Displaying 20 results from an estimated 794 matches for "uq".
Did you mean:
2007 May 01
[Fwd: Re: [R-downunder] Beware unclass(factor)] (PR#9641)
...re. But see
for why the bug is not in R: your old and new data do not match.
Your fit is to a category.
[The problem with the web interface to R-bugs was reported last week: it
is being worked on.]
On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, r.darnell at uq.edu.au wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --------------040101030901070905010208
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> The following "issue" was found using
> > version
2010 Nov 26
get list index
...didate (Confirmed)
Landscape Ecology and Conservation Group
Centre for Spatial Environmental Research
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia
Telephone 61-7-3365 4370, Mobile 0410884610
Email l.cattarino@uq.edu.au
Internet http://www.gpem.uq.edu.au/cser <http://www.gpem.uq.edu.au/cser>
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jul 13
modifying vector elements
...didate (Confirmed)
Landscape Ecology and Conservation Group
Centre for Spatial Environmental Research
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia
Telephone 61-7-3365 4370, Mobile 0410884610
Email l.cattarino@uq.edu.au
Internet http://www.gpem.uq.edu.au/cser <http://www.gpem.uq.edu.au/cser>
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jul 02
cache most-recent dispatch
...paste <- selectMethod(paste, class(x[[1]]))
sapply(x, paste, collapse="+")
lst <- split(rep(LETTERS, 100), rep(1:1300, 2))
microbenchmark(fun0(lst), times=10)
## Unit: milliseconds
## expr min lq median uq max neval
## fun0(lst) 4.153287 4.180659 4.513539 5.19261 5.280481 10
microbenchmark(fun0(lst), fun1(lst), times=10)
## > microbenchmark(fun0(lst), fun1(lst), times=10)
## Unit: milliseconds
## expr min lq median...
2010 Nov 16
simulate survival data using median survival time
...D| Biostatistician | Queensland Clinical Trials & Biostatistics Centre
The University of Queensland | School of Population Health | Building 33, Level 1| Princess Alexandra Hospital |Ipswich Road | Woolloongabba QLD 4102 | Australia Ph: +61 7 3176 3062| Fax: +61 7 3176 6826 | Email: k.klein at uq.edu.au | Web: http://www.sph.uq.edu.au/qctbc
2015 Jan 26
speedbump in library
...n% loadedNamespaces()
f2 <- function(pkg) !is.null(.getNamespace(pkg))
pkg <- "foo"; (mbM <- microbenchmark(r1 <- f1(pkg), r2 <- f2(pkg))); stopifnot(identical(r1,r2)); r1
## Unit: microseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
## r1 <- f1(pkg) 38.516 40.9790 42.35037 41.7245 42.4060 82.922 100 b
## r2 <- f2(pkg) 1.331 1.8285 2.13874 2.0855 2.3365 7.252 100 a
## [1] FALSE
pkg <- "stats"; (mbM <- microbenchmark(r1 <- f1(pkg), r2 <- f2(pkg))); stopifnot(identical(...
2003 Nov 04
help with nomogram function
...imits defined by datadist
I get an error. The NA values in ddist seem to be the problem but I
don't understand the datadist information.
Can anyone help explain why this is failing.
Ross Darnell
University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4067 AUSTRALIA
Email: <r.darnell at uq.edu.au>
Phone +61 7 3365 6087
2005 Apr 13
A suggestion for predict function(s)
fit = fit, se.fit = se.fit,
residual.scale = residual.scale)
#______________________ end of R code
Ross Darnell
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072 AUSTRALIA
Email: <r.darnell at uq.edu.au>
Phone: +61 7 3365 6087 Fax: +61 7 3365 4754 Room:822, Therapies Bldg.
2017 Mar 17
Support for user defined unary functions
Your example
x = 5
exp = parse(text="f(uq(x)) + y +z") # expression: f(uq(x)) +y + z
# -> the language object f(5) + y + z
could be done with the following wrapper for bquote
my_do_unquote <- function(language, envir = parent.frame()) {
if (is.expression(language)) {
# bquote does not go...
2017 Aug 04
Why is as.function() slower than eval(call("function"())?
...(a, b) as.function(c(a, list(b)), env = parent.frame())
a <- as.pairlist(alist(x = , y = ))
b <- quote(x + y)
microbenchmark(make_fn_1(a, b), make_fn_2(a, b))
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# make_fn_1(a, b) 1.671 1.8855 2.13297 2.039 2.1950 9.852 100 a
# make_fn_2(a, b) 3.541 3.7230 4.13400 3.906 4.1055 23.153 100 b
At first I thought the gap was due to the overhead of calling c(a, list(b)). But this turns out not to be the case:
2004 Jul 19
Could someone tell me where i can download the latest version of SSLeay. I
have tried the following sites:
* <ftp://ftp.psy.uq.oz.au/pub/Crypto/SSL/>
* <ftp://ftp.uni-mainz.de/pub/internet/security/ssl>
* <ftp://ftp.cert.dfn.de/pub/tools/crypt/sslapps>
* <ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/crypt/mirrors/ftp.psy.uq.oz.au>
* <ftp://ftp.sunet.se/ftp/pub/security/tools/crypt/ssleay>
None of these will let me ac...
