search for: upperkbps

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "upperkbps".

2000 Aug 28
Book descriptions?
...w A-E. What exactly does this mean? How does it translate to higher and lower sampling frequencies and bit rates? Ideally I'd like something in the 11kHZ, 8bit mono area... I also noticed this struct: /* CD quality stereo, no channel coupling */ vorbis_info info_B={ /* channels, sample rate, upperkbps, nominalkbps, lowerkbps */ 0, 2, 44100, 0,0,0, /* smallblock, largeblock */ {256, 2048}, ..... Does this mean I can just start tweaking away by changing the channels, sample rate upper, nominal and lower? I'm guessing no, since I'm pretty sure this must screw up some math somewhere.....