Displaying 20 results from an estimated 56 matches for "uncensored".
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2005 Oct 28
Uncensoring a dataset - resent
Does anyone know of an R package that I can use to uncensor a normal or
log-normal dataset? I'm particularly interested in the MLE method of
Cohen (1959), "Simplified estimators for the normal distribution when
samples are single censored or truncated," Technometrics, 1(3), 217-237.
Of course, if there is anything better, I'd be glad to hear about that
2008 Apr 15
...This is a basic question.
I want to fit a Weibull distribution. fitdistr(data, "weibull") works and it
is a maximum likelihood fitting. Is it a good method ? Or is it better to
write a function for the log-likelihood and the gradient and to use a
numerical routine ?
Fitdistr works for uncensored data, but what can I use for censored (and
uncensored) data ?
Thank you very much
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Nov 12
Since I read the list in digest form (and was out ill yesterday) I'm
late to the discussion.
There are 3 steps for predicting survival, using a Cox model:
1. Fit the data
fit <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + ph.ecog, data=lung)
The biggest question to answer here is what covariates you wish to base
the prediction on. There is the usual tradeoff between too few (leave
out something
2001 Jul 26
Installing Smart Suite 97
.../lttsn32.dll is in use by another application and
terminates install. Help me?
BTW I get a message about contacting Microsoft support about mytab11.c.
Well this is a Microsoft clean installation. Took me hours to the point
where the installer will load and run.
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2012 Aug 31
fitting lognormal censored data
...#X2 Covariate=Type of treatment(1=chemo,0=radio) #
L1<-length(cens) #number of censored#
for (j in 1:L1)
if ((cens[j]==1)&(curd[j]==0)) {(cen[j]=1)&(cur[j]=1)}
else {(cen[j]=cens[j])&(cur[j]=curd[j])}
Now, the following is my data:
####### My Data only with uncensored and right censored ####################
#################### Estimation using Surv pakage ############################
survreg(Surv(Ti, Censored)~1, data=data, dist="lognormal")
########### Seperating the data for simply using...
2005 Oct 03
mod_ntlm_winbind on Apache vs. IE6, no POST method
I have setup mod_ntlm_winbind to provide authentication for an Apache
1.3.33 webserver running on Fedora Core 3. The authentication works,
but I have run into a problem when using Internet Explorer.
It seems that the problem might be with Internet Explorer itself, but
here is what I think is happening - the browser will not submit any
forms with a POST method on a website protected with
2012 Jul 03
NADA Data Frame Format: Wide or Long?
...00 ...
$ floor : num 0 0.106 0 231 231 0.011 0 0 0 100 ...
$ ceiling : num 0.005 0.106 1 231 231 0.011 0.001 0.002 0.001 100 ...
The logical 'preeq0' separates sampdate into two groups; 'ceneq1'
indicates censored/uncensored values; 'floor' and 'ceiling' are the minima
and maxima for censored values.
The NADA package methods will be used, but I have not found information on
whether this format or the wide (i.e., spreadsheet) format should be used.
The NADA.pdf document doesn't tell me; at least,...
2010 Jul 07
Appropriateness of survdiff {survival} for non-censored data
I read through Harrington and Fleming (1982) but it is beyond my
statistical comprehension. I have survival data for insects that have
a very finite expiration date. I'm trying to test for differences in
survival distributions between different groups. I understand that
the medical field is most often dealing with censored data and that
survival analysis, at least in the package survival,
2012 Apr 08
Need help interpreting output from rcorrp.cens with Cox regression
x1 = My comorbidity score, x2 = Charlson
Dxy "-0.0605"
S.D. "0.00648"
x1 more concordant "0.4697"
x2 more concordant "0.5302"
n "1.369e+04"
missing "0"
uncensored "9411"
Relevant Pairs "1.587e+08"
Uncertain "2.861e+07"
C X1 "0.395"
C X2 "0.401"
Dxy X1 "-0.21"
Dxy X2 "-0.198"
I am aware that because a high hazard mean...
2012 Aug 17
REPOST: Need help interpreting output from rcorrp.cens with Cox regression
x1 = My comorbidity score, x2 = Charlson
Dxy "-0.0605"
S.D. "0.00648"
x1 more concordant "0.4697"
x2 more concordant "0.5302"
n "1.369e+04"
missing "0"
uncensored "9411"
Relevant Pairs "1.587e+08"
Uncertain "2.861e+07"
C X1 "0.395"
C X2 "0.401"
Dxy X1 "-0.21"
Dxy X2 "-0.198"
I am aware that because a high hazard me...
2009 Sep 08
rcorrp.cens and U statistics
...xp(400) + (x1 - min(x1))
> cens <- runif(400,.5,2)
> death <- d.time <= cens
> d.time <- pmin(d.time, cens)
> rcorrp.cens(x1, x2, Surv(d.time, death))
Dxy S.D. x1 more concordant x2 more concordant n missing uncensored Relevant Pairs
-8.902077e-03 2.649712e-01 4.955490e-01 5.044510e-01 4.000000e+02 0.000000e+00 4.000000e+00 1.348000e+03
Uncertain C X1 C X2 Dxy X1 Dxy X2
1.582520e+05 9.955...
