e Fortran is ancient and I am started to convert it to Fortran 2018 (thanks ChatGPT). To have a mixture of Fortran and C code in a package I have had a src/init.c file that provides names for routines of the form F77_name, and I called the routines with .Fortran(F77_name, ...) and in NAMESPACE had useDynLib(package name, .registration=TRUE, .fixes="F_").
Now I find that I can get rid of init.c, and change NAMESPACE to use useDynLib(package name, list of compiled routine names) (without .registration and .fixes) after making sure the Fortran and C routines are not named the same as the pack...
2017 Feb 14
Registration of native routines
...nit_pkgname and so need the registration info to
be merged.
Most of the rest fail because of errors in the package but some try to
do tricky things computing names of routines, and this is noted in the
skeleton output.
A few of you are using the older mechanism of specifying entry points in
a useDynLib call in the NAMESPACE file. This shares the first and fourth
benefits (but registration is faster), but not the second and third.
$5.4 of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual has been re-written with a
worked example of adding registration.
Shortly, R CMD check --as-cran will note if regis...
2024 Oct 25
Good practice for packages with Fortran and C code
? Fri, 25 Oct 2024 15:03:54 -0500
fh at fharrell.com ?????:
> Now I find that I can get rid of init.c, and change NAMESPACE to use
> useDynLib(package name, list of compiled routine names) (without
> .registration and .fixes) after making sure the Fortran and C
> routines are not named the same as the package name. The routines
> are called using .Fortran(binary module name, args) or .Call(C binary
> module name, ...).
2016 Jun 30
Calling C implementations of rnorm and friends
...th their number of parameters. I retrieve rnorm from the list and
pass it on to .Call, which then works fine.
However, is there an easier way to do this? Specifically, I would like to
call the DLL registered routines from within functions in a package I am
writing. The manual tells me I should use useDynLib(). So if I added
useDynLib("stats") to my namespace, would that work? Could I then have a
function such as:
function(x, y, z) .Call(C_rnorm, x, y, z)
in my package? If not, what is the proper way of calling these functions
from other packages? Should I use "C_rnorm" or &qu...
2009 May 27
"Error: package/namespace load failed"
...s compiled C or Fortran code, but I have none of that in my code. I imagine this is a simple problem (perhaps with my NAMESPACE file), but I don't know what it is. (The text of the NAMESPACE file is at the bottom of this e-mail.)
Thank you in advance for your help!
export(AutoCorrelationLRtest, FixedEffectsTree, RandomEffectsTree,
LMEpredict, PredictionTest, RandomEffectsTree, RMSE, simpleREEMdata,
REEMtree, FEEMtree)
2010 Nov 12
unloading compiled code.
...s to do this? What is the popper accepted current standard
for unloading compiled code?
The options as I understand them are:
1. dyn.unload
2. library.dynam.unload
used with either
A. .Last.lib
B. .onUnload
If it makes a difference my package does use a NAMESPACE so the
package is loaded through useDynLib.
Andrew Redd
2004 Jul 08
building packages with NAMESPACE
...imple package with NAMESPACE file,
such that datasets are loaded only dynamically.
> a2 <- function(x=a1) x+4
> a1 <- 1:10
> package.skeleton("aaa", list=c("a1", "a2"))
Then I modified the help files and added the file NAMESPACE with these
2 lines:
export(a1, a2)
Then "R CMD BUILD aaa" works fine, but "R CMD CHECK aaa" gives:
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking R files for library.dynam ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(p...
2019 Feb 01
Set the number of threads using openmp with .Fortran?
...to use:
!$call omp_set_num_threads(ncores)
!$omp parallel private(iam)
!$omp critical
write(*,*) 'Hello from', iam
!$omp end critical
!$omp end parallel
end subroutine hello
end module hello_openmp
*and this is my R function:*
#'@useDynLib helloOpenMP, .registration = TRUE
hello <- function(ncores=4) {
.Fortran("hello", ncores = as.integer(ncores))
*Alas, when I call hello things only run with one thread:*
> hello(ncores = 2)$ncores
Hello from 0
[1] 2
Could you point me in the right direction? Wha...
2019 Feb 02
Set the number of threads using openmp with .Fortran?
...ork on windows, is that correct?*
If so, what should I do? differently?
To get it to work on Linux, I modified my R script as follows:
#' OpenMP Hello World
#' @param nthreads The number of threads that you want to use
#' @example
#' hello(nthreads=2)
#' @export
#' @useDynLib helloOpenMP, .registration = TRUE
hello <- function(nthreads=4) {
return('Each thread will say hi to you!')
> hello(nthreads = 2) Hello from 0
Hello from 1
[1] "Each thre...
2009 Oct 26
Help with namespace
...ems. I do build, check, and install all without fail and can use these functions in an R session.
Now, I add in a namespace file in the top level directory and, following the namespace example found at the link below, I construct a namespace that has the following in it:
### begin namespace file
### end namespace file
Because I don't want there to be an .Rd file for the function f I remove it from the "man" directory. I say remove because I use package.skeleton() and it automatically creates an empty...
2016 Jul 01
Calling C implementations of rnorm and friends
...orm from the list and
>> pass it on to .Call, which then works fine.
>> However, is there an easier way to do this? Specifically, I would like to
>> call the DLL registered routines from within functions in a package I am
>> writing. The manual tells me I should use useDynLib(). So if I added
>> useDynLib("stats") to my namespace, would that work? Could I then have a
>> function such as:
>> function(x, y, z) .Call(C_rnorm, x, y, z)
>> in my package? If not, what is the proper way of calling these functions
2006 Sep 12
Memory problems with a custom R package
// std::cout << "My first R Package Test." << std::endl;
I also wrote an R wrapper called hello as follows:
*** helloworld.R
hello <- function()
.Call("helloworld", PACKAGE="MyPackage");
The namespaces file (NAMESPACE) is as follows:
I have compared mine against other package sources available that do the
same thing and cannot find the key difference.
Thank you for your help in advance,