2011 Jan 10
tmpfs regression in recent -STABLE
...*BUT* the /tmp partition shrinking to a ridiculous size. /tmp only has
the usual stuff on it, as I can now no longer create temporary files
% du /tmp
4 /tmp/.X11-unix
0 /tmp/.XIM-unix
0 /tmp/.ICE-unix
0 /tmp/.font-unix
4 /tmp/ssh-tEgl0QxQHp
4 /tmp/ksocket-uqs
12 /tmp/kde-uqs
4 /tmp/fam-uqs
8 /tmp/.vbox-uqs-ipc
0 /tmp/worker-uqs
44 /tmp
Anything I could try?
2010 Aug 11
storing the results of an apply call
...didate (Confirmed)
Landscape Ecology and Conservation Group
Centre for Spatial Environmental Research
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia
Telephone 61-7-3365 4370, Mobile 0410884610
Email l.cattarino@uq.edu.au
Internet http://www.gpem.uq.edu.au/cser <http://www.gpem.uq.edu.au/cser>
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Mar 23
NLME Covariates
...y advice?
Dr Robin Martin
School of Psychology
University of Queensland
Brisbane, QLD 4072
Level 1, Room 132, McElwain Bldg
tel. +61 7 3365 6392
fax. +61 7 3365 4466
email r.martin at psy.uq.edu.au
web-page http://www.psy.uq.edu.au/people/personal.html?id=275
2018 Mar 13
Possible Improvement to sapply
FYI, in R devel (to become 3.5.0), there's isFALSE() which will cut
some corners compared to identical():
> microbenchmark::microbenchmark(identical(FALSE, FALSE), isFALSE(FALSE))
Unit: nanoseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
identical(FALSE, FALSE) 984 1138 1694.13 1218.0 1337.5 13584 100
isFALSE(FALSE) 713 761 1133.53 809.5 871.5 18619 100
> microbenchmark::microbenchmark(identical(TRUE, FALSE), isFALSE(TRUE))
Unit: nanoseconds
expr min lq mean median uq...
2018 Feb 11
Parallel assignments and goto
...ders of magnitude slower than the first version.
> microbenchmark::microbenchmark(factorial(100),
+ factorial_tr_1(100),
+ factorial_tr_2(100))
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
factorial(100) 53.978 60.543 77.76203 71.0635 85.947 180.251 100
factorial_tr_1(100) 9.022 9.903 11.52563 11.0430 11.984 28.464 100
factorial_tr_2(100) 5870.565 6109.905 6534.13607 6320.4830 6756.463 8177.635 100
Is there another way to do par...
2018 Feb 27
Parallel assignments and goto
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?factorial_tr_manual(1000),
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?factorial_tr_automatic_1(1000),
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?factorial_tr_automatic_2(1000))
Unit: microseconds
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?expr ? ? min ? ? ?lq ? ? ?mean ? median ? ? ? ?uq ? ? ?max neval
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? factorial(1000) 884.137 942.060 1076.3949 977.6235 1042.5035 2889.779 ? 100
? ? ? factorial_tr_manual(1000) 110.215 116.919 ?130.2337 118.7350 ?122.7495 ?255.062 ? 100
?factorial_tr_automatic_1(1000) 179.897 183.437 ?212.8879 187.8250 ?195.7670 ?979.352 ? 100
2017 Nov 20
Small performance bug in [.Date
Hi all,
I think there's an unnecessary line in [.Date which has a considerable
impact on performance when subsetting large dates:
x <- Sys.Date() + 1:1e6
#> Unit: microseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> x[1] 920.651 1039.346 3624.833 2294.404 3786.881 41176.38 100
`[.Date` <- function(x, ..., drop = TRUE) {
cl <- oldClass(x)
# class(x) <- NULL
val <- NextMethod("[")
class(val) <- cl
2018 Mar 13
Possible Improvement to sapply
...names(answer) <- X
if (simplify && length(answer))
simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == "array"))
else answer
> microbenchmark(sapply(myList, length), times = 10000L)
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
sapply(myList, length) 14.156 15.572 16.67603 15.926 16.634 650.46 10000
> microbenchmark(mySapply(myList, length), times = 10000L)
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
mySapply(myList, length) 13.095 14.864 16.02964 15.2...
2010 Oct 11
running R script on linux server
Hi R-users,
I have a problem running my R code on a Linux cluster. What I did was
write a .pbs file to instruct the cluster on what to do and how:
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -M uqlcatta@uq.edu.au
#PBS -N job1_lollo
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:NodeType=fast:mem=8GB
#PBS -l walltime=999:00:00
source /usr/share/modules/init/bash
module load R/2.11.1
The .pbs file calls a .sh file, which is...