2004 Nov 08
coxph models with frailty
...the following survival data:
n=200 #sample size
x=rbinom(n,size=1,prob=.5) #binomial treatment
v=rgamma(n,shape=1,scale=1) #gamma frailty
w=rweibull(n,shape=1,scale=1) #Weibull deviates
b=-log(2) #treatment's slope
t=exp( -x*b -log(v) + log(w) ) #failure times
c=rep(1,n) #uncensored indicator
id=seq(1:n) #individual frailty indicator
group=rep(1:(n/10), 10) #shared frailty indicator
Then I'm using the survival package in R 1.9.1 to estimate
the following Cox models with frailty:
2001 Nov 18
Printing in Wine
...#39;ve got the correct (as far as I
can tell) PPD file installed. At this point, I'm out of ideas and just
using The GIMP to do window caps to print. I'd much rather do it from
the program, of course.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Drew Dunn
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2011 May 22
How to calculate confidence interval of C statistic by rcorr.cens
...t;] - 1.96*se
Upper95 <- x["C Index"] + 1.96*se
cbind(x["C Index"], Low95, Upper95)
> MyModel.lrm.rcorr <- rcorr.cens(x=predict(MyModel.lrm), S=df$outcome)
> MyModel.lrm.rcorr
C Index Dxy S.D. n
missing uncensored
0.8222785 0.6445570 0.1047916 104.0000000
0.0000000 104.0000000
Relevant Pairs Concordant Uncertain
3950.0000000 3248.0000000 0.0000000
> CstatisticCI(x5factor_final.lrm.pen.rcorr)
Low95 Upper95
C Index 0.8222785 0.8021382 0.8424188...
2012 Aug 29
Estimation parameters of lognormal censored data
Hi, I am trying to get the maximum likelihood estimator for lognormal distribution with censored data;when we have left, interval and right censord. I built my code in R, by writing the deriving of log likelihood function and using newton raphson method but my estimators were too high " overestimation", where the values exceed the 1000 in some runing of my code.
is there any one can
2011 Mar 01
which does the "S.D." returned by {Hmisc} rcorr.cens measure?
Dear R-help,
This is an example in the {Hmisc} manual under rcorr.cens function:
> set.seed(1)
> x <- round(rnorm(200))
> y <- rnorm(200)
> round(rcorr.cens(x, y, outx=F),4)
C Index Dxy S.D. n missing
uncensored Relevant Pairs Concordant Uncertain
0.4831 -0.0338 0.0462 200.0000 0.0000
200.0000 39800.0000 19228.0000 0.0000
That S.D. confuses me!!
It is obviously not the standard deviation of x or y.. but there is only one
realization of t...
2012 Jul 05
reshape2 errors on data frame
...as id variables
> chem.cast <- dcast(chem.melt, site + sampdate + preeq0 + ceneq1 + floor + ceiling ~ param)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'sampdate' not found
Because these data have some censored data there is the logical indicator
(ceneq1) to identify censored and uncensored values the the interval ends
(floor and ceiling) for multiply censored values. One factor of analytical
interest whether the sampdate is pre- or post-event; that uses the logical
indicator preeq0.
Please point out where my melt() and dcast() syntax was incorrect. I will
provide more information...
2004 Mar 24
Support for layers and alpha channel?
...elt prefers not to see female breasts, Dutch start frowning at
genitals and Japanese at pubic hair. Let's just say that MTV Europe is
a strange mix of (un)censorship depending on from who they got a video
and what the target market was. Khia loses lip sync because someone
decided to put the uncensored lyrics under the USA videoclip. Why not
have it all and let the player decide what to play. Multiple layers for
censored and uncensored scenes, bandwidth saved by a composition track
which tells what scenes / layers to show and what can be used in all
movies displayed. Standardized naming of co...
2005 Dec 15
Perhaps silly question - network browse problems...
...viously I'm missing something!
Any help or places to look appreciated.... "testparm" attached
Karl Denninger (karl@denninger.net) Internet Consultant & Kids Rights Activist
http://www.denninger.net My home on the net - links to everything I do!
http://scubaforum.org Your UNCENSORED place to talk about DIVING!
http://genesis3.blogspot.com Musings Of A Sentient Mind
Running 3.0.20b; here's the output of "Testparm"
Load smb config files from /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing sectio...
2013 Jan 24
Difference between R and SAS in Corcordance index in ordinal logistic regression
...to make the calculations faster. The exact calculation
is obtained by running
f <- lrm(...)
rcorr.cens(predict(f), DA), which results in:
C Index Dxy S.D. n missing
0.96814404 0.93628809 0.03808336 32.00000000 0.00000000
uncensored Relevant Pairs Concordant Uncertain
32.00000000 722.00000000 699.00000000 0.00000000
I.e., C=.968 instead of .963. But this is even farther away than the value
from SAS you reported.
If you don't believe the rcorr.cens result, create a tiny example and do the