search for: unles

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2008 Apr 19
mailtrain with dovecot antispam plugin
Hello all, and Johannes if you're around, I was trying to set up the "new" antispam plugin with the mailtrain backend, and i was trying to use the sendmail binary that's part of a qmail system. The message wouldn't get sent and i kept getting exit error 100 from the /var/qmail/bin/sendmail binary. To try to figure out what was happening, i mean a fake sendmail program,
2010 Oct 08
login_* options for 1.0.15
Hello all, Although i'm aware that version 1.0.15 is rather old, that's what is used in Lenny, so... Either way, the setup is rather simple, regular dovecot install, with maildirs residing on a "local" ext3 filesystem accessed through FC to a SAN (2Gbps link). The server has 2 cores (with HT), so "almost" 4 cores and 3GB of ram. A couple weeks ago we had a major
2007 Jun 15
converting character strings to numbers
I have a comma delimited text file in which many columns of numbers are also quoted and have commas as well as decimals. I was surprised to find read.csv() didn't import this seamlessly, even after messing around with the colClasses argument. I did find a solution to convert the character strings after reading them in, but wonder if there isn't a better one I overlooked. test =
2010 Nov 21
R help
Dear All, I'm a beginner user in R and I would like to make a quadratic and plateau model in R. Can you help please with an example? Thanks so much -- Ahmed M. Attia Assistant Lecturer El-Khattara farm Station Agronomy Dept., Zgazig Univ., Egypt Visiting Scientist Haskell Agricultural laboratory Agronomy and Horticultural Dept., Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln ahmedatia at
2015 Nov 20
yum errors
I have inherited centos 6.3 and 6.2 vms in an esxi environment. When I do yum provides ntpd on the 6.3 box I get a lot of errors like: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 -
2009 Mar 08
Using account alias as login
Hello, I use dovecot with a LDAP backend for user account and aliases. The aliases are objects of the class couriermailalias. Some users would like to use the alias address as POP/IMAP login instead of the 'true' account. Is this possible?. I am using dovecot version 1.0,10, from ubuntu hardy packages. Thanks for any answer, Javier
2008 Apr 21
odd behaviour with antispam plugin
hey, in my dspam database there has been some odd behaviour: during training dspam had created an uid entry named by the local part of the email. i.e.: user1 I use a virtual setup using dovecot, postfix and postfixadmin. On my first try I set up a database for dspam itself and there this happened. After I couldn't figure out how to solve this, I merged the database into the postfixadmin
2008 Feb 04
backup strategy
what's the prefered way to backup users mail? i use doevcot shipping with debian/etch an maildir. thanx -- jochen
2008 Feb 11
mailbox not acceced
Hi I wonder how can I know if a mailbox is not beeing consulted. I mean I have severals mailboxs but I know some account are not used. I like to know how to determine wich mail accounts are not beeing used. Is there any way in dovecot to know the las time a user loged in to dovecot? Thanks
2007 Nov 15
Is there any way to query a secure imap server for certificate details
? -- ==== Stewart Dean, Unix System Admin, Henderson Computer Resources Center of Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 12504 sdean at voice: 845-758-7475, fax: 845-758-7035
2007 Apr 02
testing LDAP connections
Hello all, I haven't looked into the source code, but i suspect that LDAP connections, once established, are not tested properly. My scenario is the followind: Dovecot server <--------> firewall <---------> LDAP backend What happens is that the firewall has a security feature which basically make de firewall box "forget" about connections that are idle for more
2007 Feb 01
Multiple Trash patch for DSPAM plugin
Hello all, First of all my respects to Johannes for the nice dspam plugin he created. Unfortunatly i got stuck with a problem in that same plugin since it didn't allow the use of more than one Trash folder. That can be an issue if you have a wide variety of clients working in a wide variety of languages. Not all use the english "Trash" for that folder. I've written a small
1998 Jun 29
Samba1.9.16 <>
All, I have an entry in a user's log file that is as follows: 06/26/98 19:11:11 chdir(getwd: can't stat .) failed in unbecome_user Does anyone have ideas as to why this occurs? It happens *VERY* often when it occurs - like 40 times per second...and is generating huge log files. I found the entry in the code, and could comment it out, but I want to know why it's happening.
2010 Dec 08
Dovecot as IMAP proxy to Exchange
Hello list, I'm looking into the possibility to setup dovecot to act as an IMAP proxy to an Exchange server. Things i know beforehand: - I will not be able to use the ldap (Active Directory) user DN for auth binds (but i discovered that i could could use the user userPrincipalName attribute as bind DN. I tested it using ldapsearch and it worked fine.) - I will not be able to perform any
2010 May 20
POP3 Problem with SPAM-Mail's over sieve
Hi together, i am currently using dovecot 1.2.10 with the sieve-plugin and use a sieve-filter to sort the SPAM-Mail's directly into a Junk-Folder: require "fileinto"; # rule:[junkfilter] if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" { fileinto "Junk"; } My problem is now, if i try to retrieve the Mails via POP3, i did not get the SPAM-Mail's in the
2012 Mar 31
unable to move temporary installation
Hi all, I'm having a strange error that prevents me from installing new packages, or updating packages after reinstalling. The error message is Warning: unable to move temporary installation ‘C:\Program Files\R\R-2.14.2\library\file15045004ac2\sandwich’ to ‘C:\Program Files\R\R-2.14.2\library\sandwich’ for one of the packages that is failing to install/update. This error started happening
2007 Oct 25
SSL/TLS with Outlook client
I am trying to get TLS to work with Outlook 2007 and I've hit a small problem. Whenever I start it up, I get this error: "The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified. The target principal name is incorrect." (yes/no choice of trusting) I first tried with a wildcard cert (*, and then tried with - both certs
2007 Jun 05
Help with spec controller
Hello, I haven''t been able to create a controller spec. You can see the code here: The error message I''m getting is: Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''PersonController should tell the Person model to create a new person on POST to create'' Mock ''person'' received unexpected message :save with (no args)
2011 Jul 26
Yum Issues ; Segmentation fault
Tried to run yum this morning on CentOS 5.x 64bit and ran into weird issue this morning: [root at server ~]# yum clean all Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Cleaning up Everything Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors [root at server ~]# yum update Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Determining fastest mirrors * base: * extras: * rpmforge: * updates:
2009 Oct 07
Better APPEND performance
Moving a large number of messages into an IMAP folder on a dovecot server takes quite a long time. This is a popular operation for users migrating their stored messages from their old mail servers through a mail user agent, and it causes a poor first impression of dovecot. I'd like your help to speed this up. I have studied this problem in recent versions, including 1.1.[17-19]