search for: uregina

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "uregina".

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2020 May 27
Changing the BLAS from openblas on a F32 box ?car -- Gavin Simpson, PhD [he/him/his] [t] +1 306 337 8863 ? Research Scientist [f] +1 306 337 2410 Institute of Environmental [tw] @ucfagls Change & Society [w] University of Regina [w] Regina, SK S4S 0A2, Canada [iD] 0000-0002-9084-8413 ? Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, University of Regina.
2007 Jan 12
help.start()'s error redirection fails to hide mozilla's "No running window found" message (PR#9452)
Full_Name: John Jorgensen Version: 2.4.0 OS: Solaris 9 Submission from: (NULL) ( This is not a serious problem, but while trying to understand some difficulties that R had finding our copy of mozilla, I noticed that the browseURL() function defined in help.start.R includes the lines: system(paste(browser, remoteCmd, "2>&1 >/dev/null ||",
2020 May 27
Changing the BLAS from openblas on a F32 box ?car -- Gavin Simpson, PhD [he/him/his] [t] +1 306 337 8863 ? Research Scientist [f] +1 306 337 2410 Institute of Environmental [tw] @ucfagls Change & Society [w] University of Regina [w] Regina, SK S4S 0A2, Canada [iD] 0000-0002-9084-8413 ? Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, University of Regina.
2020 May 27
Changing the BLAS from openblas on a F32 box
On Wed, 27 May 2020 at 21:40, Gavin Simpson <ucfagls at> wrote: > > Thanks I?aki, that is exactly what i was looking for, esp the last > option which I have now configured as an alias for easy remembering. > > I can answer the question re USE_LOCKING=1. I think that using both > those options is required to get thread-safety even if openblas was > compiled for
2020 May 26
Changing the BLAS from openblas on a F32 box
...est Gavin -- Gavin Simpson, PhD [he/him/his] [t] +1 306 337 8863 ? Research Scientist [f] +1 306 337 2410 Institute of Environmental [tw] @ucfagls Change & Society [w] University of Regina [w] Regina, SK S4S 0A2, Canada [iD] 0000-0002-9084-8413 ? Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, University of Regina.
2020 May 27
Changing the BLAS from openblas on a F32 box
Of course, even a simpler trick is to launch R as follows: LD_PRELOAD=/lib64/atlas/ R and then the symbols in libsatlas take precedence over libopenblas. Or a mix between both alternatives, i.e., setting LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/some/link R and then change that link to point to openblas, atlas... Whatever suits you best. I?aki On Wed, 27 May 2020 at 11:00, I?aki Ucar <iucar at
2013 Jun 07
gamm in mgcv random effect significance
Dear R-helpers, I'd like to understand how to test the statistical significance of a random effect in gamm. I am using gamm because I want to test a model with an AR(1) error structure, and it is my understanding neither gam nor gamm4 will do the latter. The data set includes nine short interrupted time series (single case designs in education, sometimes called N-of-1 trials in medicine)
2005 May 05
New/Changed users can't login to samba PDC
Hello, I'm running Samba 3.0.9 on SuSE Enterprise Linux Server 9.0. Samba is acting as a PDC for Win2K/XP systems. I upgraded this system from samba 2.x running on Mandrake 10. I brought over the old smbpasswd file. Domain logons work just fine. Today I changed a users password with smbpasswd and now they can't logon to any domain member workstation. I also created a new
2011 Dec 06
Why can't I figure this out? :S
Hi, so I don't speak computer and I have no idea what this code is telling the program to do, but I apparently need to be able to find and isolate influencial observations. Problem, I have no idea what the error means and where it may be from in the code. error I get is below the code { ## OLS results NameC<- lm(gpanew~female+female:lastinit+agenew+canadian+mom_ed+yearstudy) ## default: