Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "turgay".
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2005 Dec 25
understanding session fixation attacks
is there a way that, our application can understand wheteher the session id
sent from the browser is forged or created by rails? I understand that if
the attacker guesses session id, theres nothing we can do about it; but can
we understand if he/she is trying to guess by creating random session ids.
Rails mailing list
2006 Mar 29
tagtools vs acts_as_taggable
tagtools and acts_as_taggable are both folksonomy tools for rails,any
one who has used them both and can give a compare between them?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2005 Dec 25
offtopic: which one is faster: file or database?
this topic is not directly about rails but I wanna hear your opinions and
experience in this matter.
you know apache''s access.log .. I am using lighttpd accesslog which is same
as apache for some of my analysis. I copy the log into my database during my
analysis for soem advanced queroies and then delete it. It''s done once a day
on a non-loaded hour (5 am) so it doesnt bring
2005 Dec 21
text search engine ?
Hi there,
What are you using for text search engine in your rails applications ?
I have been using simple search for simple applications, but then I
need to search text in model instances inside collections such as
user.documents and the like. I believe that simple search does not
support any sort of ranged queries, and sql like might be overkill for
tables with lots of records.
2006 Mar 19
Ferret 0.9.0-alpha (port of Apache Lucene to pure ruby)
Hi Folks,
I''ve just released version 0.9.0. This latest version of Ferret is an
alpha release. I have removed the old c extension and Ferret is now
running on a fully ported C library. This has allowed some huge
performance improvements both with regard to memory and CPU usage.
There will probably be a few portability issues to start with. It has
been developed on Linux so it should
2006 Feb 02
redirect_to response code?
I wanted to make some redirects from my old page urls to my new ones.
In order to make google see the pages have moved permanently, I have
to send a 301 moved permanently code to google. when I use redirect_to
it sends a 302 moved temp. code. Can I change this behaviour?
Thanks in advance.
2005 Dec 24
how to access session id
hello great community,
how can I access session id in the controller? couldnt find during my
searches in this list and API doc.
thanks in advance
Rails mailing list
2006 Apr 12
testing tokenizers
is there a way to test tokenizers? I mean, I want to give input stream
and see the output tokens.
AND is there a way to see an indexed document''s index tokens? Which
words in the document are used to index this document?
Thanks in advance
2006 Apr 25
Migrating to 0.9.1
After migrating to 0.9.1, I got:
`const_missing'': uninitialized constant TokenFilter (NameError)
Here is a snapshot of my code:
require ''ferret''
class MyFilter < Analysis::TokenFilter
I works fine on my dev machine, but not a production server (shared
2005 Dec 03
typecasting HashWithIndifferentAccess
I want to typecast an object of HashWithIndifferentAccess (params) to Hash.
Whats the way of doing this (except each?)
Thanks in advance.
Rails mailing list
2006 Jan 27
Multiple Apps running under Lighttpd with scgi on a Windows Box ... possible?
I''ve run into a problem on one of my development machines. I''m trying to
run multiple rails apps on one dev machine that runs Windows. Problem is
that is seems that I can only run one scgi_service at a time, meaning
that only one of my apps will function at a time. Anyone know how I can
get around this, other than getting a *nix box (which I should have
soon, hopefully) ?
2005 Oct 14
Active Record: Prepared Statements?
Hello all,
my first project is on it''s way, and I am loving it!
But, and that''s a big BUT:
Active Record does not use prepared statements! How is that? Everybody is
bragging about performance and the most obvious tuning measure is missing.
Ok, I don''t know, if MySQL can even do them as I am using Postgres, but
I started looking at the code and it is not
2006 Jul 28
rails clock lags
after several hours of use (~100 hours), clocks of my fcgi scripts
starts to desync with system clock.
IS it a bug in ruby/rails/fcgi or is there something like a memory leak
which pushes clock earlier and earlier. is there a way to change clock
within Ruby? Maybe I am manipulatiing time but am not aware of it by
using that function.
any ideas?
thanks in advance
2006 Mar 20
unchanging session id
I have a serious problem that I cannot identify the reason. I am
logging every page access to my site to a table in my database to
track some data, alonside with session, user and client data. I am
seeing that same session id is given to numerous users even if their
host, user-agent access times etc. are completely different. I am
using session.session_id to track this data. and this
2006 Jan 06
bug rails activerecord association join
I found a bug in ActiveRecord association SQL INNER JOIN codes. in
has_many, has_one, habtm and belongs_to queries the foreign key is
determined from the table name of reflection and self. but that''s
worng because if you use a global prefix or suffix for your tables the
foreign keys will be in format of PREFIX_CLASSNAME_SUFFIX_id which is
wrong, because it breaks the advantage of
2006 Jan 25
rails jobs in USA
maybe thats a little bit off-topic but there''s something I wanna know.
which state or city id the heart of web developer jobs in america? I
mean even if I somehow lose my job, in which city I can find a new
and do you know the procedure for immigrant programmers; I mean visa
sponsorship; and does small companies seek for foreign programmers?
can you give experiences and